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SHAD0W 05-09-2009 01:16 PM

Working Out Again
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coldhazard 05-09-2009 01:25 PM

You should never train the same muscle group each day. After a workout you should give your muscles 2-3 days rest.
ex; If you train your biceps on monday, then don't train them again until wensday/thursday.
Take in alot of protein and don't use to much weight. The best way to find out the right amount of weight is when you can just do 12-15 repetitions of the movement. You should focus more on doing the right movement then stacking up the weight ;)

ozkai 05-09-2009 01:26 PM


Originally Posted by SHAD0W (Post 713281)
The search funtion proved useless to me, so if theres anyone here that find a more appropriate place for my question to be merged/moved to, then please do so :)

As usual, I feel most my questions require backstory so that will be the smaller font, the real question will be below in this normal font :)

I sometimes go help my Dad at work lugging around huge bags of carpet underlay that can weigh anything from 70lbs to 160lbs depending on quality. In my younger days I used to be able to shift these onto my shoulder and move them around no problem. Until last week I had not been to work with him for about 2 maybe 3 years.. and this time he picked up a bag and threw it at me expecting me to catch it like before, and I fell flat on my backside. I felt SO weak.. so I've started working out again.

So, fellow fitness freaks..

I've bought some weighted training clothing (a 10kg vest and 4x 2kg sweatbands for legs and arms) to wear while I work out - Would it be problematic if I wore these all the time instead of just during work out? Would it cause strain on my bones or something silly like that?

Also, I'm in constant pain all over my body now I've been working out daily... my friend says its cause I'm not streatching properly.. What streatches do I need to do if all I'm doing is sit ups, press ups and chin/pull ups?

Any form of reply appreciated :)

I would say simply work out without the weighted clothing.

No need to strain yourself.

You definitely need to do warm up stretching before you start lifting heavy weights.

It sounds as if a 'Body Pump' type class scenario is more what you are wanting.

A walk or jog morning and evening also works wonders.

But yes, do stretching exercise first.

Do you smoke?

Hope this helps somewhat and I think this should be moved to the fitness thread:mtongue:

Kanji_The_Wanderer 05-09-2009 01:33 PM

You don't want to work the same muscle out repeatedly. Small muscles like the bicep, fatigue easily and you need a 2 to 3 day rest after the work out.

This is my schedule. Monday I'd do chest. You require tricep strength in chest weight training, or any chest workout for that matter. Tuesdays is back. When you do back your biceps engage.

Wednesday shoulders/traps. For me my shoulders fatigue very easily but they grow very fast.

Thursday arms. Workout both bicep and tricep this day. Biceps got a 2 day rest, and triceps got a 3, so they should be doing pretty good and you should be ready to hit those curls.

Friday is legs.

Drink protein. I can't stress this enough. If you want to see results, and most people want them quickly, if you take protein you'll start to see changes in a couple of weeks.

Don't forget a lot of protein is made to supplement a meal. The worse thing you can do is have a large shake with dinner. Especially if you think you need to lose weight. Always put a few hours in between consumption. 2-3
I certainly recommend you definitely stretch out your legs and back before you do those exercises. The other ones don't require much stretching but certainly do back and legs.
Also you'll only want to use those weighted items in the beginning then you'll be taking them off. You are probably in a lot of pain because your body needs to recondition itself and rip the muscles.

Whoah, sorry, long reply.

coldhazard 05-09-2009 01:35 PM

I disagree with your arm training. Doing opposite sides of the arm slows down the growth of both muscles. Both my fitness trainer and school teacher told me so.

Aniki 05-09-2009 01:36 PM

You should consult a professional rather then taking any advice from anyone who posts here.

Kanji_The_Wanderer 05-09-2009 01:37 PM


Originally Posted by coldhazard (Post 713287)
I disagree with your arm training. Doing opposite sides of the arm slows down the growth of both muscles. Both my fitness trainer and school teacher told me so.

Really? no kidding. I never had a trainer. I made that schedule myself with research and just testing myself. Interesting. I've never been dis-satisfied with it.

ozkai 05-09-2009 01:41 PM


Originally Posted by Kanji_The_Wanderer (Post 713289)
Really? no kidding. I never had a trainer. I made that schedule myself with research and just testing myself. Interesting. I've never been dis-satisfied with it.

Each to their own..

This group of Videos on U-Tube from the same user is interesting.
YouTube - TomTom25255's Channel

He takes you through his progress stage to give you an idea..

coldhazard 05-09-2009 01:42 PM


Originally Posted by Kanji_The_Wanderer (Post 713289)

Really? no kidding. I never had a trainer. I made that schedule myself with research and just testing myself. Interesting. I've never been dis-satisfied with it.

My shedule:
Monday: Biceps and Back
Tuesday: Shoulders
Wensday: Triceps and Chest
Thursday: Biceps and Back
Friday: Shoulders
Saturday: Triceps and Chest

I spend 2 hours a day in the gym, if I have spare time I train my stomach area each day because its a muscle group that recovers and grows fast for me.

Kanji_The_Wanderer 05-09-2009 01:43 PM


Originally Posted by coldhazard (Post 713292)
My shedule:
Monday: Biceps and Back
Tuesday: Shoulders
Wensday: Triceps and Chest
Thursday: Biceps and Back
Friday: Shoulders
Saturday: Triceps and Chest

I spend 2 hours a day in the gym, if I have spare time I train my stomach area each day because its a mustle group that recovers and grows fast for me.

You don't do legs? Lower strength training helps to balance out greatly.

coldhazard 05-09-2009 01:45 PM

Nope I don't do legs. I play soccer so my legs are muscled enough according to my trainer

SHAD0W 05-09-2009 02:32 PM


darksyndrem 05-09-2009 03:23 PM

You don't want to wear weights on your wrists or ankles, this will stress your knees and elbows too much. The vest is good, but I wouldn't bother wearing it all the time, just wear it while you work out. I suggest checking out Parkour performers, Freerunning team - 3RUN these guys are really smart when it comes to your own workouts and stuff. Also check out this guys videos, YouTube - bobbyconditioning's Channel and YouTube - scottmeijing's Channel watch some of these guys videos, they have quite a few training videos

MissMisa 05-09-2009 03:31 PM

Well, since I'm already amazingly muscular and toned, this doesn't concern me. Haha.

I try to do excersise, but I am lazy and can't be bothered. Wii Fit makes me feel less guilty temporarily. xD

coldhazard 05-09-2009 04:14 PM

Well..you can always save up for a benchpress...costs about 150 bucks and you can train most muscles on it...and it doesn't take up alot of time...

Compaqmac321 05-09-2009 05:36 PM

ah, i can answer this
my dad used to be a trainer (and a body builde)r when he was in the military and he still trains ppl now when he's not at work so i grew up around weights and such..
they said that you need to rest every 2 or 3 days, but thats not true...true u have to rest your muscle to give them time to grow, but the hurt u feel after your work is a good thing, soon youll stop hurting, when that happens youll need to change up your work out to shock your muscles again so they can grow more.........you should do upper body every other day, say u do upper body monday, dont do it again until wednesday, lower body tuesday thursday and saturday, normally i take sundays off, that would be the day you let your whole body recover, u get what im sayn right? unfortunately that doest really apply to abs and cardio, abs is something you should do everyday, my brother is a boxer so he said getting abs is tough (which it is) but once u have them, keeping them gets tougher cus u have to work em out everyday

about the weight bands u have...i heard storys from ppl telling me that i shouldnt wear mine everyday, but i played football from 4th grade to my freshman year in college, and even at practice i would have on my weights (minus weight vest) but in school and at work id have it on and im fine, idk that maybe cus i started working out daily when i was in the 4th grade tho, but still u should be iight.
all in all, if u just want to get stay in shape, just do push ups sit ups and run with the weights on and youll be ok....getting bigger is tiresome trust me i know.

Compaqmac321 05-09-2009 05:49 PM


Originally Posted by SHAD0W (Post 713301)
Argh! Really? No wonder I hurt so much!!!!

You all talk about having a schedule, I guess that means you go to the gym? I dont have the time/money for a gym so what I'll be doing is just stuff that can be done soon as I wake up or before bed..

I also have no interest in training my legs as I get enough walking exercise in my 2nd job at the super market (might see if I can sneak my weights under my uniform though..)

Speaking of the weighted clothes, why would I want to take them off after a while?

What protien suppliment (im guessing its a shake) would you recomend and do you have a protein foods list?

Also, my question on streatches remains unanswered..

Thanks for all your help though :)

like i said, please dont underestimate push ups sit ups and pull ups...
mike tyson when he was in his prime NEVER touched a weight...and you see how big he was....im witness to what just push ups in your room adn sit ups can do, i never just did it like that cus i played sports where part of practice was going to the gym...but my brother (boxer) started working out in his room with out weights and got just as big as some1 in the gym....just cus at one poinmt i could bench press 300 pounds doesnt mean i was the strongest guy..its about total body strength.

food wise, baked chicken, tuna, peanut butter, pasta, fish, salads. those are all good...
now if u tryna get BIG, then what i did was i ate like a beast, lol anything and worked out like one too, and gained weight (195 to 225) then i ate healthy and turned up my cardio and lowered the weights to instead of working out on the bench with 250, took it down to 215 nd pumped out more reps...and with curls, instead of curling with 60 or 70 dumbell, went down to 35 40 and did more reps, for cuts, so id go from 225 to 210.
but thats when u have to for the gym

coldhazard 05-09-2009 08:07 PM

Abs tough ? I got my six pack in 2 months :confused:

Compaqmac321 05-09-2009 08:50 PM


Originally Posted by coldhazard (Post 713427)
Abs tough ? I got my six pack in 2 months :confused:

thats possible
it depends on your body type
i have friends who got their abs together in 6 weeks
a lot of reps. i believe you

SHAD0W 05-09-2009 10:32 PM


Originally Posted by Compaqmac321 (Post 713348)
like i said, please dont underestimate push ups sit ups and pull ups...

Thankyou very much for everything you said! You've helped out alot!

SHAD0W 05-12-2009 04:43 PM

Still not sure what streatches I should be doing, though. Any recomendations for what other exercises i can do in my room?

(in b4 sex, masturbating etc, Koir :p)

JayT 05-12-2009 04:46 PM

Here's my routine:

Monday: Legs, Abs

Tuesday: Back, Biceps

Wednesday: Rest

Thursday: Chest, Shoulders, Triceps

Friday: Legs, Abs

Saturday: Rest

Sunday: Rest

WORKOUT 1 - Legs,Abs

Leg Extensions 2 x 20 (Pre-exhaust sets)

Squats 4 x 6-10 (Last set to failure)

Leg Presses 3 x 8-10

Hack Squats 2 x 10 (Burning sets)

Straight-leg Deadlifts 3 x 10-12

Leg curls 2 x 12

Seated Calf Raises 3 x 15-20 (30-60s rest)

Standing Calf Raises 2 x 20

High Pulley Cable Crunch 3 x 15-20 (30-60s rest)

Hanging Leg-Raises 3 x 15

WORKOUT 2 - Chest,Shoulders,Triceps

Incline Bench Press 4 x 6-10 (Last set to the failure)

Flat Dumbbell Press 3 x 8-10

Cable Crossover Flys 3 x 10-12

Military Dumbbell raises 3 x 8-10 (Last set to the failure)

Dumbbell side laterals 3 x 10-12 (Burning sets)

Barbell Shrugs 2 x 12-15

Lying triceps extensions 3 x 8-10

Triceps Pushdowns 3 x 10

One Arm Dumbbell Extensions 2 x 10-12

WORKOUT 3 - Back, Rear Delts, Biceps

Deadlifts 3 x 6-10

Barbell Rows 3 x 8-10

Pulldowns 3 x 10

Seated Cable Rows 2 x 10

Bent Over Dumbbell Raises 2 x 10-12

Barbell Curls 3 x 8-10

Alternate Dumbbell Curls 3 x 10

Preacher Dumbbell Curls 2 x 10-12 (Burning Sets)

Hammer Curls 2 x 10-12

I've been slacking off a lot lately,
well really I just don't want to get too big to the point its noticeable.
I'm all about definition and working every muscle.
Don't skip out on your legs either, even if you don't show them.
Your biggest muscles are in your legs afterall and my leg routing will really work them. Don't skip out on your dead lift or squats either, very important.
A little bit of creatine to add water weight and protein to repair aid muscle repair wont hurt you either ;)

I've been down and out of the gym for a while,
I've just started back up about a month and a half ago.

As you can see I'm rather small now,
stick with a good routine and you'll be big in no time :cool:
Hope It helps :ywave:

darksyndrem 05-12-2009 05:26 PM


Originally Posted by SHAD0W (Post 715331)
Still not sure what streatches I should be doing, though. Any recomendations for what other exercises i can do in my room?

(in b4 sex, masturbating etc, Koir :p)

I'll just assume you didn't see my post...
Parkour performers, Freerunning team - 3RUN <--Go to their forums, they should have lots of articles for you to read about this with great information.

YouTube - bobbyconditioning's Channel <-- He's got tons of videos of some exercises he uses (probably won't find them many other places).

YouTube - scottmeijing's Channel <-- He's got some stretching videos and a few alternate style pushups

Tricks Tutorials.com <-- This is the best resource I have ever found for stretching. You should be able to find it from the home page (I'd link you directly but I'm under a school thingy or w/e). Their forums will also have a few articles and lots of other people with questions just like yours.

Let me know if any of these don't work, I can't really check right now :\

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