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Compaqmac321 05-08-2009 11:34 PM

The Joker Vs. Tony Montana
me and my younger brother had an argument the other day.

i say that Heath Ledger's (R.I.P.) portrayal of the joker was some of the best acting i've ever seen.

and he seems to feel like the joker was good, BUT he thinks Al Pacino did way better playing Tony Montana.

dont get me wrong scarface was dope, and al pacino did good, but i can see someone else as scarface if it were to come about again.

nobody on the planet can ever play the joker again in my eyes though.

i know you you have your own ideas if you've seen both movies, if you havent seen either the dark knight or scarface then SHAME SHAME SHAME ON YOU!

lol what do you think?????

iPhantom 05-08-2009 11:40 PM

Both great actors but I find the acting of Al Pacino vastly superior. Not only as Tony Montana but as Michael Corleone as well. Those two are the greatest acts i have ever seen.

Debi 05-08-2009 11:42 PM

Sorry buddy, but Al Pacino is for me the best of the best
Heath Ledger was awesome as the Joker. でも, I can't bite the hand of my favorite actor ever.

Debi 05-08-2009 11:43 PM


Originally Posted by iPhantom (Post 712789)
Both great actors but I find the acting of Al Pacino vastly superior. Not only as Tony Montana but as Michael Corleone as well. Those two are the greatest acts i have ever seen.

Then Vote !

Compaqmac321 05-08-2009 11:44 PM

haha oh ok
i have no arguments, al pacino did well in scarface and many other movies

my favorite actor isnt either, but my favorite two acting jobs come from the two movies and actors mentioned, but like i said, i gave it to heath as the joker


Debi 05-08-2009 11:50 PM


Originally Posted by Compaqmac321 (Post 712793)
haha oh ok
i have no arguments, al pacino did well in scarface and many other movies

my favorite actor isnt either, but my favorite two acting jobs come from the two movies and actors mentioned, but like i said, i gave it to heath as the joker


Whois your favorite actor ?

Me its definitely Pacino because the Godfather is my favorite movie ever.
To give you an idea, the Godfather can play non-stop at my place for a very long time. I'm not really watching but when I know an awesome scene is coming up, I go in the living room and watch it.

Hmm but yea.. we were talking about Scarface right... duh >.<

Kanji_The_Wanderer 05-08-2009 11:58 PM

In my opinion Scarface is way over rated. I watched the movie once and I didn't feel like it was worth half the hype it gets. Sure, it's well acted, and the cinematography is nice . It made me wonder if people liked it just because it was a blood bath.
I've preferred Pacino much more in his recent films. I feel he has become a much better actor now then he was when he was younger.
So my vote is unanimous.

Compaqmac321 05-09-2009 12:00 AM


Originally Posted by Debi (Post 712795)
Whois your favorite actor ?

Me its definitely Pacino because the Godfather is my favorite movie ever.
To give you an idea, the Godfather can play non-stop at my place for a very long time. I'm not really watching but when I know an awesome scene is coming up, I go in the living room and watch it.

Hmm but yea.. we were talking about Scarface right... duh >.<

hahahaha yea
and to me the godfather is overrated
no im not a fan
to be honest i dont know any1 who really likes the godfather even tho its extremely popular. but yea thats a different thread lol

my favorite actor is will smith and ninomiya kazunari........
im not just a will smith fan cus he's will smith, i recognize real actors, and as a real actor he is one, he can play anybody, do anything, and his acting is always on point.....the same goes for ninomiya kazunari
ive seen everything hes been in
his range is amazing
he could play me in a movie if he wanted to, and im being serious
he can be serious
mentally challenged
dumb, it doesnt matter, between the two of them thats who it is, i cant pick one.

about the godfather again, most if not all the actors in the godfather are pretty great...there was just something about it i did NOT like, i cant put my finger on it

MMM 05-09-2009 12:18 AM

I thought I thought Scarface was one of the best movies ever, then I rewatched it a couple years ago, and was surprised at how over-the-top it is. I think Pacino is a great actor, but this role is too much. Heath Ledger's Joker was much more emotionally disturbing.

rison 05-09-2009 12:20 AM

Al pacino as Tony Montana. That character actually inspired quite a number of people that I know of, not towards killing though.

Heath Ledger as Joker was good but I cant actually understand what exactly he wanted.

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