Originally Posted by Kyousuke
I was watching the Daily Show and they had a man on who was talking about Robotics technology that america is using for the war and currently developing. he mentioned that Japanese ideas about robots are that they are seen as Hero's as americans see robots as something thats going to take us over. he also said that how americans are using robots just for war says alot about america.
i was wondering how other people view this subject
Honestly, it does not really matter how they are used eventually robotics will become a core part of many different countries. Seeing a robot preform task that we humans are too lazy to do ourselves will be as normal as taking a piss in the morning. Weather they are being used for war or used to wash car windows the point is Western and Japan robotics advances considerably year after year and in your life time you will see robotics become part of everyday life from construction to war hell.
I wont even touch on the Japanese using robotics as a demographic fix as fluffy0000 has already provided the information. We dont even want to go there at the moment its mind boggling what they will be used for.