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JohnChou 08-10-2010 02:41 PM

Name: John
Location: Athens Greece
Born: July 27 1985
Intentions and whatnot:
I just wanted to find a japanese oriented forum to chat and make friends.Going to Japan and live has been my dream the over last 3-4 years so until that time I'd really like to make friends through here :)

StrangeLee 08-11-2010 12:54 PM

Name: Lee
Coming to you from: Australia
First Breath: March, 1983

Intentions and whatnot: I'm interested in photography, so there isn't much of a whatnot here. I seriously want to head up to Yamanouchi and get some shots during winter.

Why do you want to go to japan: I've never seen snow, so I might as well see snow when I see another country. I've photographed the 'middle of nowhere' here, so I might as try another place as a break.

Sheemy 08-11-2010 08:55 PM

Hi All
Hi Everyone,

My name is Rami El-Sheemy
My Birth Location is Egypt
Date of Birth: 1987
Interest In Japan: i really respect the japanese people and culture, i've encountered some japanese and really respected them, besides i love their games and music, i'm not a big fan of anime though.
Purpose: i'm considering visiting Japan on my next vacation, and i would really like to add some japanese friends and other friends all over the world. I'm starting to read about japan and considering learning the japanese langauge.
Required: if anyone is interested, i use yahoo, msn and skype for chatting and i would very much be pleased to chat with u.

Thanx for ur time.

psychosam 08-12-2010 01:11 AM

Name: Samuel (or Sam, dont care which)
Location: Oklahoma, USA
Age: 20
Reasons: I'm interested in Japanese culture, music, and anime. I would like to visit Japan sometime and I've been studying Japanese on my own for a while, but still working on.

MoonFairy 08-12-2010 01:28 AM

Name: Gwen
Coming to you from: Canada
First Breath: During the Fashion Disaster Period
Intentions and whatnot: Learn all your secrets and use them to conquer the World!!!
Why do you want to go to Japan: It's the farthest place away from this MadHouse of a country!!!!
Favourite Manga/Anime: You mean I can only pick one!?!?!?!?!:eek:

Yappari817 08-13-2010 02:31 AM

Hi everyone!

My name is Brandon. Im from Texas, USA. Ive been studying Japanese for a little over two years. My weak point is conversation, but i can get by. I'll be in Japan for the month of November. Im really looking forward to it. I cant wait to get out of this place for a while! My hobbies are learning Japanese, cars, motorcycles and racing. Im a Honda fan most of all. A big one. Well, thanks for having me!

初めまして。ブランドンと申します。アメリカのテキサ スからまいりました。フォトワッスの日本人会の会員で す。4年以上Discount tireで働いています。趣味はHONDA車と日本語です。11月一� ��で日本に行っています。どうぞよろしくお願いします� ��

for some reason, its showing question marks where there should be kanji for "hitori de"....and at the end where it says nothing...

Akihiko 08-13-2010 06:32 AM

Would it not be beneficial to the community by simply making a child board in this forum for introductions?

manganimefan227 08-13-2010 06:34 AM

Howdy yall!! We hope you enjoy your stay!!

manganimefan227 08-13-2010 06:34 AM

A child board?

StephanieJune 08-14-2010 07:13 PM

Name: Stephanie
Coming to you from: USA
First Breath: June/15th/91 ;p
intentions and whatnot: make new friends and just chill
why do you want to go to japan: I feel in love with this beautiful country not to long ago and have wished to go ever since, I love the outrageous fashions, technology, and of course the anime and manga!!! :rheart:

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