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michaelarda 05-12-2009 05:01 PM

Please Help me About "Shakuhachi"
Hello... I'm from Turkey , My name is Arda. 20years old.Male...

I'm learning japanese und I'm studying Deutsch und English Linguistig in here in cumhuriyet üniversitesi (university)...

I'm searching Shakuhachi in turkey in everywhere but in here... I can't find in anywhere :S

So, can you help me about it... ?
Can anyone send me , a gut Shakuhachi to my Home Adresse...

And so : if you wanna money from me for it , I can pay Money your adresse...
and maybe : if you wanna give it to me as gift , I'll be very grateful for that...

and I promise : who send me a gut "Shakuhachi" , then I'll host him or her a really good 5day in Turkey in 4 or 5stars Hotel !!!

I'm waiting for your Help...

My home Adress is :

Fatih Mah. Sokullu Mehmet Paşa Cad.
Anıl Sitesi , D-Blok , No:3 / Kat: 2

Belen - HATAY / (TürKiYE)

Atakicat 05-12-2009 05:05 PM

This site has some very nice ones, I think they ship internationally

Shakuhachi, Sunreed Instruments Musical Instruments

michaelarda 05-12-2009 05:12 PM

I know that this Japanese Forum has good Users who waiting for help and showing Love to People all over the World...

I'm Fan of Japanese - Nihon(Japan) Since 7years old...

So 4years later , I wanna Live in Japan ... because Japan is my Second MainLand for me... !!!

I love all Japan... I love you !!!

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