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manganimefan227 02-13-2010 09:19 PM

Who said all elders were wise? Or act in respectable ways? Sure some have mental problems but some are just rude and naturally bitter and I might snap at them if I had the guts to: They should be doing their best to keep living great honorable lives even at the end. And sometimes teens just feel "put down" or a need to protect their "dignity"

minimin 02-13-2010 10:32 PM


Originally Posted by AlastorDMC (Post 799942)
Age doesn't make any difference. The only two thing that do matter are experience and ability to think. Still youth need to respect their parents, just becouse they give you a starting point to achive your dream.
Well, i respect my parents also, but i am in some way rude/cold, even though they don't like it. ( My reason: i like to tell actuall truth to people in face. That is if i see a classmate that doesn't have any good abilities i will never cooperate with him/her and will tell what they lack. )

Yeh and most elders have that experience/ablility to think moreso than the young teenager. I'm not saying some kids aren't full of experience or lack thinking ability im just saying that lack of respect for ones whom are older is rude. I see nothing wrong in that sentiment. Theres nothing wrong with the truth. The truth isn't rude, can make one feel uncomfortable or hurt their feelings. Thats funny because my dad has always told me i can be very mean to certain people. They've earned that though. There not even my elders so now if you show this rude/cold attitude to everyone hmmm guess thats you. But my attitude with people are pointed in certain directions like idiots not just elders.


Originally Posted by manganimefan227 (Post 799974)
Who said all elders were wise? Or act in respectable ways? Sure some have mental problems but some are just rude and naturally bitter and I might snap at them if I had the guts to: They should be doing their best to keep living great honorable lives even at the end. And sometimes teens just feel "put down" or a need to protect their "dignity"

Well in my life i say they are. My grams acts in a respectable way and most people I know whom are older do. Bitter people deserve respect too. An old person can be mean. Might be because they've grown tired of all these kids who give them unnecessary rudeness and never treat them like they should be treated. Well i see all people as different so if one wants to be mad near the end of their life(everyone will feel different about death) they might be upset or mad about it doesnt give anyone to the right to treat them bad. or yell at them.

Now im just saying how i feel about the subject anyone is able to treat ones as they feel. Doesnt matter personally to me. I know that i treat my elders with kindness and lack the rudeness even if i ever wanted to be rude or yell. Its very disrespectful but hell everyone will do as they please. Now im not saying i've never been mean to anyone but my elders no i haven't. I see my parents as my elders too and wouldnt EVER treat them badly yell back or be rude to them for I have been taught by my parents you should have respect for people in your life. I see some who are older than me who don't deserve my niceness like my sister but she's in a different class than older people.

sorry im running in circles here i don't know anyway to explain it better that one should have respect and love for their parents if they grew up and were taught that.

Canada 02-13-2010 10:54 PM

I do not think that this is a fair post. I know many younger people who are very courteous and nice people. Lots of older people do not deserve respect. Some child molester or murderer is not going to get my respect no matter what the age. The world is a changing place. Younger people are a lot more savvy than older people regarding technical stuff. Some do forget that its the previous generations work that helps advance the following one. Give respect to those that deserve your respect.

manganimefan227 02-13-2010 11:21 PM

Yes and this thread was made to complain about the ones who don't.

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