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manganimefan227 07-28-2010 03:43 AM

Plenty to disappear . . .XD Hope ya don't!!

BrookeJade 07-30-2010 04:42 AM

Name: Brooke
Coming to you from: Canada
First breath: October 18th
Intentions and whatnot: To learn the Japanese language since im going there next year in the spring. And im a little behind in learning the language. I also want to meet new people that live there, or anywhere actually.
Why do you want to go to japan: To be honest, the cherry blossoms is the one thing i wanna see most. But also the temples and just all the culture. Im not really interested in all the new areas of Japan as much as i am interested in the old areas.

Moot 07-30-2010 10:10 AM

Name: Reo
Coming to you from: West Australia
First breath: February 17th 1994

Umm Im Japanese and Australian, im a mix blooded mongrel I guess.
so, whatsup?

Psyclon 07-31-2010 01:42 AM

Name: Michael
Coming to you from: The Netherlands
First Breath: 21st April 1989

Been coming to these forums for a while now and figured it'd be a good time to join.
I'm part English (dad's side) and part Dutch. I've always been interested in languages other than English/Dutch and Japanese seemed the most appealing to me.

My dad is living in China with his current wife and as interesting as that language is it's not for me.
Traveling has always been a hobby and as Japan is next on the list, I'll be starting private lessons soon from a native Japanese teacher 4 days a week.

Joined the forums to possibly get information on interesting locations/cities etc. and some random chats perhaps.

Seems the introduction post got out of hand again, I always end up writing more than I originally had in mind :o

manganimefan227 07-31-2010 02:38 AM

Welcome!! Best wishes on your Japanese!! My best advice is that Akihabara, is Otaku Paradise, if you ever get into anime, go there!!

(So YOU'RE the person who put those thoughts in my head . . .darn you!!)

speakl0uder 07-31-2010 07:23 AM


Originally Posted by manganimefan227 (Post 821740)
Plenty to disappear . . .XD Hope ya don't!!

Thank you. *smile*

Psyclon 07-31-2010 01:02 PM


Originally Posted by manganimefan227 (Post 822109)
Welcome!! Best wishes on your Japanese!! My best advice is that Akihabara, is Otaku Paradise, if you ever get into anime, go there!!

(So YOU'RE the person who put those thoughts in my head . . .darn you!!)

Thank you. Yeah I quite like Anime but not to that extend ^^', thank you for the advice though, will keep it in mind anyway.

(what thoughts? ¬.¬)

juicy 08-02-2010 10:04 AM

Hi,i am newbie here,nice to meet you all of your guys!

dogsbody70 08-02-2010 11:07 AM

hello and welcome. enjoy your stay.

manganimefan227 08-02-2010 03:51 PM

The roof is up . . .Andnothingelse.

Welcome, Enjoy your stay.

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