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Cyklon 11-12-2010 04:29 PM

Hi all
Name: Raphael
Coming to you from: Poland
First Breath: 29. Aug . 1986
why do you want to go to japan: Because is a great country.
I want meet new friends in Japan and all the World. I can talk on everething :) Sory for my English I dont use this language many years.

Ztani 11-22-2010 02:13 AM

Hey guys! Totally new here myself so hopefully i get around the site pretty well and meet new people.:vsign:

youtanyo 11-27-2010 11:07 AM

hi! pleased to meet you all. I'm very interested in japanese culture & language and stuffs and and if possible a nice small japanese conversation is great. :)

Natoshin 12-02-2010 01:02 AM

Hihi ^_^
Hi guess ima say alittle bit of myself o.o.......I for 6 years now been interested in japan.To start off it was when i started watching anime and i wanted to find the origin of it then eventually found out about japan and start researching it but sadly i didnt do that much and 6 years where as im 15 now i got back into researching and came by this forum.I'll be here posting and such from now on :D . I think thats about it for my introductory xD. :vsign:

Ghap 12-04-2010 08:24 AM

Hi guys

new herebut im intrested in japanese language, history and culture.

I must admit im more of a reader than a poster.

Mike1983 12-04-2010 09:10 AM

Hey I'm new here also! Been interested Japanese culture, anime, and many other things! Figured I stop and say hey!

Names Mike!

KameRider 12-17-2010 02:46 PM

Hi all,

I'm new to posting here and just thought i would introduce myself

I'm from sunny (frozen) London and after a recent trip to visit my girlfriend in Japan i've decided to move out there for a while, and perhaps permanently, which is what led me to this forum :)

RealJames 12-17-2010 03:06 PM

welcome to the forum! and maybe soon to Japan too :P

Umihito 12-18-2010 01:55 AM

Name: Liam Bowditch
Coming to you from: UK
First Breath: 23/09/1992
intentions and whatnot: Ask things I have interest in, and share my thoughts with others! :D
why do you want to go to japan: Already been ;)

Rinai 12-18-2010 07:32 AM

Eh. Well, I'm pretty new here and all. I don't really have an avi or pretty picture to fill up my sig but hopefully I will have one soon. Just here to have myself notice and hopefully get to know someone or something. If anyone wants to just chat or something you can PM me. I'm not so boring to talk to. Anyway. Off to snoop around the rest of the site. Tata. ~

*plooka plooka*

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