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Shurukian 05-14-2010 05:14 PM

Name: Shuru
Coming to you from: Pennsylvania, until tomorrow. :P
First Breath: 11/13/1990
Intentions and Whatnot: Just to hang around, get to know people, spread the love.
Why do you want to go to Japan: My boyfriend is a professional photographer, and I think the imagery and picture opportunities there would be gorgeous.

Hi there! :)

manganimefan227 05-14-2010 10:13 PM

Yay you! Hello! You're signature iss a good ponder! Welcome! Hope you like it here!

West 05-17-2010 11:16 PM

Name: West
Coming to you from: USA
Background: Single, not looking, caucasian, 19 years old, multi-instrumentist and geek.
Intentions: Learn Japanese, make friends, immerse myself in the culture, environment, and language to become proficient in Japanese.
Why do you want to go to japan: Since I was a young child I've always had a fascination with Japan. It started with the name, I would say "Ja-Pan", "Pan-Ja", and other deviations. I don't know why it piqued, in the sense of excite, my interest. Over the years, I have gone in and out of my determination of learning the language and moving to Japan. Now I am faced with 4 years of being on a carrier with hardly any access to the internet to pass the times. So, I feel this is a good time to start learning, make pen pals, and ready all materials I can for learning while abroad. I have not found anything I dislike about Japan and it's culture, yet.

AyaLOVE 05-18-2010 02:46 AM

Name: Ariel

Coming to you from: Ga, USA

First Breath: Jan. 14, 1992 =D

Why do you want to go to Japan: I've always wanted to travel the world, and I really love the Japanese culture. Since I was a little girl it has always intrigued me. I hope to visit there in the near future ^^

duel 05-18-2010 11:22 AM

Hey guys, great forum. I'm coming to you from England, having a healthy interest in Japan and hope to express what it is I love about the things in my country / life, while learning about yours. In a nutshell, I like CULTURE and FUN.

As such, I'll be spending the majority of my time around the various 'post your pic' threads, particularly 'pics of your life'. I love having an insight to the perspective behind things of interest to people in their everyday lives. This thread has a lot of scope for my own pictures as I love to show people what I'm passionate about.

I studied Japanese part time for a couple of years and have since picked up on the language further through watching anime. I love Berserk, Rurouni Kenshin, Naruto & more, all subbed, not dubbed. Naturally, I like Japanese history aswell.

I'll leave it there and look forward to seeing you on the forums.


I'm the one with blonde hair

Gizorz 05-19-2010 09:41 AM

Hi~ I'm sorta new I guess? When trying to create a new account I found out I already had one, from 2008 :p

So, my name is Gise, but since people have a hard time pronouncing it I'm usually called Giz. I'm 19 years young and I live in the Netherlands. Currently I'm a student in Japanese language and culture and I'm really enjoying it. I should be studying for exams now but.. Yeah...

I'm a fan of Visual Kei, but I'm not a Visual girl. I love the style to look at though and performances of Vkei bands are usually awesome and I usually check out any vkei band that visits my country (and I will cross borders if I like a band enough).
I'm a huge MIYAVI fan and I'm pretty active in the fandom. The Vkei bands i'm currently into are MUCC, KARASU (too bad it's probably not gonna happen...), Dir en Grey, Anli Pollicino, UnsraW, hide, Black:list, Exist trace, Suicide Ali, D'espairs Ray, Due le Quartz, GACKT (is he even concidered Vkei anymore?), heidi and Matenrou Opera.
I'm not that into Oshare Kei, I like the look but it has a very profound musical sound which I don't really love. There's some bands I like though, I think An cafe is (was?) okay and I also like ZORO and DOG in the PWO.
Musically I have a very wide taste. Ranging from heavy metal to pop to techno. I'm not a very big fan of R&B though, but hip hop is okay. Lately I've also started to listen to a few kpop bands under the influence of my friends... I like SHINee and Super Junior.

Enough with the music talk. I'm also starting to get more and more interested in fashion. I mainly love Gyaru to look at, but I don't dress like it. Maybe in the future when I find some money to buy me a new wardrobe :p I have a friend who's a Gyaruo and he's really good at talking people into it~

Of course, I'm in love with the Japanese culture. You don't pick a study based on musical interest only :p

Lol, that got way too long, guess you can see that I gotta study huh?

Jenny249 05-23-2010 10:18 AM

初めまして(I guess the kanji is this one...)
Name: 姫子(you can also call me jenny:vsign: )
Egg crack: 7 october 1996;)
Country: Singapore:cool:
likes: Ice cream, J-pop, Japan, Hey say Jump, Friends, Japanese, Manga,Computer, Singing, and many many more:p
dislikes: eh~:confused:
reason for learning japanese: I love japan:rheart:

CrystalRose 05-29-2010 11:29 AM

age:16 years old
passions::MUSIC,taking photos of diffrent landscapes,surfing the Internet,writing stuff, reading anything about Japan
I`d like to:Play the e;ectric guitar and visit Japan
My dreams:Be guitarist in a visual-kei band, move to Japan forever
Questions? :D

Robotculator 05-29-2010 02:37 PM

Name: Arvil
A.K.A: Angel
In the matrix for:17 years
Spawned on:Philippines
Interests: Philosophizing
Why I wanna go to Japan?: People are more bold than people here and Japan let's their citizen live to the fullest and experience life.

manganimefan227 05-29-2010 06:55 PM


The US does as well, you just gotta get off your butt and get out there, same with Japan I bet. There is no difference. This isn't a country issue, it's a personal boldness deal, really.

Enjoy the forums now ^_^

(Did that sound rude?)

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