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Necato 07-15-2010 03:50 AM

First Name according to ID card: Flavien

Last seen in: France, near Paris surrounded by eight dogs

First Breath: 13 May 1988, or so my mother says...

Here Because: I saw the lights on...
Or perhaps 'cause I'm planning to go to Japan next year to study the language ? Here to find some advices, help, exchange partners, party partners, friends.
I want to learn more about the culture putting aside all the mangas/anime stuff.

About Me: Actually I'm registered since several days (hmm... weeks... months ?) but I'm very shy. Now here I am and I don't regret it... yet.
I love travelling, after being in China for two months, I'm working here in France to pay my trip to Tokyo. I hope I'll earn enough to stay 6 months !
I like studying even if college was so boring I decided to quit. I'm studying at home now, by myself most of the time.

I learn Japanese thanks to TV shows, internet, songs and a pretty useful video game called "My Japanese coach". It really helped me learn Hiragana and Katakana. So if you try to make fun of me, I will know. (Well, that's not true... I will READ but I might not UNDERSTAND... I think I'll have to memorize a whole dictionnary some day...)

That should be enough for a first post. If it's not, just ask.

Nice being here anyway ^^

xXCapoXx 07-16-2010 04:03 AM

Name: Christina (Capo)

Coming to you from: United States~

First Breath: 21 February 1990

Here because: Well, I love Japan first off, haha. And I'd really like to make more friends ;___;

About Me: American girl who loves to draw manga style. I love the use emoticon faces and stuff ((like "OTL"... i abuse that one a lot >.< )) I love travelling, reading, writing, drawing, and I LOVE music. But no mainstream for me. I can be my normal self online, but I find it hard to do so in real life.. So feel free to be friends with me! I WANT FRIENDS! <3 But anyway, yeah! =D

Nice to meet you guys <3

manganimefan227 07-16-2010 05:53 PM

Yoooooo!! Hey everyone!! I hope you like it here!! Welcome all of you!! Best of luck in all of your dreams!! You seem like the kinda people who will go quite far!!

WingsToDiscovery 07-16-2010 06:10 PM


Originally Posted by Shizu (Post 817742)
Hm.... I don't wanna hurt anybody, but ....for Japan and for Japanese people, this thing is really good. I mean that part ---> "but will never even come to Japan"

Some of the Nipponophils are... scary :eek:

I agree, but it must suck putting so much effort into liking Japan (listening to Jpop, watching anime, cosplay, etc), but the odds of even a handful of the users on this forum (or anywhere in the world) actually settling down and living in Japan is really slim.

Naythan 07-18-2010 02:16 AM

Im new here
Name: Nathan
Coming to you from: Canada
First Breath: December 18 1988

Intentions and whatnot: Hmmmmm, intentions eh? I have always wanted to learn how to speak Japanese and learn more about the culture. Recently I have been addicted to a certain jrock/pop song? i think would be the correct title for it, its visual kei too(if the youtube tags are correct), and that kind of pushed me to go searching for forums where I could meet people like me, and maybe get some help on my long journey of how to speak the language :D and this site seemed to be filled with help and friendly people

Why do you want to go to japan: I have always been fascinated with getting out of my element and going somewhere new. Seeing the same places over and over again for 21 years kinda gets old -.- and seeing big cities and such on TV and other places, like japan, just sorta wake the adventurous side of me, and of course the whole being into "anime, and Japanese music" etc etc, helps xP

trung277 07-22-2010 09:58 AM

China - from Canada - 21 years old - Love Japan. Want to explore the land of the rising sun.:)

manganimefan227 07-22-2010 06:22 PM

Welcome!! I hope you get there!!

Poisonthewell 07-27-2010 02:13 PM

name: Chris
age: 25
location: the netherlands

just got back from my first trip to japan, and all my preconceived notions about the place were confirmed! It might just be the greatest country in the world. I certainly plan to go back there someday (hopefully soon), and I am seriously considering learning the language.

Shizu 07-27-2010 07:04 PM

welcome, welcome :ywave:

speakl0uder 07-28-2010 01:58 AM

name: camille or cam
coming to you from: new york
first breath: july 25th, 19--
intentions and what not: i want to expand my japanese music knowledge as well as learn more about japanese fashion (particularly j-rock). plus, it'd be cool to interact with the people in the forums, they probably have a lot of things in common with me. also, i like debating/discussing things so this should be interesting. i'm a forum junkie, i'm constantly joining forums (and then disappearing from them). >n>
why do you want to go to japan: i've already been to japan actually. i wouldn't mind going again but that's not really why i joined this site. XD

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