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futurebeast 11-24-2009 06:02 PM


Originally Posted by saranoodle (Post 784849)
Name: Sara
From: Missouri, USA
Age: 21
About me: I really like Japananese culture and am in the (painfully slow) process of learning the language. I am still at a very very beginner level. I would love to visit Japan some day!
I am trying to start a career as a professional Photographer, and in the meantime I work a boring part-time job as cahier and sales associate.
I enjoy video games, movies, art, animals, music, etc., etc.
I am on here to talk with others about my love for Japan, and maybe make a few friends (snail mail anyone? ;) )!

Hey there noodle!

kuronekosama07 11-25-2009 04:48 AM

Hi!! :ywave:

Real Name: Brittany
Coming to you from: Louisiana, USA (woo-hoo, 2nd most dangerous state in the country! >_>)
First Breath: August 22, 1989
Intentions: umm...just seemed like a cool forum with cool discussions going on! Also seemed like a good place to just learn in general.
Why do you want to go to Japan? Honestly, I really don't know... I just love to travel and if it was up to me, I'd go everywhere. But, Japan has particularly captured my interest for a while now. =D

GuyInJapan2002 11-26-2009 04:34 PM

Real Name: Nick
Coming to you from: Japan
First Breath: 1/12/1985
Intentions: Past time. have fun
Why do you want to go to Japan? uh...Im already here:mtongue:

Lightning 11-30-2009 05:25 PM

Name: Bex.
Coming to you from: England.
First Breath: August 22nd 1994.
Intentions: I just came across this site and thought I'd check it out.
Why do you want to go to Japan: I'm really interested in the culture.

Kawatta 11-30-2009 09:05 PM

Whats up people!
Name: Scott
Coming to you from: U.S.- New York
Born: Sept 18th 1983
Intentions: Get my life together while learning as much about Japan before I go there to visit and decide to make a living there or not.
Why do you want to go to Japan: Too many thing about the U.S. aggravate me, ive never been outside the U.S. and im most intrested in Japan, from history to technology to women etc etc.

Raymondjohn 12-05-2009 03:45 AM

new comer.from China....

Shohane 12-08-2009 11:48 PM

Hello, I'm new, too :D
I wonder when I can get my own avatar :D

SummerVegetable 12-09-2009 11:07 AM

Name: SummerVegetable. Just call me Summer if you want :)
Coming to you from: Indonesia, and PROUD of it!
First Breath: 18 June 1996
intentions: Just having fun here. I have nothing to do at all...
why do you want to go to japan: To chase a certain dream of mine. I really want to study in Japan when I graduate from high school.

reika85 12-10-2009 04:44 PM

Coming to you from: ITALY :)
First Breath: JULY 12, 1985
Why do you want to go to Japan? SINCE I WAS 15 YEARS OLD I DREAMED TO GO TO JAPAN, I WANT TO GO! I WANT TO GO! I WANT TO GO!!!!!!:pinksong:

MagicPony 12-10-2009 10:45 PM

Real Name: Martin
Coming to you from: Sweden
First Breath: 1992
Intentions: Spend some time.
Why do you want to go to Japan? Just interested in the country.

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