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cridgit001 04-18-2009 11:18 PM


Originally Posted by rison (Post 700109)
Why, you spartan? :confused:

Only Spartan women give birth to Spartan men.

Pexster 04-18-2009 11:33 PM

LMAO hahaha that made me laugh!!

rison 04-18-2009 11:37 PM


Originally Posted by cridgit001 (Post 700112)
Only Spartan women give birth to Spartan men.

She wears no makeup so I wondered, my fault? :)

AsianAtHeart 04-18-2009 11:49 PM

I have two purses, and I hardly ever use them. My school bag isn't much either. I have:

-My books
-My Chinese-English dictionary
-A few Mangas
-My wallet
-Homework portfolio
-An Umbrella (that I never bothered to take out)
-A 20 Yuan bill from Hong Kong

.....and that's pretty much it. No make-up will ever touch my bags.

Hobby 04-20-2009 01:24 AM

what is interesting is that several years ago, one of my friends went out to dinner with a guy she met on line, as that's the first time for them to meet each other off line(in real life) and she was not sure whether that guy was normal or not, so she carried a fruit knife in her bag in case that the guy would try to rape her.:mtongue:

rison 04-20-2009 02:21 PM

That was quite stupid, she might have ended up going to jail if the guy had tried to rape her then she stabbing him then him denying it.

Carry a pepper spray instead females.

AnimeBaby112 04-20-2009 02:47 PM

I own multiple "purses" (one I made:D :D ) all of which are empty.
I do have a side bag which is insanely heavy and filled with junk:

--My Japanese notebook
--5 other notebooks, some of which cannot be written in.
--random candy.
--a manga/comic book of some sort.
--the Black Book guide to NYC.
--fortune cookies. <.<
--large amounts of pencils.
--sometimes the manga I'm trying to draw.
--Necklaces and earings.
--Ideas...lots of Ideas...on little bits of paper and.....:rolleyes: :rolleyes:
--Right now A Midsummer Nights Dream.
--iPod and speakers....

whew! :D

XOXkAWAIiXOX 04-20-2009 07:48 PM


Originally Posted by AsianAtHeart (Post 700119)
No make-up will ever touch my bags.

You don't like make-up?? I'd die without it. Not literally, but my mental health will be at a high risk of damage.:mtongue: :D

AsianAtHeart 04-21-2009 12:41 AM


Originally Posted by XOXkAWAIiXOX (Post 700766)
You don't like make-up?? I'd die without it. Not literally, but my mental health will be at a high risk of damage.:mtongue: :D

I despise it because of an old dance school of mine.

Plus, I'm strictly all natural. Make-up makes me feel cheap and very, very uncomfortable.

(But I love your avi, by the way, Girugamesh owns)

nobora 04-21-2009 12:46 AM

I looked through my backpack and found

bus pass
colored pencils
gum wrappers
smiley face erasers:) they look exacley like this smiley face LOL

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