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Ryzorian 09-06-2009 06:13 AM

Ha, I think history keeps repeating itself. Not because we never learn from our past but rather because the bad guys keep trying to win.

AlexReal 09-06-2009 09:07 AM


Originally Posted by seiki (Post 768665)
I do not see a point in your question other than to make it appear as if Russia played the most important role in the war. how about the lend lease act? or the daylight bomber campaign? the u.s. destroyed many german war factories and how about G.B.'s discovery of radar? was that not usefull?

US have entered war with Germany, only having convinced, that Germany loses. Lying to beat - the merit is not great.

burkhartdesu 09-06-2009 09:16 AM

I like how you assume that we aren't taught history in an American History class :rolleyes:

AlexReal 09-06-2009 09:18 AM

US will always represent history so that they looked from the best side. They very much try for this purpose and for them it turns out (in territory of US). It is Enough to look their films to be convinced - they rescued, rescue and will always rescue the world. We have reason, inquisitiveness and (if necessary) possibility to parse historic facts and events not to give in to their diligence.

P.S. One my long-distance acquaintance in the beginning of lecture on history at university have risen and has told, that its grandfather was at war at the front and she knows, who and what role has played in war. After that the lecturerhas read lecture not how it did it before other students. He spoke the facts instead of as it SHOULD be from the point of view of America.

Here so)))

komitsuki 09-06-2009 09:29 AM


Originally Posted by burkhartdesu (Post 768805)
I like how you assume that we aren't taught history in an American History class :rolleyes:

To be fair, I've seen more Canadians who know very much about American history than Canadians. But ironic that Canadians don't know much about their own history.

Ronin4hire 09-06-2009 12:13 PM

Champion of WW2?

This deserves a

Tenchu 09-06-2009 03:03 PM


Originally Posted by Ronin4hire (Post 768828)
Champion of WW2?

This deserves a [self masturbation session]

Yes. The only heros in your wars are the Care Bears, Ronin.

Ryzorian 09-06-2009 06:41 PM

America saved the world pretty much in WW2, yup. Now hey, that doesn't detract from anyone elses efforts, wich were vast. Nor anyone elses sacrifice, wich were huge. However, at the end of the day, if the US had not gotten involved at all, the world woulda lost.

If the US didn't bother anyone, nor tried to get involved in the Asian war via supplies and enbargo's. Japan likely wouldn't have attacked Pearl Harbor, but would have gone after Russia, and it would have been Russia with the two front war.

Japan ended up being suckered by FDR, who really wanted to go after Germany, but needed the backing of the American people, who weren't that convinced at the time. Everythig done before Pearl harbor was designed to ensure Pearl harbor happened, so the US could declare war on Japan's ally..Germany. Winning in chess is about being willing to sacrifice certain pieces and godeing the opponant into makeing mistakes.

iPhantom 09-06-2009 07:30 PM


Originally Posted by Ryzorian (Post 768883)
America saved the world pretty much in WW2, yup.

Bullshit. USA was the main contributor in the defeat of Japan but Russia played a larger role in defeating Germany.

The Allies were starting to win before USA joined, unlike popular belief.

Ryzorian 09-06-2009 08:14 PM

Russia, which was nearly exhausted just by Germany, could have survived a two front war with both Japan and Germany? not likely, and we both know it. Not to mention the fact the US was the primary source of weapons and equipment for several other nations fighting in that war before the US "offcially" joined. Includeing both Russia and China.

In fact, the only thing Chinese about it's airforce was the little emblems painted on the tails of the American fighters, flown by American pilots, fireing American bullets.

The allies winning before the US even joined? Hmmmm, seemed to me all of Europe except for Britain was occupied by Germany, half of Russia was occupied as well. If not for the US drawing the attention of Japan, it would have been pretty much all of Russia being split between Germany and Japan. You can paint the house any color you like, but the US still built it.

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