burkhartdesu |
08-07-2009 08:03 PM |
Anyone heard of the Bohemian Grove?
Apparently all the world leaders, including presidents, bank owners, and all around "good guys" meet on an annual basis in a private forest retreat known as the "Bohemian Grove"
Rituals, such as praying to the owl god "Molec", the wearing of ornamental robes, and the "Cremation of Care", where they set fire to a idol in the figure of a man.
Oh, and no women are allowed.... Interesting.
Isn't it a little scary that our world leaders are meeting in such a ritualistic setting?
Since 1873, the Global Elite Has Held Secret Meetings in the Ancient Redwood Forest of Northern California.
Members of the so-called "Bohemian Club" include Former Presidents Eisenhower, Nixon and Reagan.
The Bush Family Maintains a Strong Involvement. Each Year at Bohemian Grove, Members of This All-Male "Club" Don Red, Black and Silver Robes and Conduct an Occult Ritual Wherein They Worship a Giant Stone Owl, Sacrificing a Human Being in Effigy to What They Call the "Great Owl of Bohemia."
Now, for the First Time in History, an Outsider Has Infiltrated Bohemian Grove with a Hidden Digital Video Camera and Caught the Ritual on Tape. That Man is Alex Jones, the Exclusive Digital Video is Just Part of His Shocking New Documentary: DARK SECRETS: INSIDE BOHEMIAN GROVE
