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09-08-2009, 07:03 PM
Short stand. Translation - the program.
As the Brest fortress was defended from fascists. One of first at an attack of Germany to Soviet Union, blow has taken up garrison of the Brest fortress. Brest fortress (a fortress Brest-Litovsk) - a fortress in city boundaries of Brest in Belarus, for a river Muhavets influx to the Western Bug. Hitlerites volplaned to win here immediately, but soldiers kept defence to last - almost month. In live from almost 4 thousand advocates of Brest there were units. In four mornings, after half-hour shelling, fascists have rushed to a fortress, forcing the Western Bug. Assault groups of the fascists ferried through the river, have not met practically any resistance. At the first o'clock of war per fortresses the chaos reigned. After all when gears have fallen to the Brest citadel, its garrison peacefully slept. Troops have not been resulted in a combat readiness. Germans volplaned to take a fortress in the forenoon. Their infantry already during the first hours wars has passed forward shore fortifications, has encircled a citadel and even has broken inside. But advocates, having recovered after an artillery strike, have held defence in barracks. Its building laced up with walls of two-metre depth all fortress. At night on June, 22nd aggressors have been forced to depart. Have returned only in the morning, having covered with the captured. They have collected captured, captured on Southern island, and have sent on errands ahead of itself in the capacity of a live screen. And here when they already approached to a bridge, captured have started to shout: "Shoot, do not regret us". But our fighters saw - ahead there are the, and, of course, fire was not opened. Half of advocates managed to be wrested from the encircled fortress. Other 4 thousand, according to historians, resisted to a nazi division in which was four times more soldier. At a fortress continuously raked and often bombed. Against powerful walls have applied also the superweapon - heavy gun Charles. Blows of such gears did not stand even fortifications. In some days of defence the unit from them was ruined. In days when on a fortress hundreds tons of killing iron have collapsed, advocates have been forced to leave under land. In serf cellarages. In кромешной to darkness it was possible to sell the life more expensively. Germans, having had in the beginning the big losses, were afraid to assault vaults. However, have then decided to apply flaming guns. That simply burnt out advocates from shelters, the carbonized reports of a fortress testify. A brick here it is simple fluidized. In each subdivision there was a so-called emergency ration of an ammunition where there were grenades, cartridges, and as a rule, these containers were in an abatis. Barracks has been destroyed. It was necessary to search for these containers, to prize them, to type in a bag of cartridges, grenades. It also did not once. And all this ammunition supplied in cellarages. The Soviet soldiers who have remained in a fortress opposed, even when nazis were already fixed in a citadel. On July, 15th in a tower builted over Tiraspol gate, the unknown advocate of a fortress has launched in passing in the bottom of fascists a sheaf of grenades and, not wishing to surrender to the opponent in a captivity, then itself from above was launched on a roadway. On inscriptions on walls have installed - advocates have held on in a fortress till July, 23rd. Then nazis already occupied Belarus and have started approach to Moscow. And because of failure in Brest Wehrmacht even assigned special order an inques. AFTER ALL AT FORTRESS STORM GERMAN 45 TH DIVISION HAS lost MORE SOLDIERS, THAN DURING WAR With Poland And France. |
09-08-2009, 07:12 PM
They actually had to fight there would be one reason. Poland and France weren't really "wars". The Germans also had to use one of the largest field guns ever made, to destroy one of those Forts, don't recall wich one off hand though.
09-08-2009, 07:26 PM
Short stand. Translation - the program.
The Second World War (1939-1945) - the largest war in world history - in it 72 states and over 80 % of the population of globe participated, military operations have embraced territories of 40 states, has perished approximately 57 million persons. The Versailles contract has extremely restricted possibilities of Germany to splice the armed forces and has made the German aggression practically impossible. However after Hitler's arrival to authority Germany began to ignore all limitations of the Versailles contract - in particular, has rebuilt conscription and has started to splice exhaustion of every possible military engineering fast. In 1936 German troops have held the Rhine demilitarised zone. While the army of Germany was weak, powers were Антанты (including within the limits of activity of League of the Nations) could without effort force to return it to frameworks of Versailles - however they and did not think of it (besides, that German national socialists at all did not hide the aggressive intents). In March, 1938 Germany has easily connected with itself Austria, in October 1938, as a result of the Munich arrangement, and a unit of Czechoslovakia. In March, 1939 Germany occupied all territory of Czechoslovakia. It is necessary to mark, what exactly the Versailles peace treaty has delivered Germany in a situation at which extreme political forces could come to power. In the conditions of unemployment and other economic shocks NSDAP as radical force, could catch the majority vote of Germans and become stronger in authority. The radical ideology strongly became stronger in minds of the majority degraded with the Versailles contract (which has laid down Germany in humiliating conditions) Germans. September 1939 - April 1940: Defeat of Poland and «strange war» The Second World War has started on September, 1st, 1939 an attack of Germany and Slovakia to Poland. On September, 3rd the Great Britain and France the British dominions the Australian Union and New Zealand, and also the Indian Empire have declared war Germany. The subsequent days Nepal, Tonga, Newfoundland, the South African Union and Canada have joined them. This very day submarine U-30 without warning has sunk a passenger liner «Atenia». On September, 17th, according to the confidential protocol of Pact Molotova - Ribbentropa, the Soviet troops have held east areas of Poland (see Soviet-German agreements 1939), having destroyed illusive hopes of the Polish command of foothold deduction in the southeast of the country prior to the beginning of the ex-British approach to the Western front (which nobody volplaned). On November, 30th the Soviet troops have intruded on territory of Finland (Winter war proceeded till March, 12th, 1940 and formally was not considered as the Second World War unit the Soviet and Finnish historians). April 1940 - June 1941: Falling of Europe In April - May, 1940 the German troops occupied Denmark, Norway, Belgium, the Netherlands, Luxembourg, and in June - France. In June, 1940 of the USSR has injected troops into Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia and east areas of Romania. On July, 10th, 1940 war on the side of Germany was entered by Italy which troops in August - September have captured the British Somalia, a unit of Kenya and Sudan, have intruded in Egypt. In December they have been divided and in January - May, 1941 are proscribed from East Africa by the English troops. In April, 1941 Germany has captured Greece and Yugoslavia. Japan occupied southern regions of China and northern unit of the French Indochina. To the beginning of the Second World War of the VTR of the Great Britain considerably exceeded the VTR of Germany. Including battle with linear fleet of the Great Britain impossible, the commander-in-chief did by German VTRs Reder the rate on the strategy of cruiser war, that is struggle against transports of the opponent. To this idea «pocket battleships» «Doichland», "Admiral Sheer" and «the Admiral of columns Shpee» have been subordinated created in the late thirties. Battleships "Bismarck" intended For the same purpose and «Tirpic». In May, 1941 "Bismarck" has been transmitted to Atlantic in raid. On May, 27th it has been intercepted and sunk by the vessels of the VTR of Britain. Britain has lost a linear cruiser "is thin". After loss of "Bismarck" Hitler was disappointed in the large vessels and has passed command of VTR Dyonitsu which was the supporter of underwater war. Mass building of submarines has been developed. At first their operations brought success, but from the middle of March, 1943 the underwater fleet of Germany has started to sustain heavy losses. During battle for Atlantic, with 1939 for 1945, Germany has lost 340 submarines and 11 cruisers. Losses of allies have constituted 4245 transport courts. Unlimited underwater war in Atlantic has exsanguinated the German VTR, has perished more than 80 % of crews of submarines. The German VTR was not able to resist to detraining of allies in Normandy (from seven thousand transport courts participating in this operation the German VTRs managed to sink only 25). June 1941 - December 1942 On June, 22nd, 1941 Germany has attacked Soviet Union. In December of 1941 year of the USSR has put shattering defeat of fascist Germany in Battle near Moscow. This battle became the first serious defeat hitherto invincible Вермахта. Also it is possible to consider this battle as the main battle of 1941 year. On December, 7th, 1941 an attack on Pearl harbor Japan has unleashed war against the USA, also known, as war on Pacific ocean. The attack should be organised in 30 minutes after delivery of the ultimatum to the government of the USA, however because of mismatch of operations of different units of the Japanese aircraft has been made on half an hour earlier, that has given the chance to much to speak about «to mean attack without declaration of war». During attack 441 airplanes from six Japanese aeroplane carriers 8 battleships and six cruisers of Naval Forces of the USA have been sunk and seriously hurt. Losses of the American aircraft have constituted about two hundred airplanes. Losses in personnel have attained 3500 victims and wounded men. Losses of Japan have constituted only 29 airplanes. In 1941 - the beginning of 1942 Japan has captured Malaysia, Indonesia, Philippines, Burma. The war fracture on Pacific ocean has occurred during sea battle for Midway islands. The Japanese fleet has lost four aeroplane carriers, fleet of the USA - one aeroplane carrier. In 1941-1942 the kernel of an Antihitlerite coalition (the USSR, the Great Britain and the USA) was added. On November, 8th, 1942 operation "Torch" (Torch) starts. The English-Ameriknsky landing is jolted in the North Africa. Operations against army and fleet of Vishijsky France, and in an aftereffect of African tank Vermahta under command of general Rommelja have started. The culmination was battle for Kasserinsky pass. January 1943 - June 1944 Victories of Red Army in Stalingradsky battle (1942-1943), Kursk battle (1943) and battle for Dnepr (1943) have marked a fracture during the Second World War. By May, 1943 Anglo-American troops have released the North Africa. In July, 1943 the fascist regime in Italy which in October has declared war Germany has failed. The German troops occupied Northern Italy. In July - August, 1943 allied troops were jolted in Italy, in June of 1944 - in Normandy, having opened the second front. MANY HISTORIANS APPROVE, THAT ALLIES HAVE opened the SECOND FRONT TOO LATE, HAVING waited DISLOCATIONS OF BALANCE In WAR. The Great Britain And the USA were simply enough cowardly And WAITED for the MOMENT. also to mark, that during detraining to Normandy the bulk of forces Вермахта combated to Red Army in Poland, therefore, per se, detraining was only a makeweight to approach of the USSR. June 1944 - May 1945 In 1944-1945 the Soviet troops have released the countries of the Central and Southeast Europe. In April, 1945 allied troops have released Northern Italy, have held the Western Germany. On May, 2nd, 1945 the Red Army has taken possession of Berlin. At midnight on May, 8th in suburb of Berlin Karlhorste representatives of the German command have signed act of unconditional surrender. In 1944-1945 Anglo-American troops have seized Mariana Islands, Philippines and the Japanese island Okinawa. May 1945 - September 1945 The Berlin conference of heads of the governments of the USSR, the USA and the Great Britain (on July, 17th - on August, 2nd, 1945, Potsdam) has defined conditions of a post-war peace arrangement in Europe. On the Japanese cities of Hiroshimas (on August, 6th, 1945) and Nagasaki (on August, 9th) have been dumped atomic bombs. On August, 9th 1945 Soviet Union has declared war Japan, the Soviet troops have routed the Japanese Kvantunsky army, have released Northeast China, the North Korea, Southern Sakhalin and Kuriles. On September, 2nd, 1945 Japan has signed act of unconditional surrender. Statistics In the countries participating in the Second World War, it has been mobilised about 110 million persons. In war has perished by different estimations from 45 to 65 million persons, from them 27 (on informal data in 1,5 - 2 times are more) million inhabitants of Soviet Union. |
09-09-2009, 01:06 AM
"American history is bogus"? I suppose none of use here have heard of the lend/lease program which was set up between America and the Soviet Union to supply Soviet soldiers with aircraft and weapons. More than $10 billion dollars (from the US alone, more from other allies) in weapons were supplied to the Soviets, including 14,000 aircraft.
Here is a partial list of what the allies (primarily America) supplied the Soviets during the war: Bren Carriers - 2336 M3 Halftracks - 900 M3A1 Scout Cars - 3092 M3A1 Stuart - 1233 Valentine - 3487 Churchill - 258 M3A3 Lee/Grant - 1200 Matilda - 832 M4A2 75mm Sherman - 1750 M4A2 76mm Sherman - 1850 Half Tracks - 820 Light Trucks - 151,000 Heavy Trucks - 200,000 Jeeps - 51,000 Tractors - 8070 Aircraft B-25 twin-engine medium bombers - 862 P-39 Airacobra single-engine fighters - 4719 P-40 single-engine fighters - 2397 P-47 - 195 Hurricane single-engine fighters - 2952 Spitfire single-engine fighters - 1331 A-20 twin-engine light attack bombers - 2908 Artillery 37mm Anti-Tank 35 57mm Anti-Tank 375 37mm Anti-Aircraft 340 40mm Anti-Aircraft 5,400 90mm Anti-Aircraft 240 Ammunition and explosives supplied by the allies equaled about 1/2 the amount used by the Soviets during the war. Others supplies, 229,000 tons of aluminium 2.3 million tons of steel 2.6 million tons of petrol 3.8 million tons of foodstuffs 56,445 field telephones and 600,000km of telephone wire 15 million pairs of army boots Here is a more detailed list Complete List of Lend Lease to Russia including atomic materials By the way, this is a list of American supplies, and does not include those from other allies (Britain, Canada, Australia, etc.). America fed 6 million Soviet troops with 1 pound of food each day It's easy enough to see that the Soviet Union was dependent on the allies for the weapons and materials to continue fighting the war, particularly after the crushing losses of such items in the opening months after the Germans attacked. Tell me again how great the Soviet Union was, and how they were the ones responsible for winning the war against Germany. |
09-09-2009, 11:10 AM
It's not the equipment that win a war. You have to have the Infantry to hold the ground once you've taken it.
The eternal Saint is calling, through the ages she has told. The ages have not listened; the will of faith has grown old…
For forever she will wander, for forever she withholds; the Demon King is on his way, you’d best not be learned untold… |
09-09-2009, 04:01 PM
Sometimes I wonder where foreigners get the idea they know so much about what people are taught in other countries. If you were not educated there you have no basis for comment on it. Now more to the point raised initially.
An author who calls to attention the British tendency to focus on those commemorations and ask for reflection is one worth reading. I don't entirely agree with all the assertions, but for the most part the thrust of the article seems valid. I really have only one serious discomfort with it. Referring to Stalin's actions as "rescue" of anyone is poor and misleading phrasing. Stalin did nothing but further his own megalomanicial aims. It may be viewed as a recue by those few who survived him, but since most were executed one wayor another after Stalin stopped his rival that really was not a rescue. He did not "rescue" Poland (which Churchill lied to in person as he agreed to abandon them!). He stole it from its native people and slaughtered it for his own ego - just as he did everywhere he could. And for the record, when it comes to Americans and what they are taught about the Warsaw Pact and its negotiations is NOT what the non-American here stated. Out history classes are more even handed than some assume. What the student later chooses to retain may be another matter. ![]() Only an open mind and open heart can be filled with life. ********************* Find your voice; silence will not protect you.
09-09-2009, 04:05 PM
One other comment for the record.
Even in American history classes an effort is made to convey an understanding of how the pilots who attacked Pearl Harbor viewed their duty. Even though they are depicted as agressors, they are not depicted as the crazy monsters which some claim. ![]() Only an open mind and open heart can be filled with life. ********************* Find your voice; silence will not protect you.
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