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Donyazad 09-01-2009 07:53 PM

Hey it's Donyazad
I've already posted a topic in the member creativity board

I'm from Saudi Arabia too. I'm a college student & speak both English and Arabic. I would love to make friendships.

p.s= In sha Allah means God's willing.

I have an English blog so please check it down here :

k27 09-02-2009 08:11 AM


Originally Posted by droplet (Post 766434)
Hello. I am k27:eek: :D .


Sashimi 09-03-2009 07:52 AM


Name: Cadence
Coming to you from: Malaysia
First breath: 4th Dec 1991
Why do you want to go Japan?>>> I'm going to Japan this year in October to study in a university. I've been there thrice since the last two years and I am fascinated by their vast and unique culture. Of course, what got me addicted to Japan and their language was none other than anime and mangas :vsign: . After that, I sort of got into CGI, Japanese dramas, reality show...

I have a foster family in Japan. Lovely people, really. I wish to graduate and settle down in Japan.;)

Stadam 09-04-2009 09:18 PM

Name: Adam
Coming to you from: Sweden, im actually not far from the arctic circle!
First Breath: July/4/198x (yes, same as first poster, not sure bout the x tho)
intentions and whatnot: Im basically interested in the japanese culture, also attempting to learn the language inbetween my uni-studies. Im planning to go there as soon as i have enough money, which will most likely be in the summer of 2011. Was just hoping to get some inside info here to prepare myself mentally (and physically if thats necessary!) and de-romanticize my current image of Japan.
why do you want to go to japan: I can't deny having read a few mangas and seen a few animes, but that wouldn't be the reason I want to go there. I would just like to try out the japanese atmosphere for a while, see if it really is such a culture shock that many others have said. Would also be nice to see if people over there understands even a word of my self-taught japanese. :)
...And! Of course, I would like to cross off asia on my parts-of-the-world-visited-list.

ReHaM 09-05-2009 12:06 AM

welcome me
welcome me - Today, 12:01 AM
Hi everybody
How are you?Are you fine??

Im (ReHaM), Im a new member between you>>>

Can you welcome me

>>>>>>>Im sorry because my English language is poor

thank you

La Illah Illa Allah.....Mohammed Rasoul Allah

Rhode 09-08-2009 12:41 PM

Name: Roxana
Nick: Rhode
(prefer to call me rhode(-chan) or roxa(-chan)
Coming to you from: Romania
First Breath: 10/27/1995
intentions and whatnot: well a friend of mine is there, in Jp^_^ and she likes it, very much. i only want to learn more about it and make friends =^.^= :marusmile: i'm a chibi, school girl, 8 grade and well childish..i mean VERY. nice to meet you
why do you want to go to japan: well odeena lives there.. (she is at Osaka University). i realy want to meet her...and it's a cool place. what do i mean by "cool". well i have what to do. nice places, love the food, nice people, anime festivals and thinghs like that. and i want to meet the guys from The Gazetet:)
Fav Manga/Anime: i stopped watching anime last summer. i enjoy a manga:rheart: but let's say that: Manga:ALL from Yuki Kaori and Highschool of dead. Anime: Death Note and Hellsing

raydiatur 09-13-2009 01:32 AM

Name: Marvin
Coming to you from: USA
First Breath: July/17/199ish
Why do you want to go to Japan: The beautiful sceneries in all parts of the country during all four seasons, I'm interested to see there leaves during autumn and such. I can't wait to eat lots of food, I spend a lot of time here at home finding all the good joints to eat at. I'm a natural at it, so I'd be pretty awesome to do it their too.
It's always fun listening to people speak other languages.
I work at a clothing store where lots of foreigners shop at with their family and they're totally comfortable speaking native amongst themselves.
I'd probably go to buy a lot of furniture and clothing. I'd be a shopping spree, even though I'm a guy, they just have nice shirts that I really like.

SapphireStar 09-17-2009 04:54 PM

Name: Lauren Anne
Coming to you from: United Kingdom
First Breath: 4th Feb 1985
Intentions and whatnot: I love the Japan and its culture, so I thought why not! Plus from what Ive seen, people are lovely here!
Why do you want to go to Japan: Cause it has been a dream since I was a child. I use to watch anime as a child and its grown from there. I just love Japan and its culture. I would love to live there if it were possible :D
Favourite Manga/Anime: Ouch, toughie! Well, lets see:

Sailor Moon
Dominion Tank Police
Death Note
Fruits Basket
Witch Hunter Robin
Cowyboy Bebop
Samuria Pizza Cats

There are more, but I cant remember them all right now lol :D

patzmaru 09-17-2009 07:24 PM

Name: Patricia
Coming to you from: Dominican Republic
First Breath: November 11, 1989 (19 years)
why do you want to go to japan: i wants to study animation and manga design.
about me:
hi everyone, i'm from santo domingo and my fist language its spanish. Im interested in all kind of thing but mostly japan culture. I watch anime, doramas and listen to jrock and jpop. now i'm in college studing graphic design and then im going to japan to study animation and manga design, and voice acting.

Pregenerate 09-17-2009 08:50 PM

Name: Alex
Location: Baltimore, Maryland
Born: Febuary, 3rd, 1991
Why do you want to go to japan: The culture, a change of scenery.
About me: I'm hoping to become a professional musician, I play guitar, ukulele, and am hoping to get a bass.

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