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Suki 12-18-2010 11:14 AM


Originally Posted by Rinai (Post 842324)
I don't really have an avi or pretty picture to fill up my sig but hopefully I will have one soon.

It's cool, we're better off without large picture-filled signatures. They are an ass to scroll past.

Rinai 12-19-2010 01:18 AM

Woah woah. OK well. I've been looking long time for where it says how to put up a custom avi and I can't find anything. This forum is bigger that what I'm used to. {NO ONE say 'that's what she said'.} Can anyone help a Rin out? Suki: And well. Bweh. I don't really like to have my own wumbo space and all. And now I have no idea how to put up a sig.

*plooka plooka*

Kiyoto 12-22-2010 06:32 AM

Nice to meet everyone...

Schtiel29 12-22-2010 12:11 PM

Hi everyone, i'm 23 and come from France. I'm interested in the japanese culture et i wish i could go to Japan this year ^^

Good day and excuse my english :D

AkioFlameWall 12-22-2010 05:05 PM

Hey people, I'm from America and I want to go to Japan because the customs and the cultral style of the country are unique to me. The Japanese seem like very skilled people :) Someday I'll go.

Pfefferminzia 12-22-2010 10:06 PM

hello there,

i'm twenty and i'm from germany, i hope i will get to japan next year or the year after with my family that's a big wish to us :).

i think i might take that offer :) sometimes you just want someone to bubble xDDD so i've warned you :D

in which state do you live? i would love to go to nyc one time ^^° asia & usa are my big dreams, so i envy you :).

where have you been and how long?

kakoiiboi 12-23-2010 04:34 PM

hello evryone
hi and i am so glad to be here. :ywave:

Umihito 12-29-2010 08:11 PM


Originally Posted by Pfefferminzia (Post 843189)
hello there,
where have you been and how long?

Hey :D
So far I've been to Tokyo and Kanagawa Prefecture, and I've been for 2 weeks.
I'm booked to go back in July 2011 for 1 week. :D

FireRabbit 01-02-2011 01:01 AM

New Addition to the Japan Forum Family!
Hey Guys!

Quick intro: I am 23 - Live in London (UK) - Work - and am interested in everything that is Japanese! I have already seen a lot of interesting topics within the sub-forums and can't wait to put my 2 pence into everyone's business :D

I am also learning Japanese.. just about got the Hiragana down on paper... yes I am still pretty fresh but for now I just want to be dangerous with Hiragana and Katakana to get the foundations right! :vsign:

Japan Forum .. HERE I COME! (..ok that was sad)

Akemashite Omedetou!

oh & I'm also looking to make friends here on this forum - doesn't matter if boy/girl - short/tall - petite/big - I welcome anyone and everyone .. except IceRabbits... I hate IceRabbits...

Jeiku 01-03-2011 10:04 PM

Hi. I just joined here, although I've read some topics here before. This seems like a good, polite forum for me to get advice.

I'll tell you a little bit about myself, but please don't feel like you have to read it. I'll understand, really, it's kinda long.

Basically, I've always been interested in Japan, but it was in the last, oh, two years or so, I believe, that I started seriously thinking about traveling there by myself.

I'm actually one-quarter Japanese, though I don't look it at all. My mom is half-Japanese and was born there, but she was adopted by an American family who didn't care about keeping any part of her Japanese life, and taken to the US, so she doesn't really have a big connection to Japan.

However, she does have some relatives there. About 13 years ago, our family traveled there to visit her aunt and uncle, who(m?) none of us had ever met. We had a great time (although I got separated from my family...twice), but I was only four and, sadly, I really don't remember much about it.

I've ALWAYS been interested in learning foreign languages, and I've been told that I pick up on them quickly. I love studying them, and I've wanted to learn Japanese for years. And about the same time I started thinking about traveling to Japan, I started teaching myself. I couldn't take any classes because I was already taking Spanish and just couldn't fit it into my schedule. But I plan to start Japanese classes next year.

I love the language. I find it kind of annoying that people say it's soooo difficult that they won't even try, or at least read about it. I can understand how looking at written Japanese would make you feel that way. I just think it's sad that so many people who could be benefiting greatly from learning it aren't doing so.

I always enjoy studying languages. I would say it's my passion, and I'm interested in either translating or interpreting as a career.

There are many reasons why I want to go to Japan: I feel a sort of connection to it, for one; as mentioned before, I love the language; in addition, I also love the food! And I'm really interested in Japanese culture. I read a lot about it, and I want to experience it firsthand.

Also, I've noticed similarities to how I act with how (according to books and articles I've read) most Japanese act. Like, I can be pretty reserved and somewhat stoic, believe it or not. I also try really, really hard not to offend people. There were other things...but I can't remember them.

But about being reserved and stoic, I don't mean that in any negative way! I know I'm still very ignorant of exactly how Japanese society works. That's why I'd like to see it for myself!

I want to do everything in Japan. I'd love to see all the amazing cities, attend festivals, visit shrines, hike and climb mountains...just experience Japan.

And...I have THOUGHT about living there permanently, but I know it's just some crazy fantasy. I'm not saying it definitely won't happen, but I think I should just stick to living there for a while and immersing myself and learning.

I'm not really that interested in anime or manga...I don't dislike them, I just haven't really seen much.

Oh yeah, my travel plans...my friend's mom works for this program called Youth for Understanding, which is sort of a foreign exchange program. My friend's mom helps interview potential students, so hopefully I'll be able to get in.

Okay...I think I'm finally done (for now). I really apologize for going on and on like that. I really am much more mature than I sounded...it's just, when I start talking about Japan, it's hard to stop, and I get really excited. Anyway, thanks.

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