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Tyrien 09-11-2009 02:42 AM


Originally Posted by komitsuki (Post 764662)
Teenager is a modern 20th century concept to fit the further industrializations of the society.

Pretty much. You can blame the archaic educational system clashing with the digital revolution, if you must blame something.

Standardized public education systems are something every child goes through, in every 'first world' country. Kids are told to think one way, that this is the only way they can go forward in life, etc, etc, etc. However the same kids also have the internet to contradict these teachings - creativity and different ideas.


Originally Posted by ozkai (Post 764601)
I think it has something to do with family values and the disolving of the family home, Dad works, Mum looks after the kids and lunches with friends during the week, and the whole family camoes together on Staurday and Sunday for a picnic or/and friends over in the garden for a BBQ while the kids play under the hose.

In Japan, it seems to be a reliance on the oldies money stash, which pulls the teenagers away from having a sense of responsibility.

As the genrations fold, more and more parents become dysfunctional, divorce becomes the "norm", women have wanted to become men and this has happened, they want to fight, prove themselves and win, more and more women are committing domestic violence against the male and female partenr, and socities in our world are being dictated by governments.

The fact is, nobody really gives a stuff about other's family values, only their own.

Countries lose their culture, Thailand is a good example.

Japan appears totally fooked up!

How many Father's get turned on taking their daughter's on dates:confused:

Culture does not get lost, it simply evolves as time goes by. Whether or not people want to recognize it, culture has evolved for the better as a whole.

For the most part society is more polite than it was 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 100 years ago. Even a 5 year old is expected to have more manners than an adult was back in the 50s. It's called teenage angst. The digital age has just made it more apparent because it's so easy to see.

andddd I'm 78 posts in and can't bear to read anymore.

adviser 01-30-2010 11:13 AM


Originally Posted by MissMisa (Post 764872)
One time I was on the bus, and I asked if an elderly man wanted to sit down instead. I was really shocked when he became angry! I think he was angry because he thought I was suggesting he was old... but I was only trying to be polite.

People need not to do those very good things , you ought to only give seat to very old people in many places nowadays , I think may be you are very good ,

You can check my messages to you .

JayT 01-30-2010 11:41 AM

Blame it on their idols. Rappers and Nu-Metal :rolleyes:

And Marvin Gay was asking What's Going On in 1971, if only he saw the 2000's..

manganimefan227 01-30-2010 08:19 PM

Not much discipline seems to be done here . . .

Zerj 02-02-2010 07:49 PM


Originally Posted by Kandierain15 (Post 764571)
Some kids just learn manners badly. :/ You're just gonna have to deal. I do every day

I agree.
Some of them are so selfish that they just don't care about other people, they do and say whatever they want and it's all about them.

Heather 02-02-2010 07:54 PM

Teens are just not matured. They don't know how to behave in situations.

Tyrien 02-02-2010 08:35 PM

So I just realized something, and I'm ashamed with myself for not realizing this sooner. Especially after partaking in this type of discussion on a few other occasions.

Adults have been complaining about the way teenagers act for as long as there have been teenagers.

So just accept it.

metalmark666 02-02-2010 09:24 PM

Teenagers are not just rude in England, they stab/shoot you too!!!
I blame the parents, some people should have been neutered at birth. I feel sorry for the couples who can't have children when there are parents out there who don't give a toss about their kids and let them turn into monsters.
:mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:

ilovedaisuke7 02-02-2010 09:30 PM

I think for a lot of teens [including myself] we're accidentally rude.
Sometimes one doesn't realize what they say might come off as rude to others.
Or perhaps they're just having a bad day and seem to take it off on others.
However, there are exceptions of people who are just down right mean and have no respect for others at all.

Tyrien 02-02-2010 09:34 PM


Originally Posted by ilovedaisuke7 (Post 798138)
I think for a lot of teens [including myself] we're accidentally rude.
Sometimes one doesn't realize what they say might come off as rude to others.
Or perhaps they're just having a bad day and seem to take it off on others.
However, there are exceptions of people who are just down right mean and have no respect for others at all.

That's another thing I noticed too... A lot of adults who have issues with teens don't realize that they're part of a different generation.

I'm 21, but I speak to my friends in a completely different way than my mom would ever consider acceptable to speak to someone. All my friends in my age bracket generally speak the same way. We're blunt, we make fun of one another jokingly, we make "rude" jokes, and we have fun.

My teachers get it because they're teachings (my teachers range from around 30 to 60 being the highest). They're around people like me all the time so the get that's how we treat, and show respect for one another. My grandmother on the other hand would be appalled if she was still alive.

I'm not saying teenagers aren't rude, because some are. I'm saying most aren't legitimately rude. Most just don't act the way others want them to.

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