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gravelgill 12-29-2008 02:46 AM

man is man.what is scary is that these stories inspire others.such as jack the ripper his legend inpired a few small time murderers,the green river killer,leather face(a true story by the way),sweeny todd,charles manson,etc...
an old saying goes as such"behind the beastly mask lies a monster."
as well as"monsters are made not born."
whats even worse is that many murderers are inspired by religious articals and art works.

kouichisan 12-29-2008 02:48 AM


Originally Posted by gravelgill (Post 653385)
man is man.what is scary is that these stories inspire others.such as jack the ripper his legend inpired a few small time murderers,the green river killer,leather face(a true story by the way),sweeny todd,charles manson,etc...
an old saying goes as such"behind the beastly mask lies a monster."
as well as"monsters are made not born."
whats even worse is that many murderers are inspired by religious articals and art works.

they are inspired by their own interpretation of those articals.

gravelgill 12-29-2008 02:51 AM

precisley(need to learn to spell)
but it still inspired them to do such "inhuman" acts

kouichisan 12-29-2008 02:53 AM


Originally Posted by gravelgill (Post 653389)
precisley(need to learn to spell)
but it still inspired them to do such "inhuman" acts

People always look for a reason... they are just screwed up in the head.

Crani 12-29-2008 02:54 AM


Originally Posted by gravelgill (Post 653385)
man is man.what is scary is that these stories inspire others.such as jack the ripper his legend inpired a few small time murderers,the green river killer,leather face(a true story by the way),sweeny todd,charles manson,etc...
an old saying goes as such"behind the beastly mask lies a monster."
as well as"monsters are made not born."
whats even worse is that many murderers are inspired by religious articals and art works.

Isn't Sweeney Todd a fictional character? And leatherface is a fictional character based on Ed Gein.

gravelgill 12-29-2008 03:00 AM

the demon barber of fleet street was a real person and leather face well..thats what we call the murder from the the texas chainsaw massacre...here in texas

Yuna7780 12-29-2008 03:19 AM

That's terrifying. The idea is great for a horror movie or something, but for realz... That's really odd.

CarleyGee 12-29-2008 08:11 PM


Originally Posted by gravelgill (Post 653385)
man is man.what is scary is that these stories inspire others.such as jack the ripper his legend inpired a few small time murderers,the green river killer,leather face(a true story by the way),sweeny todd,charles manson,etc...
an old saying goes as such"behind the beastly mask lies a monster."
as well as"monsters are made not born."
whats even worse is that many murderers are inspired by religious articals and art works.

Didn't the shooters from the Columbine massacre watch
the movies Saw or something like that, to get them all
hyped up before hand?

I don't know how many movies were made out of that
but the one I saw was Elephant, and didn't realize
what it was about until everything started happening.

Livvie 01-18-2009 02:19 AM

I don't see how people could do that.

Tsuyako 01-18-2009 11:49 AM

That poor girl :( actually, that\'s an understatement. Reading that I almost cried because I can\'t even begin to imagine the pain she endured and I just can\'t understand how anyone with a conscience can do that. Those boys must have had some serious mental issues to even consider let alone do those things. I hope that she\'s resting in peace now :( their prison sentences were no where near long enough. They didn\'t just kill her, they tortured long before her death and I think that deserves life inprisonment and maybe even a fraction of the torture they submitted her too :(

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