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KyokoUK 11-09-2010 12:37 AM


Little known fact:I have attempted to play no less than four musical instruments
Little known fact #2:I have absoloutley no musical skill with any of them. at all.
GAAAAAAH! You never told me that! Okay, I tried trumpet two years and never got out of second spot. Drums...whoever thought just banging something could be so darned hard? Guitar, I learned a few cords to some simple songs then somebody stole my guitar. Piano, big disaster after only six months. Bagpipes, enormous disaster about the same. Saxophone, actually not bad with blues but broke my jaw and...well... But NOW I am staring down a cello, I just HAVE to know. (mad giggling)

Oh yeah, and Kuran's me b/f and I luv him :rheart: :D

Kuroda 11-09-2010 01:11 AM


LycanOtaku 11-09-2010 01:13 AM

Name: Heather

Coming to you from: USA - Florida

First Breath: 10/24/1981

Intentions and whatnot: I am just here to meet people that share a passion for Japan and Japanese culture. I am totally enthralled with ancient Japan (that shaped the civilization we know and love now) and still feel there is a place in this world for the principles of bushido, even if the warrior/samurai class is no longer in effect (so to speak)...

Why do you want to go to Japan? My first reason for wanting to relocate to Japan was to teach the english language over there. Secondary reason being to brush up on my Japanese language skills (which I am slowly picking up on) and to immerse myself in the culture.

I joined this forum 2 years ago, found out about it at an anime con I attended and lost the site when my computer died... Found it again browsing on my phone and here I am, lol...

In my free time I dedicate myself to reading (mostly research for a novel I am attempting to piece together), writing, studying Japanese, drawing (mostly nature and landscapes or abstract pieces) and painting, and playing with my puppy.

My siblings have taken to calling me Hachi (which they justify as I am a Scorpio, the eighth sign of the zodiac), though I despise it since they started after we started reading Nana, lol...

colovegirl 11-09-2010 08:04 AM

Name: colovegirl
Coming to you from: Canada.
First Breath: March 28, 189
Why do you want to go to Japan: I want to go to Janpan to see their lolita fashion.
Favourite Manga/Anime: I really like mangas. I love every character from manga.

Nanoose 11-12-2010 12:24 AM

Please help me I am stuck on Vancouver Island because I can’t swim – I am afraid to fly and I get sea sick even on a pond. So to see the world and learn about the culture in other Countries I join Forums around the World. Cheers!

RealJames 11-12-2010 02:36 AM


Originally Posted by Nanoose (Post 837044)
Please help me I am stuck on Vancouver Island because I can’t swim – I am afraid to fly and I get sea sick even on a pond. So to see the world and learn about the culture in other Countries I join Forums around the World. Cheers!

I used to live there, in Victoria, James Bay. Loved it there!

I hope you enjoy your time here :)

Nanoose 11-12-2010 03:06 AM


Originally Posted by RealJames (Post 837067)
I used to live there, in Victoria, James Bay. Loved it there!

I hope you enjoy your time here :)

Wow that’s the Ritzy end of Vancouver Island it costs over $3,000 a mouth to rent an apartment there now a days.
Curious if you ever heard of the 70s band Sweeny Todd when you lived in Victory. Cheers!

RealJames 11-12-2010 03:56 AM


Originally Posted by Nanoose (Post 837076)
Wow that’s the Ritzy end of Vancouver Island it costs over $3,000 a mouth to rent an apartment there now a days.
Curious if you ever heard of the 70s band Sweeny Todd when you lived in Victory. Cheers!

I was in the poorer area haha
Sorry I haven't heard of that band, I came a little later.
Were you in it?

frake 11-12-2010 06:44 AM

Hello friends, I m new here, Naruto Shippuden is my favorite Japanese TV show.

Nanoose 11-12-2010 03:23 PM

I wish

Originally Posted by RealJames (Post 837084)
I was in the poorer area haha
Sorry I haven't heard of that band, I came a little later.
Were you in it?

No I wasn’t in Sweeny Todd – I just think their pretty cool. Cheers!

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