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odhorsudhapan 06-29-2009 08:32 AM

Red trees
Is Japan the only country with red tree leaves and grasses? How are the tree leaves and grasses red?

komitsuki 06-29-2009 08:34 AM

If my memory serves right, the only trees that have red branches and trunks are from the pine tree family, mostly in northern Asia.

ozkai 06-29-2009 08:36 AM


Originally Posted by odhorsudhapan (Post 739831)
Is Japan the only country with red trees and grasses? How are the trees red?

Red trees.. WOW!

Maybe you mean the Japanese Maple tree if that's the correct name?

I believe they also have them in Korea and Canada..

Nothing that I know of here in Australia with red leaves, although we have plenty of flowers..

We also have a palm commonly named a "lipstick" palm due to it's pinky red main trunk.

YukisUke 07-02-2009 01:49 AM

Red trees? That sounds so cool and so scary at the same time. Would like to see it sometime when I go to Japan. Maybe.

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