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Debi 04-15-2009 05:07 PM

I'd always expect a girl to have condoms in her handbags as it show a little too much in a guy pocket or wallet.

Some girls are less prude than others.

Daydreamer 04-15-2009 05:24 PM

not to get nasty or anything but a girl should always carry either a pad or a tampon just in case...lol

Tsuzuki 04-15-2009 05:24 PM


Originally Posted by Pexster (Post 698333)

WOW Tsuzuki...hahaha you have a lot of things. Atleast it sounds like alot

lol yes and kinda heavy too ~.~

Nyororin 04-15-2009 05:31 PM


Originally Posted by Daydreamer (Post 698383)
not to get nasty or anything but a girl should always carry either a pad or a tampon just in case...lol

Despite having irregular periods (TMI, I know) I never carry any. I can just tell when I need to start wearing one.

As for condoms, I`ve never been in a situation where I might just suddenly need one out of the blue... So have never carried any in my bag.

rison 04-15-2009 05:38 PM


Originally Posted by ChiAmaterasuNeko (Post 698377)
Not all girls, me for example, have need for them. I'm not even thinking about it until marriage...I don't know why anyone is even talking about stuff like that. >_< It's very personal.

People have talked about worse in public.:rolleyes:

MissMisa 04-15-2009 05:39 PM


Originally Posted by Nyororin (Post 698390)
Despite having irregular periods (TMI, I know) I never carry any. I can just tell when I need to start wearing one.

As for condoms, I`ve never been in a situation where I might just suddenly need one out of the blue... So have never carried any in my bag.

Basically the same for me.

I'm also on the pill now, so I can CONTROL THE PERIODS! Haha. [TMI also, but never mind.]

rison 04-15-2009 05:41 PM


Originally Posted by Debi (Post 698381)
I'd always expect a girl to have condoms in her handbags as it show a little too much in a guy pocket or wallet.

Some girls are less prude than others.

ChiAmaterasuNeko misunderstands me, but you do.:vsign:

Nyororin 04-15-2009 05:43 PM


Originally Posted by MissMisa (Post 698393)
Basically the same for me.

I'm also on the pill now, so I can CONTROL THE PERIODS! Haha. [TMI also, but never mind.]

While we`re tossing out TMI - I was on the pill for a while back in the day and it totally ...err... eliminated the whole reason for being on it in the first place - if you get my drift. :D

But really though, if you know your body, you can just tell when it`s going to start.

Daydreamer 04-15-2009 05:49 PM


Originally Posted by Nyororin (Post 698395)
While we`re tossing out TMI - I was on the pill for a while back in the day and it totally ...err... eliminated the whole reason for being on it in the first place - if you get my drift. :D

But really though, if you know your body, you can just tell when it`s going to start.

um very interresting well i dont carry a hand bag but i do have a school bag in wich i carry a binder (filled with papers and folders), pencils and pens, tissues, hand sanitiser, and my student ID, im not the kind of person that carries makeup (i dont even use makeup), mirror, brush, deodorant, perfune, lotion and all those other stuff...lol

ChiAmaterasuNeko 04-15-2009 06:06 PM


Originally Posted by rison (Post 698392)
People have talked about worse in public.:rolleyes:

*sigh* I know, Rison. But it still bothers me. :o

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