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(#1 (permalink))
Esinem (Offline)
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The J-word - 10-28-2009, 07:13 AM

I was, as a gaijin (a term that doesn't offend me), somewhat surprised to find, upon reading the forum terms, that to abbreviate 'Japanese' results in a ban. I have never considered this to be offensive or racist in itself, any more than I consider 'Brit' to be. I had always regarded both as no more than a convenient contraction. However, it appears to be on a par with the notorious N-word. I accept that I might be a cultural dinosaur

It's all very confusing as reducing it to a single letter seems OK, e.g. J-rock. Is shortening the word always considered racist and offensive?
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(#2 (permalink))
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10-28-2009, 08:20 AM

Originally Posted by Esinem View Post
I was, as a gaijin (a term that doesn't offend me), somewhat surprised to find, upon reading the forum terms, that to abbreviate 'Japanese' results in a ban. I have never considered this to be offensive or racist in itself, any more than I consider 'Brit' to be. I had always regarded both as no more than a convenient contraction. However, it appears to be on a par with the notorious N-word. I accept that I might be a cultural dinosaur

It's all very confusing as reducing it to a single letter seems OK, e.g. J-rock. Is shortening the word always considered racist and offensive?
Abbreviating "Japanese" is not offensive and does not result in a ban. I think you are talking about the term "J@P" which has been banned by the rules of this site. Whether or not you find it racist or offensive isn't the question. That's this site's policy, so like it or lump it.
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(#3 (permalink))
ColinHowell (Offline)
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10-28-2009, 09:20 AM

Originally Posted by Esinem View Post
I accept that I might be a cultural dinosaur
More likely you're either not old enough to remember or, being British rather than American, haven't been as heavily exposed to offensive uses of the word in question.

The particular short form you're thinking of had a very offensive tone in the U.S. during the Pacific War and the years leading up to it. I suppose its use as an insult in the U.S. may go back a lot further, to the "yellow peril" panic in the Western states over Japanese and Chinese immigration during the late 1800s and early 1900s. In any case, its use in this form began in an atmosphere of suspicion, mistrust, and hostility, with a whole lot of racism mixed in, which eventually blew up into a death struggle filled with bitter hatred.

For comparison, think of certain common British slang terms for the Germans used during the two World Wars; the connotation is roughly similar.

Oddly enough, I have seen some Japanese and other Asians, apparently young and probably not American, use the word with no apparent clue of its negative tone. In some ways that's a good sign, since it shows we live in happier, less fearful times and aren't dwelling on the traumas of the past. Anyway, I think it's actually older people, and especially Americans, who are most likely to find the word offensive, because of the mental associations it stirs up. (I'm among those people, by the way.)
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(#4 (permalink))
JayT (Offline)
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10-28-2009, 09:40 AM

But it means 'Yeah' in Swedish,
so watch out, if there are any Swedish speaking natives on JF :P

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(#5 (permalink))
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10-28-2009, 12:07 PM

Originally Posted by Esinem View Post
I was, as a gaijin (a term that doesn't offend me), somewhat surprised to find, upon reading the forum terms, that to abbreviate 'Japanese' results in a ban. I have never considered this to be offensive or racist in itself, any more than I consider 'Brit' to be. I had always regarded both as no more than a convenient contraction. However, it appears to be on a par with the notorious N-word. I accept that I might be a cultural dinosaur

It's all very confusing as reducing it to a single letter seems OK, e.g. J-rock. Is shortening the word always considered racist and offensive?
I would now say that you are being monitored due to such a silly thread. Your complaint or question seems to be one that should have been made privately directly to a modertaor or admin. member.

If you have a problem with ther word "Gaijin", you may be better to protest elsewhere. If not, why bother to make the statement

Cheers - Oz
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10-28-2009, 03:30 PM

yet another case of someone not bothering to search previous threads!
Can we ditch this?

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(#7 (permalink))
Esinem (Offline)
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10-28-2009, 07:11 PM

I apologise if this has been discussed before but I didn't notice it when I searched. I'd be happy if you'd direct me to any previous discussion.

I am in NOT offended by gaijin (qv my OP "as a gaijin (a term that doesn't offend me)" or Brit. I'm a big Japanophile so please don't think I'm trying to merely be contentious or cause any offence. I also respect the forums rules but wish to understand the reason for this rule.

I am in general trying to comprehend the Japanese way of interaction, which in many ways seems to differ from the more blunt Western approach. However, I guess our use of abbreviations in very confusing for outsiders. Example: You'll be called a racist if you shorten Pakistani but not Australian. As was pointed out by ColinHowell, it depends on the historical use. The former was a term of abuse and used in connection with racist attacks in the UK, the latter has not. I just hadn't come across a negative connotation on the J-word, so was curious.

Yes, I am British, although certainly no youngster, so maybe that's why I wasn't aware that J*p is considered offensive. I am interested as to whether this is merely my ignorance of UK usage or whether its offensiveness is geographically determined. It appears from what's been said that it is a term of abuse in the US. Do Japanese people in the UK also feel it is used a racist term here?

It's good to hear that the word is being reclaimed without negative connotations.
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