iPhantom's Answer: Dont worry, happens to everyone, its just the blood rushing from your head down to your legs, takes a few seconds to pump back to your head is all
kcyk8703's Answer: This also happens to alot of people its just groginess from just waking up, you shouldnt fall asleep in class either lol
Thelastfortnight's Answer: In England you are advised to have an eye test every 2 years unless you have Diabetes, Glaucoma (Or a family history of Diabetes or Glaucoma) or unless you have a high prescription (example you being a -10 Spere in both eyes with a +5 Cyl). Just make sure you have an eye test when you are due or if you feel theres been a change in your presricption. As for laser eye surgery it is very safe as a whole but depending on which country you live in the price for it as well as the safety standards might not be as good as other countries, example being England which is quite expensive but very very safe and has a very high success rate.
Saintkat's Answer: If you have Presbyopia (people dont develop this until the age of 40, its basically means reading glasses), if you have a very high spectacle prescription it may not make a hell of a difference, if you have type 1 Diabetes and thats about it for the mainstream of things that disqualify you from it. Go and have a laser consutation with your own optometrist he/she will be able to tell you more because they have your individual records, everyones eyes are unique you see so he/she will be able to tell you exactly how it will benefit you.
Tainsg's Answer: It depends, are they many floaters? They shouldnt impair your vision in normal amounts but if there is many you may have a serious problem. It sounds like you just need glasses, counting very tiny things through a microscope i imagine you would need to see the best you can