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ForReal 10-07-2009 11:35 PM

why is a phone necessary in ur life`s?
I do`t know? What is so cool about having a phone i do not find it necessary in my life to have one it just made it harder for me?

thcuteness 10-07-2009 11:39 PM

lol well i like my cell phone cause i can text my friends and the best part is i can stop responding anytime i plz, which is nice cause sometimes i dont want to talk anymore and i dont have to be all i have to go now and blah blah i can stop on my own....yeah

ForReal 10-07-2009 11:42 PM

ya i can do that to cuz no one calls me or texts me

Undertherose25 10-08-2009 12:10 AM

I mostly use it for emergencies, I hated the stupid thing until I got into my first car crash and I realized why my parents gave it to me and it helped when my car broke down and I was stranded in the middle of nowhere.

Sometimes I use it to text friends but I rarely ever talk on it.

darksyndrem 10-08-2009 01:20 AM


Originally Posted by Undertherose25 (Post 775789)
I mostly use it for emergencies, I hated the stupid thing until I got into my first car crash and I realized why my parents gave it to me and it helped when my car broke down and I was stranded in the middle of nowhere.

Sometimes I use it to text friends but I rarely ever talk on it.

Same here....I never use it, it's just in case of some kind of emergency.

IamKira 10-08-2009 02:12 AM

i use my phone a lot... i have an iphone 3g which i jailbroke and unlocked... so i'll be able to get a pay as you go sim plan wherever i go in the world.. i tether w/ it... make calls... check emails.. i've had to ebay w/ it a few times... this thing is a lifesaver.:rheart:

i realize i've become really dependant on my phone to check time/ location.. i use it for gps/ music... i can go without it, but it's become like a friend.. it feels so comforting to have it.

TitansWrath 10-08-2009 02:23 AM

Im in the same boat as above poster with iphone. I use mine alot as well. In fact I just posted this from my phone between my break at work. Youtube is also useful to pass time lol.

Sangetsu 10-08-2009 02:26 AM

I don't use mine that much. I get an occasional email on it, or sometimes I'll use the GPS to see where I'm at if I'm visiting a place I haven't been to before. The other feature I use is the translator. I use the camera's phone to take a picture of words or signs written in Kanji, and the phone translates the pictures of the words into English.

I thought of getting an Iphone, but the Iphone is still years behind even basic phones on the Japanese market.

I don't really use my phone for phone calls very often. I usually use VOIP with Yahoo or Skype. It's cheaper, and at home or at work I'm never far from a computer.

trunker 10-08-2009 03:09 AM

my phone is now just a very expensive mp3 player/camera.

when i moved to japan i figured i would get a phone pretty quick, but as the days went by i got used to simply not needing one. so i just use my unusable in japan phone for music and pictures now.

its very liberating not having a phone.

spicytuna 10-08-2009 03:25 AM


Originally Posted by Sangetsu (Post 775817)
I use the camera's phone to take a picture of words or signs written in Kanji, and the phone translates the pictures of the words into English.

That's pretty awesome!

I wish there was an iphone app for that.

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