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PockyMePink 04-28-2010 09:54 PM

I made a thread on this site about wanting to see the movie based on this story. I can't remember who it was, but there were people cussing me up and down the wall for wanting to see it.

Anyway, this story is kinda old and over-discussed, fyi.

manganimefan227 04-28-2010 10:12 PM

Gee I wonder why?

It may have happened a while ago, but it sends a message. Like someone said, things like this happen all of the time and nobody seems to give a thought about it. What if other people get hurt due to lack of knowledge of this evil? This is why we keep these stories alive: So people don't do this and people can take steps to prevent this.

Aniki 04-29-2010 11:34 PM


Originally Posted by PockyMePink (Post 810187)
I made a thread on this site about wanting to see the movie based on this story. I can't remember who it was, but there were people cussing me up and down the wall for wanting to see it.

Somebody needs a hug.

manganimefan227 04-30-2010 12:32 AM

-Glomps Pocky-

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