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FreddyLea 12-11-2008 03:34 AM


Originally Posted by TheCrimson (Post 642694)
and Freddy, yeah, i can understand that, but yea, its just people need to find better ways of redirecting their problems, some people need to be taught to clear their heads.

it took me several years to find something 'semi constructive' to do (mountain bike riding) to help control my depression ... some people can not get past the thoughts that they are 'worthless and not capable of doing anything that is good (for them)'

ivi0nk3y 12-11-2008 03:37 AM


Originally Posted by FreddyLea (Post 642703)
it took me several years to find something 'semi constructive' to do (mountain bike riding) to help control my depression ... some people can not get past the thoughts that they are 'worthless and not capable of doing anything that is good (for them)'

I think trying to mask it will just prolong the problem.

The best cure for depression is to accept yourself and what you are. The fact that you are ultimately alone but that you will be fine because you can take whatever is thrown your way.

Whatever happens, happens.

When you can accept that, the depression will never come back.

TheCrimson 12-11-2008 03:37 AM


Originally Posted by FreddyLea (Post 642703)
it took me several years to find something 'semi constructive' to do (mountain bike riding) to help control my depression ... some people can not get past the thoughts that they are 'worthless and not capable of doing anything that is good (for them)'

yeah that's very true. me and my fiance found each other out of fluke, we weren't really looking at the time, but we've both gone through much of the same thing, and i helped him realise he wasn't worthless and he was capable of great things, and he's helped me realise the same thing too. i guess for me, it was important that i could talk to someone who'd listen, someone who'd understand, that's how i got over this.
i think talking to someone is definitely one of the first steps these kids should do. or if you know someone who does this shit, you should get them to talk to someone. i know its a hard situation when its a psychologist or something, its better if its a friend or a family, i think.

@ivi0nk3y - but yeah, i agree with you also, but sometimes the depression can come back in another form, i dont think Freddy's trying to mask it, he's just trying to find something else to do so that he wouldnt feel that way, and i think that's a good first step. i used to write to not feel so shitty about myself.
i think the worst "mask" anyone who's depressed could ever wear is anti-depressants, they just make you feel numb and void of anything.

TheUnknown 12-11-2008 03:38 AM

help menu? Mind Sharing Where That Is?

FreddyLea 12-11-2008 03:42 AM


Originally Posted by ivi0nk3y (Post 642711)
I think trying to mask it will just prolong the problem.

The best cure for depression is to accept yourself and what you are. The fact that you are ultimately alone but that you will be fine because you can take whatever is thrown your way.

Whatever happens, happens.

When you can accept that, the depression will never come back.

there are two options to 'curing' depression one would be like you said, to just accept yourself .. and the other would be to take action to change what you are unhappy about (if it is something that can be physically changed) but that can be a challenge to actually find the root of depression ...

it took me several years to figure out ... now i am working on changing it ... and it has had very positive effects on me, and my relationships.

TheCrimson 12-11-2008 03:46 AM


Originally Posted by FreddyLea (Post 642719)
there are two options to 'curing' depression one would be like you said, to just accept yourself .. and the other would be to take action to change what you are unhappy about (if it is something that can be physically changed) but that can be a challenge to actually find the root of depression ...

it took me several years to figure out ... now i am working on changing it ... and it has had very positive effects on me, and my relationships.

hey that's really good to hear =)

and yeah, it can take some people ages to figure out what their problem is, and it can be hard to accept yourself when you've felt so worthless for such a long time, but no one should feel worthless, everyone is special in their own way, everyone's an individual, and there should be something that they have that no one else has, they just have to have a closer look at their life =)

Yuna7780 12-11-2008 03:46 AM

I think it's very low to purposefully hurt yourself when you are down in the dumps. It's not going to get you ANYWHERE and it's silly.

If you hurt yourself by accident, that's another story.

ivi0nk3y 12-11-2008 03:47 AM


Originally Posted by FreddyLea (Post 642719)
there are two options to 'curing' depression one would be like you said, to just accept yourself .. and the other would be to take action to change what you are unhappy about (if it is something that can be physically changed) but that can be a challenge to actually find the root of depression ...

it took me several years to figure out ... now i am working on changing it ... and it has had very positive effects on me, and my relationships.

Yes changing what's making you unhappy would be ideal.

A lot of the time though i've seen that there is no chance to change whats making you unhappy, simply because it isn't within your power to do so.

Anyway, I hope it continues to be positive for you. :)

TheCrimson 12-11-2008 03:47 AM


Originally Posted by Yuna7780 (Post 642727)
I think it's very low to purposefully hurt yourself when you are down in the dumps. It's not going to get you ANYWHERE and it's silly.

If you hurt yourself by accident, that's another story.

of course. but sometimes it takes experience to know this, and some people can handle depression better than others. and that's why i have this thread, to try and make people realise that its pointless and yeah, it ain't gonna get you anywhere.

kiyuga 12-11-2008 03:48 AM

Umm....I don't think it is a good idea, but I don't see why you can't do what you want to to your own body.

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