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Welcome Adeian! I hope you like it here! Look at my above post for helpful ways of learbibg Japanese!
Thank you ! arigato gozaimasu ! hehe ~
new member.
interested in japanese language. |
Hello, welcome! Look at my above post to start learning!
Name: Reza
Coming to you from: Indonesia First Breath: September 1991 [/b][BIntentions and whatnot:[/b] I'm bored out of my mind and this seems like fun :0 Why do you want to go to Japan: want to know more about the unique Japanese culture and want to make friends with Japanese people, also want to visit tokyo tower. maybe from here can also find a girlfriend hehehe Favourite Manga/Anime: Final Fantasy Advent Children Yahoo Mesengger : black_void@ymail.com thanks |
Name: Denise
Coming to you from: Seattle, USA First Breath: Sept. 16 Intentions and whatnot: Currently seeking and gathering information before studying abroad. =) Why do you want to go to Japan: To become fluent in the language and culture Favourite Manga/Anime: Ranma 1/2, xxxHolic, Hannako to Guuwa no Terra Nice to meet you all and hope we can learn a lot of stuff together =) |
Welcome Everyone!
I'm also quite new here, but welcome!
I hope you guys find what your looking for here. :marusmile: |
Name: Maylar
Coming to you from: Los Angeles, CA (United States) First Breath: June 3rd Reason for coming here: Found this site while looking for resources for learning Japanese. Why Learn Japanese: There are various reasons for this. Japan is one of the bigger economic and technological powerhouses in the world, and I feel that learning Japanese will help further myself in this. Also, I want to step outside my comfy American life and see the world. Also, learning another Language is a challenge issued to myself, one that I do not plan on failing. |
Hi! Welcome! Use these resources to get your Japanese started!
Ello! Welcome!! For all of you I shall post a list from Sake-San Yes / No Hai / Ie Thank you Domo arigato No, thank you Kek-ko dess, arigato Please [if you give something] Dozo Yes, please [if you ask something] Onegai-shi-mass I don’t understand Wakari-masen Do you speak English? Eigo o hanashi-mass ka? I don’t speak Japanese Nihongo wa hanase-masen I can speak a little Japanese Nihongo wa amari hanase-masen I don’t know Shiri-masen Can you speak a little slower please? Mo skoshi yuk-kuri hanashte kudasai Can you write it down please? Kaite kure-masen ka? My name is… Watashi no namae wa… dess Nice to meet you Hajime-mashte, dozo yoroshiku Goodmorning Ohayo gozai-mass Good afternoon Konnichiwa Goodnight Oyasumi nasai See you Sayonara How are you doing? Ongenki dess ka? Excuse me! Sumimasen Sorry, if you would excuse me Honto ni sumimasen Can you help me? Chot-to sumimasen Can you tell me…? …o oshiete kure-masen ka? Can I have…? …itadake-mass ka? What time is it? Ima nanji dess ka? Cheers! Kampai! Where is the toilet? Otearai wa doko dess ka? Sorry! Chot-to! Thank you Domo Thank you, very good Genki dess, arigato See you later! Ja mata! Is that so? So dess ka? That’s right So dess Do your best! Gambatte! Yes, it does Hai, ikimasu / Hai, ikimasu yo What’s this? Kore wa nan desu ka? It’s mine Watashi no desu You’re welcome Do itashimashite It’s over there Asoko ni arimasu What are you going to do? Nani o shimasu ka? In the restaurant A table for one person, please Hitori onegai-shi-mass A table for two persons, please Futari onegai-shi-mass The menu, please Menyu onegai-shi-mass Can I have one of this, please? Sore o hitotsu onegai-shi-mass? Just a cup of coffee, please Kohi ip-pai dake onegai-shi-mass Can I have the check, please? Okanjo onegai-shi-mass I only want something to eat Keishok de in dess I didn’t order this Kore wa chumon shi-masen deshta The meal was fantastic, thank you Gochoso-sama deshta, totemo oish-kat-ta dess Shopping Do you have…? …ari-mass ka? How much costs this? Ikura dess ka? Do you have any more of this/these? Ko iu no wa mada ari-mass ka? Do you have something that is a bit cheaper? Mo skoshi yasui no ga ari-mass ka? Do you have this/these in different colors? Hoka no iro mo ari-mass ka? Excuse me, how much is this? Sumimasen. Kore wa ikura dess ka? How much is that? Sore wa ikura dess ka? How much is that over there? Are wa ikura desu ka? This one? Kore desu ka? Could you show it to me, please? Sore o misete kudasai? Well, I’ll take this one, please Ja, kore o kudasai Which one? Do you mean this one? Dore desu ka. Kore desu ka. No, not that one. That one. Iie, sore dewa arimasen. Sore desu. Also: use this site to look words up as you learn different sentence structures: nihongodict.com And use this series to learn Japanese sentence structure and how to speak the language YouTube - Japanese Lesson 1 |
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