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NanteNa 12-12-2008 08:06 PM

Arikado@ I really don't agree with that. Just because people out there feel somewhat worse than us it doesn't mean we're not allowed to feel sad because our problems seem to be NOTHING compared to what the third world is going through. Humans THINK a lot about everything. That can cause to depression and alike - whether your country is at war or not.

Pexster & Miyavifan@ Nobody is judging Kyo. If you hadn't noticed this is a SERIOUS discussion on self inflicted pain. One's fandom is not perfect. Neither is yours. It's okay that you stand up for him and whatever, but you guys make it sound like you're all married to the guy and have to stand before him defending his every move. Harming himself is exactly and obviously what he does - it's wrong to some extend, but just like you and me he's an individual and he's his own boss as long as he stays within the words of law. As so many others mentioned already, Rei didn't try to attack Kyo. She used him as an example since most of us here on JF have already seen him and can therefore relate to what she means. It's not personal.
And to you Miyavifan, if you cannot stay impartial just because it's about Kyo, you should be old enough to stay out of the convo.

EDIT; As an add-up to the tattoo/piercing thing. People rarely do it for the pain - they do it for the result of the pain. Cutters don't cut for the scar, aye. They cut for the blood.

Arikado 12-12-2008 08:11 PM


Originally Posted by NanteNa (Post 643804)
Arikado@ I really don't agree with that. Just because people out there feel somewhat worse than us it doesn't mean we're not allowed to feel sad because our problems seem to be NOTHING compared to what the third world is going through. Humans THINK a lot about everything. That can cause to depression and alike - whether your country is at war or not.

I didn't say you shouldn't feel sad about anything, I just said a lot of the "troubles" we worry about shouldn't deserve much thought or so much stress. There are valid things that can cause depression whether we can control it or not, but most shouldn't. That's all I'm saying. It's obviously very difficult to completely rid yourself of stress, but the average person can definitely make a difference in their life if they try to reduce those levels.

NanteNa 12-12-2008 08:16 PM


Originally Posted by Arikado (Post 643809)
I didn't say you shouldn't feel sad about anything, I just said a lot of the "troubles" we worry about shouldn't deserve much thought or so much stress. There are valid things that can cause depression whether we can control it or not, but most shouldn't. That's all I'm saying. It's obviously very difficult to completely rid yourself of stress, but the average person can definitely make a difference in their life if they try to reduce those levels.

Okay then. That made lots more sense. I totally got your point wrong then. I guess you're right. To some extend we COULD minimize all the 'burdens' we carry around, but I think it's become a part of society these days. They nominate countries for having the ''happiest people in the world''. A few times in a row Denmark won and I doubt that we're any happier than many other countries. We're insanely busy labeling each other and minding everybody's but our own business.

Arikado 12-12-2008 08:23 PM


Originally Posted by NanteNa (Post 643815)
Okay then. That made lots more sense. I totally got your point wrong then. I guess you're right. To some extend we COULD minimize all the 'burdens' we carry around, but I think it's become a part of society these days. They nominate countries for having the ''happiest people in the world''. A few times in a row Denmark won and I doubt that we're any happier than many other countries. We're insanely busy labeling each other and minding everybody's but our own business.

Generally Americans are way too busy with random things, rushing around and doing this and that. I notice that drivers on the road are becoming more aggressive and less friendly (although there have always been those kinds of people). My god, high school kids are the worst. I have a bad feeling about my generation of drivers. -.-;; I'll be staying off the road most of the time...

Sorry for going off topic a bit there.

NanteNa 12-12-2008 08:27 PM


Originally Posted by Arikado (Post 643823)
Generally Americans are way too busy with random things, rushing around and doing this and that. I notice that drivers on the road are becoming more aggressive and less friendly (although there have always been those kinds of people). My god, high school kids are the worst. I have a bad feeling about my generation of drivers. -.-;; I'll be staying off the road most of the time...

Sorry for going off topic a bit there.

I get what you mean, really. Everything is so rushed and hectic. I can imagine what kind of pressure people must be feeling to keep up at work, school and among friends. I know a lot of people who keep claiming that they don't care what others think.. but we all know that it doesn't work like that.

Pexster 12-12-2008 08:57 PM


Originally Posted by xYinniex (Post 643777)
*slaps forehead*
Still doesn't make it right.

The topic here is not about KYO, the main topic here is SELF INFLICTED PAIN.

yes i know that.

@NanteNa-yes i know that!
Just making things clear to people.

Yes i know this is a thread to Self Inflicted Pain!!!!!

NanteNa 12-12-2008 08:58 PM

Making WHAT clear? That he can do what he wants? O_Ô We all know that already.

Ramones1976 12-12-2008 09:14 PM


orewasenshi 12-12-2008 09:28 PM

Look, you and Miyavifan say you know and shit but honestly you two keep repeating it over and over again.

Seriously, get the **** over it since nobody wants to hear you complain about Kyo.

Jesus fucking christ.

EDIT: If I get banned for this, at least I got to say what I had to say.

Arikado 12-12-2008 09:33 PM


Originally Posted by orewasenshi (Post 643860)
Look, you and Miyavifan say you know and shit but honestly you two keep repeating it over and over again.

Seriously, get the fuck over it since nobody wants to hear you bitch about Kyo.

Jesus fucking christ.

EDIT: If I get banned for this, at least I got to say what I had to say.

In that case, you need to get over it too. No need to get so angry about it, it's already ended.

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