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CarleyGee 01-06-2009 07:19 AM

Oh no, I should not have found this thread =_=

From Urban Dictionary :


A group of mostly middle-class well-off kids who find imperfections in there life and create a ridiculous, depressing melodrama around each one. They often take anti-depressants, even though the majority don't need them. They need to wake up and deal with life like everyone else instead of wallowing in their imaginary quagmire of torment.


1) a person who likes to dress and act differently to the other people in society, normally in black but some like much brighter colours. They tend to be thinkers and more often than not quite creative. They have a satyrical sense of humour, and are able to laugh at both themselves and other people. This type of goth originated in the late 80's with the "death" of punk; goths back then liked the style and the "protection" it offered and so emulated it in their own style. They listen to and appreciate all sorts of good music. They can be gay/depressed/weird/mentally disturbed, but more often than not they are just normal people.

2) an offshoot of the nu-metal clique who think that to *really* piss off their parents they'll dress all in black and talk about death and suicide whilst listening to Limp Bizkit, Linkin Park and Slipknot because it's "cool". They tend to have very little idea of the other type of goths (or anything else other than themselves for that matter) and will probably change their fashion once it becomes "uncool" again. Thank god.

The Difference between Emo And Goth:
Emos Hate themselves
Goths hate Everyone
Emos Want to Kill themselves
Goths Want to kill Everyone




How is PUNK getting dragged into this?



The wide-spread basic understanding/definition of “punk” includes a basic wanting to be different, is who is different.

The name also came from punk rock. A form of hard-driving rock 'n' roll originating in the 1970s, characterized by harsh lyrics attacking conventional society and popular culture, and often expressing alienation and anger. Rock music with deliberately offensive lyrics expressing anger and social alienation; in part a reaction against progressive rock. (there are other definitions of this on this site way better than this one) This is what started the whole thing. But punk rock goes AGAINST stereotyping, (that would be the conventional society and popular culture) and calling oneself “punk” is just that.

Punks remind me of Anarchists, but PUNK is mostly just a style of music to
me. The people who are "punks" should be referred as something different,
like rebels.

Pexster 01-06-2009 08:13 PM


Inuka23 01-14-2009 12:02 AM

...................................u people dont make sense....if only risa was here to translate........

Aniki 01-14-2009 12:09 AM


Originally Posted by Inuka23 (Post 663626)
if only risa was here to translate........


Salvanas 01-14-2009 12:40 AM


Originally Posted by Inuka23 (Post 663626)
...................................u people dont make sense....if only risa was here to translate........

Oh the irony.

ThirdSight 01-14-2009 09:42 PM


Originally Posted by alexlovesrock (Post 659043)
emo is awesome.... when people say emo is gay, they are actually more gay. they dont even have the confidence to wear makeup and write about their emotions. being truly emo takes a lot of confidence. there are some posers out there, but real emo people, who dress differently and dont buy into the abercrombie macho guy / slutty girl image are in my mind, more confident than those mindless people who just buy into whatever...

although evantually when it gets big enough... people just buy into emo... where do u draw the line?

Gawd, this entire post put the biggest smile on my face, and it's not going away for the whole day!

People like you are either my sunshine on a cloudy day or my 12 Tequila shots, I just can't decide which one.

MarkDuff 01-14-2009 10:33 PM


Originally Posted by Aniki (Post 627265)
1. A strange breed of human that can be identified by stupid haircuts, suicidal tendencies, constant whining, the wearing of tight pants, and usually no boy/girlfriend. Because of this, scientists believe that most males in this species lack reproductive organs.
2. A short version of the word emotional

Things must be different in Eurpoe then dude cuz i look around they all have long hair, tight jeans, barly any of them are suicidal, none of them whin, and they all have a boy/girlfriend, and all the girls are going crazy about them its rediculess

*hugs Inuka* you need to get on <.< I miss you

VampireGirl1314 01-14-2009 10:42 PM

*cough* you should go to Medford Oregon Mark because my sister was all those things she cut chunks of meat out of her arm and she would olay with her blood and she was taken away because of it and the bath tub is the suicide place for her cuts a vein lays in the tub with the water in it and takes a bath in her blood.>.> i know you will think i would turn out the same way well i dont know yet im part way there not half but part way.

and that should be my hug.:rheart:

MarkDuff 01-14-2009 10:51 PM


Originally Posted by VampireGirl1314 (Post 664129)
*cough* you should go to Medford Oregong Mark because my sister was all those things she cut chunks of meat out of her arm and she would olay with her blood and she was taken away because of it and the bath tub is the suicide place for her cuts a vein lays in the tub with the water in it and takes a bath in her blood.>.> i know you will think i would turn out the same way well i dont know yet im part way there not half but part way.

and that should be my hug.:rheart:

never said it was the same every where and you've gotten alote more then a hug ;)

minimin 01-14-2009 10:57 PM

All I know here is my local Starbucks is flooded with all the young "emo" kids. They always hang out there.

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