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Lien 03-31-2011 07:23 PM

Ok introducing myself for the thirth time x)
The reason for this is that I've been away for too long, last time I logged in I was still 18, I turned 20 last week. I'm the kind of person who makes herself believe that there isn't enough time to do lot's of things, but there is, I just don't know how to organise the time I have and I usually (like everyday) end up playing games on facebook and chatting with my boyfriend on messenger... It's not that I haven't thought about returning to japanforum, it's just I kept telling myself I would do it next week or the week after that ... or two years later :3

But enough boring talk, I'll just give you a quick introduction and then I'll be on my way looking through all the new threads that have been made since I left. My name is Lien, I'm 20 years old and I live in Belgium.
I'm a huge fan of Japan (Can you be fan of a country ?) and I love everything about it : Food, music, culture, history, language, ... you name it.
So yeah kinda logical that I registered on this forum haha x)
I'm back in school again, two years and I'll get my high school diploma and then I'm going to university or something, I still have time to decide.
What else ? I don't really have any hobbies, except for spending all my time on the internet and going to parties x) Oh and something about Japan: I might go study Japanese in september, but I'm not sure because I also want to learn Russian and I haven't made the decision yet.

So hey, that's me, welcome everyone who has joined japanforum in the last two years and I hope to have fun again over here !

Peace :vsign:

Sturm 04-02-2011 02:02 PM

Glad to see you here Lien:vsign:

BrokenDreams 04-03-2011 12:56 AM

Hello! :3 I am new to the forum!

Name: Summer
Age: 17
Location: Los Angeles

I love the culture and i'm generally an Anime fan. :3 Aishiteruze Baby, InuYasha, Death Note, and Naruto are some of my favorites. I don't watch very often but I love videogames. Kingdom Hearts and Zelda especially.
I like a lot of Japanese music of many genres, and I am finishing my first year of Japanese class! ^_^
I know all of the Hiragana and Katakana, and we are working on several Kanji at the moment. I love learning the language and about the culture. <3

pearlcabrezos 04-04-2011 01:21 PM

Welcome newcomers!.. :)

matsukare88 04-04-2011 01:47 PM

Name: Karen
Age: 19
From: Thailand

Hi, there everyone I'm a half Japanese living in Thailand for most of my life...
Low-Japanese skill...

I'll need alot of guide from everyone here

yoroshiku onegaishimasu

Cayla 04-11-2011 11:26 PM


Originally Posted by matsukare88 (Post 860157)
Name: Karen
Age: 19
From: Thailand

Hi, there everyone I'm a half Japanese living in Thailand for most of my life...
Low-Japanese skill...

I'll need alot of guide from everyone here

yoroshiku onegaishimasu

Hi, I'm Cayla!! I am from the USA! I am 10 (about to be 11) years old. And
wanting to live my life in Japan. Yes, it is a long way ahead intill I even
get to step one foot in Japan, and yes, I am only 10. Plus I have to
go through college, and yada, yada yada :rolleyes: . So mostly the guide from me to you is you can make your own thread, like I did, or just hang and skip around and look at other people's threads.

GL Karen!!!!! :)

IsuzuSohma 04-12-2011 04:47 PM

Age: 20
Gender: Female
Location: Portugal

Hi there!
I have a very strong interest in Japan and in japanese people, so I'm here to learn more about that.

Hajimemashite minna-san!

Cayla 04-13-2011 09:23 PM

Hi to you too!!!:ywave:


masaegu 04-15-2011 05:41 AM


Originally Posted by jannypan (Post 861423)
I started getting really interested in Japanese culture, language, etc. probably back in January. So far, I've only studied the basics of the language, but I plan to study more seriously soon. I'm here to make friends and enjoy the culture.

Be a more creative spammer! That's what someone else said 2 years ago!


Originally Posted by Jcl (Post 692804)
Name: Josh
Coming to you from: United States
Here for: I started getting really interested in Japanese culture, language, etc. probably back in January. So far, I've only studied the basics of the language, but I plan to study more seriously soon. I'm here to make friends and enjoy the culture.
Why do you want to go to Japan: I'd like to visit Japan to see the culture and cities.

gabigabi 04-15-2011 02:07 PM

Hello, everyone! Thsis is my first post here. Obsiously, one introducing myself. :)

My name is Gabriella, but everyone calls me Gabi. My nickname is Gabi Gabi because my last name is Gabrielli. Hahaha. Well, I'm 22 and I live in São Paulo, the biggest city of Brazil, and i joined the forum because I studied japanese for five years starting when I was 13.

For now, I had already forgotten a lot, but it was a very important time to me, as I had a very strong relationship with my teacher, and she tought me a lot about japanese culture, food, manners, television, books and all that. I could never stop being in love with all that I learned.

I just started working as a salesgirl at a famous brazilian brand store at one of our most fancy streets, but meanwhile (is that the right word to say? what I mean is, at the same time) I have a few illustration projects of my own. I have done some work with illustration for magazines and video artists and I plan to get the time to keep it going.

As a hobby, I love to plan my illustrations and sew stuffed toys as well as underwear for myself. lol.

Well...I guess I wrote a lot... sorry about that. Of the posts I read, it seems to me that people here are very smart and have strong opinions about things. That's the kind of people I love to talk to, so I think I'm gonna like it here!

All the best! :ywave:

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