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packetpirate 03-24-2009 11:48 AM

Why So Serious?
This is an article detailing and pointing out the flaws in today's "mature" society.

Where can I start? Maturity. You hear people complaining about the maturity of today's youth. I myself have trouble with this frequently. My dad thinks it's immature that I want to learn kendo and swing a stick around.

My point is that I think society is becoming too linear and sheep-like. They think that if they don't conform to everyone else's standards, then they're weird, or stupid. But what they don't realize is that everyone is an individual, and by taking that away and conforming to what everyone else wants you to do, is what actually makes you weird, or stupid, in my eyes.

Why should we have to mature and stop doing the things we loved to do as a kid? If someone enjoys building with LEGOS as a child, why should he have to stop using them after a certain age because people think it's immature? My opinion is that a lot of depression in the world and suicides are caused because people can't deal with the fact that the world won't accept them for who they are.

If people could just accept that everyone is different and not everyone wants to "grow up" or do certain things, I think a lot of the world's conflict would be solved. But no, people just NEED for other people to be just like them. People also complain about a loss of self-identity these days. Well if everyone would stop doing what everyone else wants them to, this wouldn't be a problem.

Another issue is religion. Christians being the worst of them all. (no offense to anyone, just let me make my point) I see Christians on the news or on the internet telling other people that they will suffer for eternity in a flaming realm of hatred because of simple life choices they make. Why should someone suffer because they like someone of the same gender? Or because they don't believe in a god who has never proven his existence? It is because these people, who force us to conform, want us all to be miserable with them.

I will probably think of more to add to this article, but for now, I want to hear what everyone else thinks and see if anyone has anything to add.

noodle 03-24-2009 12:37 PM

You should watch the film Accepted... It'll make you feel better ;)

packetpirate 03-24-2009 12:54 PM

Seen it. Not exactly the point I'm trying to make.

Nyororin 03-24-2009 01:19 PM

I think that you`ve mistaken "immaturity" for "individuality". They are not quite the same things. Someone can still hold on to their dreams, and continue to do things they enjoyed as a child - but be mature at the same time.
Maturity isn`t about conforming, but about having the ability not to screw yourself over.

Maturity is realizing that it may be great to build stuff with Legos, but that they cost money so some time must be dedicated to living so that you can comfortably support your Lego fun.
Immaturity would be thinking that someone should support you because all you feel like doing is playing with Legos day in and day out... And likely being offended when someone points out that such a line of thinking is immature and tells you to get a job.

packetpirate 03-24-2009 01:59 PM

Ok, but you're missing the point of the article.

MMM 03-24-2009 02:07 PM


Originally Posted by packetpirate (Post 687914)
Ok, but you're missing the point of the article.

I guess I am, too.


Originally Posted by packetpirate (Post 687872)
This is an article detailing and pointing out the flaws in today's "mature" society.

Where can I start? Maturity. You hear people complaining about the maturity of today's youth. I myself have trouble with this frequently. My dad thinks it's immature that I want to learn kendo and swing a stick around.

That's too bad. Kendo is a serious and athletic study. I can't imagine thinking it would be "immature" to want to study kendo. I fear, however, that you are applying you father's misunderstanding of kendo with society as a whole.

Originally Posted by packetpirate (Post 687872)
My point is that I think society is becoming too linear and sheep-like.

Compared with modern society of the 80s, 60s, 40s, etc. I don't know how this is possible. We didn't have access to the things young people do today. Linear and sheep-like? No way. The Internet gives people access to music, trends, information, etc. that no one had under two decades ago. I got into Japanese music in high school only because I had friends from Japan who let me listen to their CDs. That was the only access available. Anime wasn't a word in English then, and there was very little access to Japanese animation.


Originally Posted by packetpirate (Post 687872)
They think that if they don't conform to everyone else's standards, then they're weird, or stupid.

This is an opinion that young people have. The older you get the less you care about what people think about you and your hobbies, and the less you care about how other people "fit in".


Originally Posted by packetpirate (Post 687872)
But what they don't realize is that everyone is an individual, and by taking that away and conforming to what everyone else wants you to do, is what actually makes you weird, or stupid, in my eyes.

I would agree with that.


Originally Posted by packetpirate (Post 687872)
Why should we have to mature and stop doing the things we loved to do as a kid?

As an adult I certainly a lot of the same hobbies I did as a kid. Of course, I work for a living, so I have to be responsible about how I spend my money and my time, but that doesn't mean I enjoy my hobbies any less.


Originally Posted by packetpirate (Post 687872)
If someone enjoys building with LEGOS as a child, why should he have to stop using them after a certain age because people think it's immature? My opinion is that a lot of depression in the world and suicides are caused because people can't deal with the fact that the world won't accept them for who they are.

There are lots of adults that enjoy LEGOs as adults. I have no negative opinion of adult LEGO builders. There's some cool stuff out there.

A lot of the suicides and depression in young people is because of not being accepted by their peers...this is true. The older you get the lower this becomes important, though.


Originally Posted by packetpirate (Post 687872)
If people could just accept that everyone is different and not everyone wants to "grow up" or do certain things, I think a lot of the world's conflict would be solved. But no, people just NEED for other people to be just like them.

Again, this is an epidemic among those under the age of 25.


Originally Posted by packetpirate (Post 687872)
People also complain about a loss of self-identity these days.

I have not heard anyone complain about that...and I am not even sure what it means. I am over 25, though. If one of my peers complained about "losing self-identity" I would probably laugh at them.


Originally Posted by packetpirate (Post 687872)
Well if everyone would stop doing what everyone else wants them to, this wouldn't be a problem.

I agree with that. I stopped in my late teens. Very liberating.

Originally Posted by packetpirate (Post 687872)
I will probably think of more to add to this article, but for now, I want to hear what everyone else thinks and see if anyone has anything to add.

Like Nyororin said, I think you are confusing "individuality" and "immaturity".

pumpum 03-24-2009 03:27 PM


Originally Posted by packetpirate (Post 687872)
This is an article detailing and pointing out the flaws in today's "mature" society.

Where can I start? Maturity. You hear people complaining about the maturity of today's youth. I myself have trouble with this frequently. My dad thinks it's immature that I want to learn kendo and swing a stick around.

My point is that I think society is becoming too linear and sheep-like. They think that if they don't conform to everyone else's standards, then they're weird, or stupid. But what they don't realize is that everyone is an individual, and by taking that away and conforming to what everyone else wants you to do, is what actually makes you weird, or stupid, in my eyes.

Why should we have to mature and stop doing the things we loved to do as a kid? If someone enjoys building with LEGOS as a child, why should he have to stop using them after a certain age because people think it's immature? My opinion is that a lot of depression in the world and suicides are caused because people can't deal with the fact that the world won't accept them for who they are.

If people could just accept that everyone is different and not everyone wants to "grow up" or do certain things, I think a lot of the world's conflict would be solved. But no, people just NEED for other people to be just like them. People also complain about a loss of self-identity these days. Well if everyone would stop doing what everyone else wants them to, this wouldn't be a problem.

Another issue is religion. Christians being the worst of them all. (no offense to anyone, just let me make my point) I see Christians on the news or on the internet telling other people that they will suffer for eternity in a flaming realm of hatred because of simple life choices they make. Why should someone suffer because they like someone of the same gender? Or because they don't believe in a god who has never proven his existence? It is because these people, who force us to conform, want us all to be miserable with them.

I will probably think of more to add to this article, but for now, I want to hear what everyone else thinks and see if anyone has anything to add.

Dude apart from the religious aspect = i fully agree with you, in my opinion people should be allowed to do WHATEVER they want as long as they dont hurt anyone else - however if you say that everyone should be allowed to do everything they want then also gives others the right to hate you for doing it lol !

the best thing to do is learn to ignore the complainers !

ShotaMeister 03-24-2009 04:27 PM

I don't think it's necessarily the case that somone would stop liking something because "it's for kids", but rather they just get tired of it. Like Legos.

packetpirate 03-24-2009 05:52 PM

Why don't you agree about the religion parts of my article?

You think it's right that these religious fanatics think it's okay to attack (verbally) someone because of how they live their life?

I don't think you meant that, but please explain.

MissMisa 03-24-2009 06:03 PM


Originally Posted by packetpirate (Post 687977)
Why don't you agree about the religion parts of my article?

You think it's right that these religious fanatics think it's okay to attack (verbally) someone because of how they live their life?

I don't think you meant that, but please explain.

Forum Rules:
2.4 Topics of religion and sexual orientation are not permitted.

That's probably why. Please stick to the rules. Religious discussion is not allowed here, so please continue with the other topic instead.

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