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Jiuchi17 04-10-2009 07:29 PM

Hey People I'am new here!I heard of this site through Google.I want to make several friends here who are Japanese xD!I know alot about Japan,and I plan on moving there later!

Oh,and my name means "Japanese music"

ozkai 04-11-2009 03:30 AM

Sorry guys and gals!

Missed this post..

My real name is Elliot, 41 years old from the land of Australia.

My home two is Sydney and I currently live in Tropical North Queensland in a town named Cairns which is also very poular for Japanese tourists, students and working holiday visa makers.

I have a gourgeous boy named Kai and he is the love of my life.

Feel free to drop me a line for a chat, and if you are in Japan, make the most of it as I have some fond ,memories five years back:vsign:

Danielsaotome22 04-11-2009 06:47 AM

Name: Daniel saotome
Coming to you from: USA
First Breath: Aug/5th/not telling
intentions and whatnot: Love to watch movies weither it's old, foreign, modern i love it. i also play guitar have been doing that for a year now.
why did i go to japan: i went to go look for a place to live, for graphic designing but changed my career to a LPN

ozkai 04-11-2009 08:54 AM


Originally Posted by ZaikaYumi (Post 695353)
31 years old from US. russian-japanese female.

Nice mix and a photo would be;)

naoyuki 04-11-2009 03:51 PM

Hi guys (・ω・)/

Name: nao
Coming to you from: Lombardia, Italy
Birthday: 1st May (1992)

Favourite foods: udon, pizza, sushi, dango mochi
Favourite manga: Fairy tail, Trinity Blood, Fullmetal alchemist, Naruto, Raruto XD, Afterschool nightmare, Bleach, One piece, Monster Soul, Inu Yasha, Death note, The Law of Ueki, Nana, Yokujo Climax, Rockin' heaven, Azumanga daioh, Monochrome Factor
Favourite bands: alice nine., spectrum-X, ScReW, System of a Down, Eluveitie, v[NEU], Maccaholic, Toon Factory, Silver Ash, SEED, Secilia Luna, Poitrine, ensoku, sadie, Dir en grey, Nice 2 Meet U, Golf-Mike, miyavi, Moran, LM.C, N'DooL, Maria Cross XDDD, L u L u, HELL THE GROWL...etc.
Favourite colors: green, pink, black, white, all colours u-u

Other Infos :3 : I'm thai-italian, I can speak french, italian, a little of japanese, some words in thai and english, I play the guitar (really bad ç_ç), I love videogames like FF, and...

(・ω・)/ Bye

noneedforname 04-11-2009 10:24 PM

new guy here.
20 year old male from norway.
going to study japanese at the universiy come thiss fall. so thought id join this place to learn a bit about the culture and languge!:rolleyes:

TsunySan 04-12-2009 01:17 AM

Hi! I'm new here too XD

Name: Ana.People call me Tsuny on the internet though :p
Coming from: Romania '
Birthday: September 30

Favorite Manga/Anime: Death Note, Bleach, Naruto, Claymore, Code Geass, Vampire Knight and others.
Favorite Bands/Artists: Evanescence, Nightwish, Breaking Benjamin, Skillet, Tarja, Three Days Grace, RED, Nightmare, the GazettE, Dir en Grey, An Cafe, X, L'arc en Ciel, Utada Hikaru, DBSK, Within Temptation, Luna Sea, Sirenia, Lacuna Coil.
Favorite Colors: Orange/golden yellow, blue, purple, autumn colors.

I'm learning japanese by myself ;) It's not that hard to learn it.

Jentage 04-12-2009 05:12 AM

Name: Jensen Vu
Online "nickname" : Jentage , created this nickname when I used to play GunBound :mtongue: but i actually got the word "jentage" from urban dictionary
Coming to you from: United States [New York]
First Breath: October 10, 199X
Intentions and whatnot:
I just want to learn more about Japan, maybe makes some more Japanese friends.
Why do you want to go to Japan: I fell in love with this country the moment I learned about it. Cool technology, games and everything. Nice people!
Then I found anime, manga, and hentai ROFL..

Favourite Manga/Anime: Hana Yori Dango, Ouran High School Host Club, Vampire Knight, Hana Kimi, Trainman, Bambino!, Yu-Gi-Oh!

Here is just 3 random pictures of me:

RitsukaRiot 04-12-2009 07:33 AM

Name: Ritsuka
Coming to you from: America
First Breath: March 1, 1993
Intentions and whatnot: I guess to chat with other people who have interests similar to mine.
Why do you want to go to Japan? Because I absolutely love the culture. >3
Favourite manga/anime: Soul Eater, D.Gray-man, Katekyo Hitman REBORN!, Kuroshitsuji, Junjou Romantica, Fullmetal Alchemist, Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood, Nabari no Ou, Sailor Moon, Gravitation, Vampire Knight, The Wallflower, Loveless, etc.
I mainly like stuff with a lot of action. >3

joeyj 04-12-2009 07:55 AM

Name: Joe or Joey, whatever you like
Coming to you from: United States
First Breath: 1982
intentions and whatnot: Mainly just to stay on the pulse of what is going on in the Japanese/Gaijin community. I went to Japan when I was 19 and lived their for 2 years. It was quite the experience and I hope to do it again one day! Currently I run a social network of sorts for anyone that is interested in Japan at eGenki Japan Social Network- Home.

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