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angek 10-08-2010 02:58 PM

hi everybody!! I'm new
Hi all! nice to meet everyone of you!
My real-name is Angelo (in english: angel).
I like a lot the culture japanese (cooking, manga, anime, dorama, life, movie, action movie.. etc etc...)

I'm looking for new friends to exchange the our cultures!

cya :ywave: :vsign:

angek 10-08-2010 03:03 PM

ps. how can I personalize the avatar??? :confused:

Junosan 10-08-2010 04:16 PM

I am new too!
Hi my name is Georgina, but people call me Juno. I am new here as well and I would love to have new friends to share about Japanese culture!

manganimefan227 10-08-2010 10:10 PM

Welcome back!!

Wh didI see Ulquiorra inyour signature until I took a closer look?

Kandierain15 10-08-2010 10:14 PM


Originally Posted by manganimefan227 (Post 832188)
Welcome back!!

Wh didI see Ulquiorra inyour signature until I took a closer look?

Ermm,, what did you think you saw? I totally don't know what "Ulquiorra" is, sorry. =3

manganimefan227 10-08-2010 10:22 PM

Welcome!! To customize your avatar you need to have twenty five psts. :)

manganimefan227 10-08-2010 11:04 PM

He's from an anime called Bleach.

lsxs13 10-11-2010 04:28 AM

Name: Justin

Coming to you from: North Carolina, USA

intentions and whatnot: Just to learn about the culture..and whatnot.

why do you want to go to japan: To see what Japan has to offer. I like the food, the culture and their cars, so I would love to see it in person and not just read about it or look at pictures for the rest of my life.

IcchanWii 10-12-2010 05:02 AM

Apa kabar, I'm Icchan from Indonesia.
I'm going to study in Japan next year (pray so ^^)

nice to meet you. I wish to learn alot from everyone.

Cilla 10-13-2010 01:33 PM

Hi everyone :)!
I'm always horrible at this kind of thing but here goes. :)

My name is Priscilla and I come from a French family. I was born and grew up in Australia. Earlier this year I moved to England to be with my English boyfriend and have been here since.

I'm hoping to stay here until I get married, do a degree in education/Japanese and then am planning to spend a year in Japan with my boyfriend to see how we cope.

I've studied Japanese for six years. Only school kind of things and then self study. Actually being in Japan would help a lot. I've only been once before.

I'm come here to get some advice and meet some like minded people.. Soo hi! :ywave:

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