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Zarfax 04-12-2009 06:56 PM

Parker ( パーカー )

Coming to you from:

First Breath:


Intentions and whatnot:
I was surfing the web looking for help on how to understand Japanese for when I'm witching fan subs ( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fansubs/ )I'm not that grate of a reader so understand Japanese would help a lot

Do you want to go to Japan:
Yes some day. Be for I go I would like to at the lest be able to speak the some for the language or understand

ShinikamiDragon 04-12-2009 07:06 PM

Name: Sandra a.k.a San-San ^_^

Coming to you from: UK- London

First Breath: 1988 ^_^

Intentions and whatnot: I want to live in Japan...always have been fascinated since I was a young young girl... I've been there a couple of times on holiday, but I really truely want to live there...

Why do you want to go to Japan: The culture, lifestyle, excitement, life...everything about it... fascinated since I was a child, so yeah...

Favourite Manga/Anime: Bleach, Naruto, Dragonball Z/GT, Tsubasa Chronicals, Any Yaoi mangas, Gravitation, Full Metal Alchamist + Brotherhood, D.N. Angel, uh...plenty more, but these are the mains I guess...

That's me ^__^ x

kyokun1217 04-12-2009 09:47 PM

I LOVE Japan !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ohayo Minna san:ywave:

watachiwa Kachi Karim disu from Morocco :)

H want to teel you Minna san some thing

I love Japan :rheart:

I love Jpop & Jdrama & Janime .....:vsign:

I want tolive In japan but I can't Don't have mony :(

I'm Now 18 Years old

In future If my Allah give me life I will work and I will Go to my love Japan to see your culture ,school,boys ,girls ,children,onna(women)...

If I will Go ,,Can you help me Japan peaple ??????

Gomennasai !!

Xanaphia 04-12-2009 10:46 PM

greetings all :chococat:

Name: Kat Holbert

Online "nickname" : It was originally my D&D name, then I used it for everything else.

Coming to you from: a very small town in Indiana

First Breath: June 22

Intentions and whatnot: I would very much enjoy visiting Japan. I believe I shall in three years.

Why do you want to go to Japan: I have always loved the culture and found it fascinating. I just love everything about Japan.

Favourite Manga/Anime: Inuyasha, Yu-Gi-Oh Shadow Games, Case Closed, Highlander, Deathnote and many others...

hikkiFM 04-13-2009 12:14 AM

welcome to JF! ^_^

BucktheWolf 04-14-2009 08:30 AM

1 Attachment(s)
Name: Buck Riley
Coming to you from: Tennessee
First Breath: May 16, 1989
intentions and whatnot: I wouldn't have come here if I hadn't needed some help, but you don't just join a forum, post once, and disappear! It's bad manners!
Why do you want to go to Japan: Well, I'm hoping to improve my Japanese listening skills, for one thing. I'd also love to grab up some of the music iTunes Japan can't provide. I really got into Japanese because of the music. I've never been big into anime or anything else. Just the music :3 Though, admittedly, I was introduced to a lot of the music through anime on TV or through video games. Thirdly, I'd like to experience modern Japanese culture first hand, in all its glorious and not-so-glorious aspects. You hear a lot about Japan, but you never really know what's true and what's not until you go for yourself :3

GINZILATOR 04-14-2009 06:29 PM


Coming to you from:

First Breath:

Intentions and whatnot:

Do you want to go to Japan:

japanlover93 04-14-2009 06:51 PM

name:ann lilith
coming to you from: i'm in the middle of nowhere, german
first breath: 2/3/93
intentions and whatnot: sleep and drink.go out partying all night. i don't want to go to school anymore.
why do you want to go to japan: to get a sexy, cute, and very attractive boyfriend. rock my live in jrock concerts. eat ramen and alot of sake. yay! me!

LostVoice 04-14-2009 09:53 PM

Name: Joe
Online Handle: LostVoice. However, I use Hitokiri more often then not. LostVoice is a sub.
DOB: June 1st, 1985.
From: America
Why I am here: I have a love for the Japanese language and have been studying it off and on for 4 or 5 years now but nowhere near fluency. Therefore, I am mostly interested in being involved in the Japanese language section helping those who have questions about Japanese and questions I have myself about it. Also cause I like Japanese culture but that's obvious haha.

I have been to Japan once for two weeks with a group from my university. We stayed in Hiroshima most of the time since we were participating in the Peace Ceremony on August 6th. On June 8th, I will once again travel to Japan with my school for a much longer 1 month trip. However, I will stay for an extra month sightseeing, establishing contacts, staying with friends, conducting research, and filming for my senior project/Japanese studies documentary. I am a senior in the Asian Studies department and heavily involved with Japanese Club and the foreign exchange program.

animeangel2010 04-14-2009 10:09 PM


Coming to you from: U.S.A

First Breath: Nov. 9th, 1991

Intentions and whatnot: i LOVE japan and would like 2 have a friend from japan, china, and other countries!!! :)

Why do you want to go to Japan: Because Japan is AWESOME!!!:D i love their music,anime,clothes,and language!!! and as soon as i learn japanese im off to japan!! YAY!!!! :cool: :D

Favourite Manga/Anime: omg sssoooo many....anime: inuyasha, bleach, gravitation, death note, tenchi muyo, full metal alchemist, blood+, case closed, yu yu hakusho, ff7 advent children, full moon, wolf's rain, sailor moon, and more... manga: full moon wo sagashite, tokyo mew mew, by the sword, rosario+vampire, vampire knight, cardcaptor sakura, and skip beat

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