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Berserker 03-29-2009 03:50 AM

Aki Hoshino
I guess this question goes in here. How does she look so young? She looks good for 32.

MMM 03-29-2009 03:52 AM

Is 32 old?

Jaydelart 03-29-2009 04:11 AM


Originally Posted by MMM (Post 689785)
Is 32 old?

To be honest, I feel it is.

I didn't know who the OP was talking about so I Googled her.
She does look young... but, then again, she is Asian. That may explain part of it.

Berserker 03-29-2009 04:14 AM

To me it is
anyway i see comments on the internet telling how young see looks
I wonder what she does to keep looking young

alanX 03-29-2009 04:23 AM

Just throwing in my two sence here, I hardly think 32 is old. Seeing how the average life span for a healthy American woman is 78 years. 32 is only 41% of 78. Not old at all.

Berserker 03-29-2009 04:24 AM

I don't think your race has anything to do with looking young. Maybe its her diet.

Jaydelart 03-29-2009 04:25 AM


Originally Posted by Berserker (Post 689794)
To me it is
anyway i see comments on the internet telling how young see looks
I wonder what she does to keep looking young

Unless it's plastic surgery, I don't think there is some secret to looking young. You can take better care of your body... But, otherwise, some people just naturally look younger than their age.

I've been mistaken as a young teenager at times, and I'm Asian. I don't want to rely too much upon generalizations, but I'm inclined to believe the stereo-type that many Asians look young is valid, to some extent. Race very well may have something to do with it.

superheel 03-29-2009 04:55 AM

Well, it's just like this. In countries like the United States, people get stressed out everyday because all they do is work. While in asian countries, even though people are working, they don't stress themselves and has a lot of time for luxuries such as spas and beauty products. It's not the race, it's the lifestyle.

MMM 03-29-2009 04:58 AM


Originally Posted by superheel (Post 689817)
Well, it's just like this. In countries like the United States, people get stressed out everyday because all they do is work. While in asian countries, even though people are working, they don't stress themselves and has a lot of time for luxuries such as spas and beauty products. It's not the race, it's the lifestyle.

superheel 03-29-2009 05:00 AM


Originally Posted by MMM (Post 689820)

well... that makes sense right??

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