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-   -   What do you guys expect to see in a girl's handbag? (https://www.japanforum.com/forum/general-discussion/24506-what-do-you-guys-expect-see-girls-handbag.html)

Hobby 04-15-2009 09:00 AM

What do you guys expect to see in a girl's handbag?
[color="Blue"]what do you guys expect to see when you peek into a girl's handbag?
cosmetics?[/COLOR]a compact mirror?
a cellphone?
a pack of tissue?
a wallet?
a set of keys?
a pack of sanitary napkins?
a pack of condoms?:D
self defence spray ?:eek:
and something else?:mtongue:

MissMisa 04-15-2009 09:30 AM

I don't really have a 'handbag' as such, I have a school bag and then a non school bag. There is ton of random stuff in both, cellotape, migraine pills, hello kitty lipbalm, Nintendo DS and games, strawberry body spray, mirror, eyeliner, lots and lots of paper, scrumpled up artwork thats been in there for years, my HK purse, keys, money, bottle of water. My bag is a bottomless pit basically. [sidenote: lmao, thats the first time I've ever heard someone refer to pads as 'sanitary napkins,' haha].

I'm pretty sure 'self defence spray' isn't legal here, though I'm not entirely sure. You can carry around stuff that stinks bad to spray in someones face, but nothing that can harm them. I don't think a bad smell will help that much >.<

Hobby 04-15-2009 09:55 AM


Originally Posted by MissMisa (Post 698263)
I don't really have a 'handbag' as such, I have a school bag and then a non school bag. There is ton of random stuff in both, cellotape, migraine pills, hello kitty lipbalm, Nintendo DS and games, strawberry body spray, mirror, eyeliner, lots and lots of paper, scrumpled up artwork thats been in there for years, my HK purse, keys, money, bottle of water. My bag is a bottomless pit basically. [sidenote: lmao, thats the first time I've ever heard someone refer to pads as 'sanitary napkins,' haha].

I'm pretty sure 'self defence spray' isn't legal here, though I'm not entirely sure. You can carry around stuff that stinks bad to spray in someones face, but nothing that can harm them. I don't think a bad smell will help that much >.<

your bag must be very heavy.
In some places, self defence spray is a must.
too many bad guys

Hobby 04-15-2009 09:55 AM


Originally Posted by Tenchu (Post 698258)
Mobile phone, wallet, skin cream of some sort, possibly pads depending on the time of month, keys, money taken from my wallet...

cute girl:p

Nyororin 04-15-2009 10:45 AM

My bag is so empty. :P

Wallet, pen case with pens in it, facial moisturizer spray, lip gloss, inkan, facial moisturizer stick, digital camera, schedule book, small hand towel, hand mirror, and my cell phone.

That`s it. It sounds like a lot, but it`s all very neatly in there. Wallet in the large center pocket with schedule book, hand towel, and pen case. Lip gloss, inkan, and facial moisturizer stick in one small inner pocket - hand mirror and moisturizer spray in the other. Digital camera goes into a case that it dangling inside of the bag, attached to the strap. Cell phone goes in the outer pocket.

I like to change bags on a whim, so it`s all neat and quick to transfer from one bag to another.

Tsuzuki 04-15-2009 10:47 AM

well it's not really a normal Hand bag cuz I need a big bag always xD mostly I care my Ipod touch + his cables to use it every where with me , then my cute little tiny netbook and cables xD , my cell phone and stuff , water o.o , my Nintendo DS , lip gloss xD , my digicam + cables and some tablets o.o , and wallet and Passport x3 with my Key x3

Pexster 04-15-2009 01:29 PM

*laughs at thread* I can't believe they have a thread like this, Ohwell Im posting. :P

WOW Tsuzuki...hahaha you have a lot of things. Atleast it sounds like alot

For me I sometimes carry one, but (I can't believe Im telling whats in my bag) hahaha

:cellphone, Chapstick, s'KoOL' crap, Pencils, pens, 'Picture of Dorian Gray' book, I don't like carrying house keys( I like getting locked out) haha ^_~" Wallet, camera(of course), ipod touch and sunglasses.

and thats about it. My bag isn't interestig.

My s'KoOL' bag is worse. -_-

rison 04-15-2009 04:14 PM

Girl stuff.:o

Amazing none of you wrote condoms...or was it a deliberate exclusion?:cool:

ChiAmaterasuNeko 04-15-2009 04:32 PM


Originally Posted by rison (Post 698374)
Girl stuff.:o

Amazing none of you wrote condoms...or was it a deliberate exclusion?:cool:

Not all girls, me for example, have need for them. I'm not even thinking about it until marriage...I don't know why anyone is even talking about stuff like that. >_< It's very personal.

Avi 04-15-2009 04:39 PM

Well in my Man-bag I carry: Cologne, notebooks, pens, webcam, headsets, several books, and a laptop.. oh wait, that would make it a laptop bag ;)

Rison: Hahaha, someone will post it eventually xD

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