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-   -   What do you guys expect to see in a girl's handbag? (https://www.japanforum.com/forum/general-discussion/24506-what-do-you-guys-expect-see-girls-handbag.html)

XOXkAWAIiXOX 04-15-2009 11:38 PM

Well I'd die without my purse.

Fortune Cookie fortunes:D
Make-up bag: with make up in it of course
Pads & Tampons: even if it's not "my time of month" my friends usually ask me for some
Breath mints/gum
Hand sanitizer
Body lotion
Body spray
extra change

Yeah... theres's a lot..... there's probably more that I don't know of.

Uriko 04-16-2009 12:03 AM

my grandma probably has hers filled to the brim with rocks.

Nyororin 04-16-2009 12:13 AM

I find the mock outrage at the amount of stuff in a purse amusing... My husband has at least 3 times the amount of stuff in his bag as I do. He has something like an entire medicine cabinet in there, bits of almost every daily supply I can think of on top of all the normal bag sort of stuff.

He is always paranoid that we`ll need something he isn`t carrying so his bag is stuffed in no time. With me, it`s only the normal stuff I really do need on a daily basis + something more that is specifically needed that day (if anything).

SHAD0W 04-16-2009 12:50 AM

I wanna contribute to this! I HATE missing out!!

In my pockets I have..

Wallet (has usual stuff plus a pen, paper and condoms - hello ladies!)
Chapstick (any slight change in the weather and my lips go dry.. its weird)
Mobile Phone
Keys (Car, House, Locker for work) but they are on a thick chain that clips to my belt rings on my jeans.

Thar's all!

nobora 04-16-2009 12:52 AM

I don't have a purse I put my stuff in my pockets.

I carry:

did i mention gum and candy?

Hobby 04-16-2009 01:05 AM


Originally Posted by rison (Post 698374)
Girl stuff.:o

Amazing none of you wrote condoms...or was it a deliberate exclusion?:cool:


Hobby 04-16-2009 01:06 AM


Originally Posted by SHAD0W (Post 698585)
I wanna contribute to this! I HATE missing out!!

In my pockets I have..

Wallet (has usual stuff plus a pen, paper and condoms - hello ladies!)
Chapstick (any slight change in the weather and my lips go dry.. its weird)
Mobile Phone
Keys (Car, House, Locker for work) but they are on a thick chain that clips to my belt rings on my jeans.

Thar's all!

generally speaking
girls carry condoms in their bags

Hobby 04-16-2009 01:07 AM


Originally Posted by nobora (Post 698588)
I don't have a purse I put my stuff in my pockets.

I carry:

did i mention gum and candy?

nobora is so cute:p

Hobby 04-16-2009 01:09 AM

[quote=Debi;698381]I'd always expect a girl to have condoms in her handbags as it show a little too much in a guy pocket or wallet.

you are quite right:D

cridgit001 04-16-2009 01:14 AM

I'd expect to see an abyss and then something along the lines of Peter Pan flying out then hitting me in the face. That or a package of Juicy Fruit.

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