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KikiBunny23 12-28-2008 09:45 PM

I usually just play a game with myself. I'll lay on my back and imagine coins falling and I try to count each one. Each time one hits me, I have to start over. It gets tiring trying to count....try it, it might help...or count sheep ^-^

JoBo 12-28-2008 09:46 PM

Oh right :D I think i've heard of it before actually!

You were the first person to quote me btw x] Yay!

And yeah i don't like the thought of that... wouldn't you just get addicted like someone mentioned earlier??

Thief 12-28-2008 09:46 PM


Originally Posted by kouichisan (Post 653021)
... very bad idea. Pills are a big no, no.

NGO propaganda

MissMisa 12-28-2008 09:48 PM


Originally Posted by Saffron (Post 652060)
MisaMisa: Thank you for your advice, it is very helpful. Well last night I stayed up until 8pm and slept until 4am and then an hour later I got back to sleep after I did some reading. I woke up about 8am. I feel really tired but I'm not going to sleep until tonight. I think what works for me is getting up early, staying awake during the day and going to bed early. Hopefully I can keep this routine.

You're welcome, I find that works for me too. When it's the school holidays I have problems sleeping because I can stay in bed for longer... but it normally works out because I try and ease myself into the right sleep pattern again.

[Oh and my new thing was counting sheep in Japanese, haha :p]

kouichisan 12-28-2008 09:48 PM


Originally Posted by JoBo (Post 653028)
Oh right :D I think i've heard of it before actually!

You were the first person to quote me btw x] Yay!

And yeah i don't like the thought of that... wouldn't you just get addicted like someone mentioned earlier??

Yeah, you would if you take it regularly. I hate pills, I do not take medicine even when I'm ill. I let my body recover itself (let my immune system do the work), I am forced to use medicine when I am very sick otherwise I stay away from it.


Originally Posted by Thief (Post 653029)
NGO propaganda

NGO Propaganda wtf :confused:

[I merged your posts, please don't post one after the other. ~ Misa]

MissMisa 12-28-2008 09:51 PM


Originally Posted by kouichisan (Post 653033)
Yeah, you would if you take it regularly. I hate pills, I do not take medicine even when I'm ill. I let my body recover itself (let my immune system do the work), I am forced to use medicine when I am very sick otherwise I stay away from it.

There is nothing wrong with taking pills if you have a sleeping disorder as long as you don't become reliant on it, the drug mentioned earlier is a form of sedative and used for stress relief and not suitable for sleeping problems at all, but some of the others on the market are fine to use. It's probably more detrimental to your health to not sleep properly than to take a tablet when you think you aren't sleeping very well.

Pills do miracles for people and without them I'd be ill a lot of the time. I have no problem with taking pills when my body isn't doing what it should be.

JoBo 12-28-2008 09:56 PM


Originally Posted by kouichisan (Post 653033)
Yeah, you would if you take it regularly. I hate pills, I do not take medicine even when I'm ill. I let my body recover itself (let my immune system do the work), I am forced to use medicine when I am very sick otherwise I stay away from it.

I really respect that :D I usually do as well :) Unless it hurts and then i'm a pansy and down a bottle of Beechams :D

Thief 12-28-2008 09:56 PM


Originally Posted by kouichisan (Post 653035)
NGO Propaganda wtf :confused:

non-government organisations

kouichisan 12-28-2008 10:20 PM


Originally Posted by MissMisa (Post 653036)
There is nothing wrong with taking pills if you have a sleeping disorder as long as you don't become reliant on it, the drug mentioned earlier is a form of sedative and used for stress relief and not suitable for sleeping problems at all, but some of the others on the market are fine to use. It's probably more detrimental to your health to not sleep properly than to take a tablet when you think you aren't sleeping very well.

Pills do miracles for people and without them I'd be ill a lot of the time. I have no problem with taking pills when my body isn't doing what it should be.

Yeah pills are great, when your body actually needs it. Using sleeping pills are fine on the odd occassion. But using them everyday will create a dependancy on it, heck the doctor refused to prescribe my mum it when she was having this problem for the same reason.

When pills are used continuously some viruses become immune/resistant to anti biotics and sometimes a stronger dose is required. By using medicine only when you need it will reduce the chances of it not working. A common one prescribed here is amoxicillin. I have friends that do biomedical sciences and work in a pharmacy. Look it up if you don't believe me (this example was not for the sleeping tablets). But then again, it's up to each individual what they do. I am merely suggesting what I know.

Thief 12-28-2008 10:28 PM


Originally Posted by kouichisan (Post 653077)
Yeah pills are great, when your body actually needs it. Using sleeping pills are fine on the odd occassion. But using them everyday will create a dependancy on it, heck the doctor refused to prescribe my mum it when she was having this problem for the same reason.

When pills are used continuously some viruses become immune anti biotics and sometimes a stronger dose is required. By using medicine only when you need it will reduce the chances of it not working. A common one prescribed here is amoxicillin. I have friends that do biomedical sciences and work in a pharmacy. Look it up if you don't believe me. This example was not for the sleeping tablets. But then again, it's up to each individual what they do. Ian merely suggesting what I know.

NGO...you should know that...

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