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VampireGirl1314 03-10-2009 06:58 AM


Originally Posted by Tenchu (Post 682095)
X? You're 13, right?

*cough*14 going on 15, you should really keep an update.:vsign:
but you wanted that pic of me, well there it is im my avitar.
my mom is on the left, im on the right.:D

VampireGirl1314 03-10-2009 07:00 AM


Originally Posted by YukisUke (Post 682327)
No not really. But I guess people who do it feel that the pain is going away by letting the blood flow out of their cuts. NOT COOL!!! :(

hehehe, BLOOD.:D
so pretty isnt it?
oh how i loved seeing that stuff yesterday.>.> <.<
i wasnt the one who did anything.>.>

VampireGirl1314 03-24-2009 10:01 AM

dont listen to me anymore,
cutting can be GOOD,
its better then heartbreak.T_T

jdragon 03-27-2009 01:53 PM

Self-harm is a "coping mechanism"
the SIer has not "properly" learned to cope with issues & so they do what they do~at least thats what I\'ve been told many times. . as an SIer myself. .
I suppose it\'s true. Like me for example! I CANNOT cry. I just can\'t.
I\'ve been told it has something to do with my past, but I don\'t know. .
all I know is that I\'ve been doing this for most of my life without thinking about it. I just do it. I don\'t even recall how it started. I never understood why I did it & I still don\'t completely understand. . .but I do know it doesn\'t make you "emo", it doesn\'t make you cool. I can actually talk about it now...before I was terrified of anyone finding out, but over the years its become okay. I still can\'t just show them to anyone. But, I\'ve learned it really helps to talk about possible reasons behind doing it. I\'m working my way thru it with the help of my FRIENDS, not stupid therapists or psychologists. .they just complicate thingz>_<
One day I remember thinking, "this is wrong. .something must be wrong with me" & to an extent it\'s true.
But..anyway, my thoughts?
You do what you gotta do. Even if you don\'t understand it. What hurts other ppl is a savior to others. It\'s just another way of survival. We\'re humans, we\'ll do whatever it takes to survive.
Sometimes it makes us feel weak for depending on it so much, but it definitely makes us strong enough to keep going.

PS~you have to be an SHer to fairly make the judgement about whether or not it\'s "necessary"~to those who have no clue about it, of course it\'s not gonna seem "necessary", it\'ll seem absurd or stupid.

iPhantom 03-27-2009 07:02 PM

Let me tell you something. Recently I had a big surgery with a big cut and it hurt a lot... so much I couldn\'t think of anything else. That\'s the effect. It makes you concentrate on the wound effect and keeps you away from any other memories.

I couldn\'t fckin think of anything else during that period.

Physical pain kills inner pain... or that\'s my opinion.

Still nobody should harm themselves... deal with life.

LuckyLuck 03-28-2009 04:09 AM

I don\'t understand people who think that cutting is cool or act all cynical about thier lives. Why do they have to cut or try and kill themselves? That\'s so dramatic. Just go eat a snowcone or something. As for music artist advertising it, what the?.. If you want to be hardcore start a revolution, explore a jungle, go rafting..just pick an activity that makes you lose control over your own life. Losing control brings fear, fear makes you forget, fear makes you brave. Bravery, is cool. Holding a sharp object and putting it against your skin, where\'s the fear in that? You have all the power, that\'s no fun.

" I wish my grass was emo so it\'d cut itself."

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