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JRockaddict 12-29-2008 01:35 AM

Schoolgirl in Concrete
i just read about in on Wikipedia. im hoping to see if anyone has any other information.

here's the Wiki link
Concrete-Encased High School Girl murder - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

the article doesnt have reliable information
(that's what it says)

im interested to see if anyone has anything else on this because it doesnt really give much info

as sort of a warning, if you dont like the thought of torture DO NOT READ

edit: i didnt know where to put this thread since the movies/tv thread was about shows and this is more along the lines of news
move this/delete it if you need to

kouichisan 12-29-2008 01:40 AM

That is really sick. I would love to gang up on them and KTF out of them!!!. See how they like it :mad:

CarleyGee 12-29-2008 01:42 AM

Well I just read through Wikipedia, and if all this really is true,
then that is just absolutely horrible and demented.

Up until now I haven't heard about any of this, but I can look
into it and see if there are other sources of this.


Apparently this was made into a horror movie, which I think
is seriously uncalled for. Kind of indecent for the girl and her
family I would think.

This is the summary for the movie: (Read at your own risk)
Katsuya Matsumura's 1995 horror movie "Concrete-Encased High School Girl Murder Case" is based on a true crime case of Japanese schoolgirl Junko Furuta.In November of 1988 four young men abducted and held Furuta for several weeks in the house of one of the captors.The girl was violently raped and subjected to torture and sexual degradation for example she was forced to masturbate.On 4th January 1989 four sadists beat her with an iron barbell,poured lighter fluid on her legs,arms,face and stomach and immolated her.She died later that day of shock and her mutilated corpse was hidden in an oil-drum filled with cement.Katsuya Matsumura of "All Night Long" series fame is possibly the most misanthropic Japanese film-maker."Concrete-Encased High School Girl Murder Case" is an incredibly nihilistic and disturbing film loaded with scenes of sexual violence and abuse.This is an ugly and honest piece of Japanese exploitation that tells about man's barbarity and willing to torture,dominate and exploit the weaker.I can't wait to see Matsumura's newest horror film "Ki-re-i?".Watch this one at your own risk!

kouichisan 12-29-2008 01:43 AM


Originally Posted by CarleyGee (Post 653314)
Well I just read through Wikipedia, and if all this really is true,
then that is just absolutely horrible and demented.

Up until now I haven't heard about any of this, but I can look
into it and see if there are other sources of this.

I wouldn't be surprised if it was true though, the world is full of sickos! :mad:

orewasenshi 12-29-2008 01:45 AM

I'm sure Furuta's parents would want that too, but it would just be even worse if it had happened to the boys.

We won't know what was going through their minds, but their reasoning wasn't exactly good.

People do insanely horrible things to others because of something someone did to them or just to take out anger on others.

EDIT: There are many mysteries to this murder, this murder did happen and it won't go away because if it did, people wouldn't be asking questions about it today.

The GazettE did a tribute to Furuta by the way, Taion.

CarleyGee 12-29-2008 01:46 AM


Originally Posted by orewasenshi (Post 653316)
I'm sure Furuta's parents would want that too, but it would just be even worse if it had happened to the boys.

We won't know what was going through their minds, but their reasoning wasn't exactly good.

People do insanely horrible things to others because of something someone did to them or just to take out anger on others.

There are many mysteries to this murder.

Or people are just insane... (literally)
These should be institutionalized if anything...

kouichisan 12-29-2008 01:48 AM


Originally Posted by orewasenshi (Post 653316)
I'm sure Furuta's parents would want that too, but it would just be even worse if it had happened to the boys.

We won't know what was going through their minds, but their reasoning wasn't exactly good.

People do insanely horrible things to others because of something someone did to them or just to take out anger on others.

There are many mysteries to this murder.

It doesn't matter what they were thinking at the time. They should either be locked up/or wiped out!.

JRockaddict 12-29-2008 01:49 AM

there's aparently a manga of it too. i googled "schoolgirl in concrete" and on one of the link summaries, somebody requested it. i dont know if it's true though.

kouichisan 12-29-2008 01:50 AM


Originally Posted by JRockaddict (Post 653321)
there's aparently a manga of it too. i googled "schoolgirl in concrete" and on one of the link summaries, somebody requested it. i dont know if it's true though.

I don't see why they would turn it into a manga :confused:

CarleyGee 12-29-2008 01:52 AM

Hello Kitty murder - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Edmund Kemper - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

That's pretty freaky too?

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