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southsea 09-30-2010 09:28 PM

Hello to everyone,
my name's Salvatore
i'm so old :)
but I love japan and so i read everything interesting in this lovely forum.
I'm Italian, so if you have some question or need about culture, language, travelling in Italy, maybe I could help you ;)
so long!

MuRaSaKiiNkI 10-01-2010 04:35 AM


Originally Posted by savelyev (Post 693387)
name: Nikita
from: Russia
i am a school student graduating this year and im going to study in Saint Petersburg
i am interested in almost everything, i like business, international friendship, travelling, sleeping, rollerblading (aggressive inline), music, reading and interesting people
lived in US, California for almost a year so it is probably why i know english lol

i wanna make friends with cool people from all countries because someday i will have a lot of money and will travel across the world lol

so.. wussup ppl :ywave:

and my favourite anime is bleach and death note.

You only lived in the US for a year and you can speak and write English??

Nice to meet chya btw! Welcome! The name's inki, or Kimani.

Stueloff 10-01-2010 05:39 PM

Name: Julie
Coming to you from: Norway
First Breath: 07/08/92
Intentions and whatnot: I love just love the Japanese culture, and want to learn as much about it as possible.
Why do you want to go to japan: It's so different to what I'm used to, it's like a whole new world. I want to breathe in as much of it as I can.

MuRaSaKiiNkI 10-01-2010 09:58 PM


Originally Posted by Stueloff (Post 831301)
Name: Julie
Coming to you from: Norway
First Breath: 07/08/92
Intentions and whatnot: I love just love the Japanese culture, and want to learn as much about it as possible.
Why do you want to go to japan: It's so different to what I'm used to, it's like a whole new world. I want to breathe in as much of it as I can.

Welcome to JF! I'm Kimani, I'm from America, nice to meet you! Any other hobbies? ^_^ hope you enjoy this forum!

Stueloff 10-01-2010 10:09 PM

^Thank you so much for that kind welcoming! It's very nice to meet you too! Well... I do have this thing for cross stitching pokémon. :p

Juerukuraku 10-04-2010 01:32 AM

Hello :) This is my first post so I'm kind of nervous ^^'

Name: Jewel Clark

Location: United States

First Breath: 6/6/93

Intentions and whatnot: My motive in joining this site's community is to study Japanese, learn about Japan, and find friends. I'd really like to help a Japanese friend with English in return for help with Japanese.

Why I want to go to Japan: Mostly because I'm such an anime fan. I probably wouldn't have developed such an interest in Japanese culture if it weren't for falling in love with manga and anime. I would like to spend time in Osaka in particular. I'd love to visit Akihabara and Nihonbashi, and go to a Jrock concert, a Japanese anime convention and cosplay cafe.

manganimefan227 10-04-2010 02:44 AM

Ello!! Welcome!! I'm alot like you in goals, I hope you find what you need here, I can help extreme newbies to the language with the year of Japanese language learning I have! Ask me any question you may have of the language in your first year!

Juerukuraku 10-05-2010 02:31 AM


Originally Posted by manganimefan227 (Post 831584)
Ello!! Welcome!! I'm alot like you in goals, I hope you find what you need here, I can help extreme newbies to the language with the year of Japanese language learning I have! Ask me any question you may have of the language in your first year!

Thank you! When it comes to studying Japanese though, there's so many questions I don't know where to begin >< And I probably shouldn't ask on the introduction thread, huh? d:

Mockery 10-06-2010 11:47 PM

Hullo. I'm new here. I really enjoy Japanese culture and right now, I'm writing a murder mystery taking place in Japan so I thought that this forum might help me out a little bit.

I'm also a huge fan of anime movies as well.

Kandierain15 10-07-2010 02:33 AM

Name: Emili. Please,, dont call me Kandie. That name.. is so old.. and I feel like a stripper withh it. xD
Coming to you from: Cincinnati Ohio!!
First Breath: January 20th!
intentions and whatnot: Uhmm,, ? I'm introducing myself,, againnn. Because I've been on hiatus ferr.. the past.... April to October.. 6 monthss. Soo... hi. =3
why do you want to go to japan: One: United States born and raised. I want new scenery.! D:
Two:? Uhm.. I fellllll in love with Anime back in.. I think second grade. I fell in love with Japan back in fourth grade when we were assigned a project to draw in detail a country we picked out of a hat. Guess what I got? The beautiful country with a big white flag and a red circle in the middle. Ahh.. Primary school laziness.. =] Anywho,, here I am,, back. !

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