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siryn 05-06-2011 01:52 AM

Name: Anne

Intentions and Whatnot: I'm studying Japanese and want to talk to others doing the same..

XZeroX 05-06-2011 03:50 PM

Name: Jacob
Coming to you from: U.S.
First Breath: may-11-1989

Intentions and Whatnot: to live my life to the fullest! and wishes to live japan. make lots of friends.

Why do you want to go to Japan?: why not? It is a AWESOME country! I feel like i belong to japan.

Just joined this forum. so I though I introduce myself. I'm a gamer/otaku.
I LOVE JAPAN!!! currently going to collage, planning on going to japan after collage. I'm open-minded. shy but I'm friendly [no i won't bite you XD] I was hoping to find someone who can help me in japanese. but if got any question. ask me or PM me. hope we can be friends :marusmile:

Cayla 05-07-2011 02:24 PM


Originally Posted by XZeroX (Post 864666)
Name: Jacob
Coming to you from: U.S.
First Breath: may-11-1989

Intentions and Whatnot: to live my life to the fullest! and wishes to live japan. make lots of friends.

Why do you want to go to Japan?: why not? It is a AWESOME country! I feel like i belong to japan.

Just joined this forum. so I though I introduce myself. I'm a gamer/otaku.
I LOVE JAPAN!!! currently going to collage, planning on going to japan after collage. I'm open-minded. shy but I'm friendly [no i won't bite you XD] I was hoping to find someone who can help me in japanese. but if got any question. ask me or PM me. hope we can be friends :marusmile:

Your just like me! But I am 11:)

nellie1208 05-09-2011 10:30 AM

Hi there! :)
Welcome to Japan Forum! It is so nice to be here, right? :)
Hope you'll enjoy it here, there are many people here who could help yoou. =D

Share us your stories, take care. :cool:

lobsang75 05-22-2011 07:19 PM

Hello... hajimemashite
Hello JF I am a newbiee :ywave: :rheart: :rheart: :rheart:

Xeerar 05-23-2011 08:25 PM

Konnichi wa,

I'm affraid is just made an introduction thread because i was so stupid as to overlook this one.

Anyway, I'm new here. Obviously.

Hontou ni gomenasai!

Magmell 05-30-2011 01:24 AM

Hi everyone, I just registered today~ I found this site through an ad in an old Shojo Beat Magazine. >w< I'm not good at intros but I wanted to say hi! 始めまして。 ( ゚▽゚)/

tokusatsufan 05-30-2011 11:27 PM


Originally Posted by Magmell (Post 866707)
I found this site through an ad in an old Shojo Beat Magazine.

Well that's certainly an original way of finding it!

Magmell 05-31-2011 12:03 AM

Haha, I thought the ad was cute so I had to check it out. x3

fantasygirl707 06-05-2011 12:07 AM

Konnichiwa minna-sans~ ^-^
I found this when I was looking up the differences between various fasion in Japan. I hope to find lots of new friends here and to become more educated about Japan's culture. I'm also learning a little japanese but still not very fluent so I apologize if I get something wrong. ^^'
Arigato gozaimasu *bows*

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