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AllICanSay 07-05-2010 08:50 PM

Wow It has been 2 years since I last logged in...

I suddenly remembered I had an account on this forum :P

Let me re-introduce myself:

Real name: Daan

From the Netherlands

Born on the 31st of May in 1988

I've always had an affinity for Japan. Don't ask my why!
Love the culture. I'm a big Jpop fan!

That's all for now.

Shigatsuhana 07-06-2010 01:17 PM

Real name: April, but you Japanophiles may have gathered that from the user name.

Location: West Midlands, England

Interest in Japan: Lifelong affinity with Japanese culture. Was an exchange student to Japan at the tender age of 14. Have been back once since then to visit and that was in 2003. I am the chair of the Birmingham Japan Society. I have two Japanese dogs (shiba inu). And I practice kitsuke, kimono wearing. I love to travel and read.

Shizu 07-06-2010 02:42 PM


Originally Posted by Shigatsuhana (Post 818652)
Real name: April, but you Japanophiles may have gathered that from the user name.

Location: West Midlands, England

Interest in Japan: Lifelong affinity with Japanese culture. Was an exchange student to Japan at the tender age of 14. Have been back once since then to visit and that was in 2003. I am the chair of the Birmingham Japan Society. I have two Japanese dogs (shiba inu). And I practice kitsuke, kimono wearing. I love to travel and read.

welcome welcome, I live to wear japanese style clothes too. :D

cr8zyjap07 07-07-2010 02:35 AM

Name: sohei
Coming to you from: florida, u.s
First Breath:10/05/89
intentions and whatnot: love forums and love japan... so this seems like the rite place. and this forum has an anime section so thats a plus.
why do you want to go to japan: best place in the world.. so why not? but on a serious note, to visit family, buy clothes and alot of pointless stuff, and... oh yea shibuya de nampa! :D

SudanSon 07-09-2010 10:13 PM

:) :) :)
Name: Mohammed Abdel-Raoof
Coming from: Sudan
Job:Medical student
Age: 22 years old
Interests:Reading-Computer-Music-Sport exercises-Football-Formula 1
Here for: Making friends from Japan & the world, it will be a great honor for me...
Why do you want to go to Japan: Because it's a great example for development
& advance in all fields, also the Japanese people are very kind & respectable,
everybody of us has to learn this pioneer Japanese story of success:)

Everybody wants to talk with me or wants my e-mail, he can send a private
message to me.......

Welcome everybody!
Best wishes...


ayumiyuu 07-09-2010 10:20 PM

Welcome Sohei!!
Welcome Mohammed!!

have a nice time here guyz!!^^

Danieru1986 07-10-2010 09:08 AM

Well it's my turn =)

Name: Daniel

First breath: Abril, 25, 1986

Coming to you from: Barcelona, Spain

Why do you want to go to Japan: My english isn't good enough to explain this properly, but for the moment i'd say i like japan

About me: At the moment i'm studing English and Japanese, ( both alone no teachers) in english i'm learning with Vaughan System and a Workbook, the Japanese with Genki - An integrated course in elementary japanese I and II, 4hours for every subject from monday to friday.

It's nice to be here with you! I hope every one can understan my english ( it's a speacial english XD)
:ywave: Bye!:ywave:

ephemeria 07-11-2010 06:26 AM

Name: Amy
Coming to you from: San Francisco
First Breath: 25 December 1990
Here because: I'm living in Japan and have a couple questions...
About me: I uprooted myself from the city I love to move to the city I've dreamed of for years. I'm attending a university in Tokyo and plan to be here for the next four years — give or take a few — because I wanted to see a new perspective. Oh, yeah, I speak Japanese pretty fluently :P

babymint87 07-11-2010 12:05 PM

Hajimemashte :)
Name: Jenny

Coming to you from: Philippines (currently in Singapore)
First Breath:
May 18, 1987

intentions and whatnot:
hmm come to think of it maybe the main reason why im interested in japan culture is
no.1. Anime:vsign:
no.2. Culture:pinkbow:
no.3 People:pinkbow:
no.4. JAPAN itself:pandahurray:

i dunno but im really interested in their culture and why im suppperr hooked. but i got the chance to learn basic nihongo because its part of the curriculum of my course.. Im pretty happy about it im planning to visit japan to learn more and experience.:pandahurray:

im planning to study Foreign Language and my 1st choice is Japanese Language

Ellandrae 07-15-2010 02:00 AM

Name: Leah
Coming to you from: Alaska
First Breath: 07 October 1988
Here Because: I'll be leaving for Sendai, Japan in three months on exchange for a year and this seems like a great place to get information about life in Japan.
About Me: I'm a third year Japanese and Linguistics major, getting ready to ship off for university in Japan for my last year of school. I'll be attending Tohoku University and working on some dialectal research while I'm there. I'm both extremely nervous and looking forward to my time in Japan. =)

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