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VampireGirl1314 03-02-2009 07:25 AM


Originally Posted by Kyousuke (Post 680084)
sleeping pills. dont use them they suck anyways. gets you drowzy and you fall asleep but end up waking up about 3-4 hours later unable to sleep.

trying to stay awake? whenever i cant sleep, i just lay down and keep myself awake, then it does the opposite and i fall asleep.

those things never work on me.
sleeping pills i would need three or four to get at least an hours sleep,
and i cant get to sleep that way, its like impossible for me.T.T

silver89 03-02-2009 02:11 PM

Try Yoga.

p/s:I think chamomile tea has a calming effect.

taimoorh 03-02-2009 02:59 PM

I just turn on some music at low volume before going to bed. The constant sounds make me go to sleep :D

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