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Aquiella 02-18-2011 06:14 AM

Konnichiwa~ I'm Aquiella and I found this place on google. Looks like fun! Here's a bit about myself!

Age: 21
Gender: Female

Bad Habits: I tend to use japanese words or phrases in everyday speech so please excuse me if I do so on here. I tend to get hyper and start talking nonsense, but I try to catch myself when that happens. I also have a bad habit of trying to be the peacemaker in fights, arguments, and flamewars.

Likes: Trying new Japanese dishes, learning programing(although it's giving me a headache), Doctor Who, chocolate, cute things, anime, computer tech in general, making graphics for people, and generally having a good time!

I can't wait to get to know you all!
Ja ne!

Jinatonik 02-19-2011 05:48 AM

Hello! My name is Kevin and I am a 20 year old male from Ohio.. In the US.

I'm kind of like the person above me. My hobbies mainly revolve around video games and music production. I am a House-DJ as well. Other hobbies include anything computer related. (I host my own web server ^^) Programming, game programming, web design, web programming, I am learning it all.

I have studied Japanese for 2-ish years now. My kanji knowledge is still way off.

Anyway! Hope I make some new friends. See you! ^^

wolfmom 02-20-2011 10:09 PM

Name: Tracey
Coming to you from: Liverpool UK
First Breath: I'm positively ancient (33)
intentions and whatnot: Really want to learn Japanese as plan to visit there one day. Love learning about other cultures and lifestyles
why do you want to go to japan: Personally I would love to visit the shrines and shop (my daughter and I are nuts about cute things lol)

ryuhebi13 02-20-2011 10:34 PM

Hi everyone :D
My names Jay, i'm 34 and from Liverpool U.K.
I'm interested in learning Japanese (both verbal and written) especially as I do plan to visit one day. I'm just starting out and wish I would have started sooner, but better late than never I guess. I love Anime, Manga, JPop and Jrock and really want to go to Tokyo to shop. In saying that I'd like to explore all of Japan, it has so much to offer.
If any Japanese friends are interested in being penpals that is fine by me. Just pm me. Anyway, gtg.


Cayla 02-21-2011 01:34 AM


Originally Posted by ryuhebi13 (Post 852035)
Hi everyone :D
My names Jay, i'm 34 and from Liverpool U.K.
I'm interested in learning Japanese (both verbal and written) especially as I do plan to visit one day. I'm just starting out and wish I would have started sooner, but better late than never I guess. I love Anime, Manga, JPop and Jrock and really want to go to Tokyo to shop. In saying that I'd like to explore all of Japan, it has so much to offer.
If any Japanese friends are interested in being penpals that is fine by me. Just pm me. Anyway, gtg.


Hi, i'm interested in learning japanese and and anime too!! Although I am
10 (11 in 4 mounths) and you are 34. I also am from Denham Springs
(in Louisiana) and wish to go and live in japan at 18. My mom and dad
think it's creative of a american girl wanting to go way of to another
continent and live there!!! But I really want to go to japan!!
So that's all about me!!!:vsign:

SCIFFIX 02-21-2011 04:32 AM

ryuhebi13, wolfmom, Jinatonik, Aquiella and Kamalayka

hello, and wellcome to JapanForum!!!! :vsign:


Originally Posted by Kamalayka (Post 851648)
A little about myself:

I am a male
I am 22
I have played piano since age 9 and have been a self-taught guitarist since age 13.
I was fortunate enough to meet Eddie Van Halen once (should've taken a picture lol). He is seriously the nicest dude you'll ever meet!

EVH, do you meet EVH and didn't take a photo?! did you get an autograph, at least?

I should get paralyzed if I meet him personally. He is ever smiling, of course he is a nice dude!!!

ryuhebi13 02-21-2011 09:32 AM


Originally Posted by Cayla (Post 852062)
Hi, i'm interested in learning japanese and and anime too!! Although I am
10 (11 in 4 mounths) and you are 34. I also am from Denham Springs
(in Louisiana) and wish to go and live in japan at 18. My mom and dad
think it's creative of a american girl wanting to go way of to another
continent and live there!!! But I really want to go to japan!!
So that's all about me!!!:vsign:

Hey Cayla :) I wish I knew what I wanted out of life at the same age! I've loved Japan since I was a kid but it's only really now that I've actually started doing anything about it (other than watching anime and reading manga!).
My daughters into Japan also, i'll have to invite her on here. Thanks for the reply and i'll catch you later.

ryuhebi13 02-21-2011 09:35 AM


Originally Posted by SCIFFIX (Post 852082)
ryuhebi13, wolfmom, Jinatonik, Aquiella and Kamalayka

hello, and wellcome to JapanForum!!!! :vsign:

EVH, do you meet EVH and didn't take a photo?! did you get an autograph, at least?

I should get paralyzed if I meet him personally. He is ever smiling, of course he is a nice dude!!!

Hey Sciffix :vsign: Thanks for the welcome! Hows things with you?
Oh where are my manners, hi to Jinatonik, Aquiella and Kamalayka too :ywave:

aurozia 02-24-2011 03:42 PM

Hi everybody !
Nice to meet you !
My name is Camille and I am 19.
I work as a girl au pair in Poole (Dorset). I am french, so I am sorry if I make some mistakes and I hope you'll undertand me haha

I really like japanese culture, and I will study japanese, english, economy, aw and thins like this at university in september.
Unfortunately, I've never been to Japan yet, but I am working hard for this ! ^^
I think it is really hard to find things about Japan in England ... So much harder than in France. Or maybe I think this because I don't have find the right places yet xD

Well, I don't know what else can I say ...
Matane :)

ryuhebi13 02-24-2011 04:06 PM

Hi Camille, Welcome to JF

"I am french, so I am sorry if I make some mistakes and I hope you'll undertand me haha"

Nah, your English is fine

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