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-   -   Self Inflicted Pain - your thoughts on it. (https://www.japanforum.com/forum/general-discussion/21498-self-inflicted-pain-your-thoughts.html)

TheUnknown 12-11-2008 10:40 PM


Originally Posted by amuchan (Post 642737)
"Help menu" refers to the suggestion box underneath where you type. It is the area where I highlighted the "how to make yourself throw up" and results. That tiny box is the help menu google has.

Oh... Gotcha.

Crani 12-11-2008 11:03 PM

I once cut myself, while I was trying to peel an aple, and did I feel alive in that moment? No. Did I like the blood? Heck no. So what did I feel? Pissed, not alive or happy, just pissed. So if chopping yourself up is the only way you can continue living its going to be a long and hard life for you my friend, but Mr.Blady will always be with you, right? I suggest some sort of hobby (No cutting yourself doesn't count as one), an instrument (not torture instruments, but musical instruments) or videogames, like Sephy recommended.

kiyuga 12-11-2008 11:06 PM

Aren't getting piercings and tatoos inflicting pain on yourself?

tocrayzay 12-11-2008 11:09 PM

yeah but at least you got something to show for it afterwards
getting a tattoo is fun for me, it hurts but at some point its kinda numb anyway, and at the end i've got a nice image
as far as piercings i endured the pain for the end result

kiyuga 12-11-2008 11:12 PM

Cutting yourself also leaves something to show for it though. Don't forget about the proof of scars..........

tocrayzay 12-11-2008 11:15 PM

true but who proudly goes around showing of cutting scars? ok i take that back there are those and i've known people to cut words and pictures in their skin...

DSX 12-11-2008 11:18 PM

I used to hurt myself only when other people at school REALLY got to me (and I had to take their crap EVERY SINGLE DAY). I couldn't bring myself to harm another human being back then, so I took things out on myself, just not so hard. Didn't want any bruises to show or any blood to be shed from bites. Obviously, it never came to cutting.

One of the things I felt was really sick about myself was that I used to like the pain I caused myself. Once I knew I was becoming a bit of a freak, I stopped.

That was back in elementary through middle school, that masochism being in the latter. You're all welcome to call me a creep.

With self harm, I have different views:

1. If it's due to stress, anger, and depression like it was for me, it's just sad. I don't know what else to say.

2. If it's for meaningless attention, you're just a freak.

3. If it's part of a magic trick, it depends on what you do.

4. In hardcore wrestling, it'll keep me watching because then I'll know someone's gonna get messed up, because that's a "snapped" sign.

SephirothVVC 12-12-2008 12:12 AM


Originally Posted by kiyuga (Post 643290)
Cutting yourself also leaves something to show for it though. Don't forget about the proof of scars..........

but scars arent shiny^.^

tocrayzay 12-12-2008 12:14 AM


Originally Posted by SephirothVVC (Post 643345)
but scars arent shiny^.^


CarleyGee 12-12-2008 12:16 AM


Originally Posted by TheCrimson (Post 642624)
Self inflicted pain.

Is it EVER cool?

No, It's not "cool".


Originally Posted by TheCrimson (Post 642624)
Is it totally unnecessary?

It's not necessary.
It's not really unnecessary.
Sometimes it's something that the person thinks will help them.


Originally Posted by TheCrimson (Post 642624)
What do you think of performers/artists who do this? Is it bad media, is it setting a bad example to their fans who look up to them?

It does set a bad example for fans, but for people who aren't Hard-core fans, they don't
really notice, but the ones who did, it would be setting a bad one. Though performers/artists
have problems of their own and can do what they want, so it's not right for us to criticize them.


Originally Posted by TheCrimson (Post 642624)
Does it REALLY make the "real" pains of your life go away?

Maybe temporarily, but it usually just comes right back, which is why self-inflicting pain
doesn't get you anywhere.


Originally Posted by TheCrimson (Post 642624)
It got me thinking as I was in the Dir en Grey thread.
We all know Kyo does that kind of thing on stage. or at least he used to, i dont know.

Usually doing it in front of people is strange 0_0
Or at least I've never heard of it hahaha.

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