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kudo 09-14-2006 06:13 PM

ah, it seems we're lacking an actual thread to put intros, so in order to do one myself, i attempted to make one. :D

Name: Kudo
Coming to you from: Canada
First Breath: July/4/198x (T_T i'm so old...[tear])
intentions and whatnot: i dunno. was randomly surfing the webs and came about here. looks cool. we'll see how things rock around. i intend to go to japan within the next year, so i'll see what i can rack up before then. ^_^ um, i'm a student right now, so i'll be going there and back periodicly when time permits. don't really have any japanese friends. the only one i know in real life...well, he coudln't say a japanese word to save my life. nevermind his. lol
why do you want to go to japan: Washing away all the anime fandom and j-pop invasion, i fell in love with this country back when i was in grade 1, oh so many years ago. then i discovered anime. lol. and had another reason to go. (honestly, i think Anime was jus made in the first place as a tourist incentive to go to japan. lol, wouldn't doubt it for a second. smart japanese. -_-; ) and my martial arts instincts are urging me to get my butt over there asap for some reason. lol. honestly, when it comes down to it, i jus feel the need to go there. when i find the real reason behind it, i'll let you in on it. :p
ANYways...have any questions or stuff, feel free to ask. and now...for YOUR introductions!!!! :D

nobora 03-30-2009 12:02 AM


Originally Posted by JosephRoflcopter (Post 690239)
Name:JosephRoflcopter? <_<
What I'm here for:Chat, and learn more about Japan from the fellow Members and whatnot.

I work as a Freelance Journalist and traveled abroad a few years ago,and now Im back in the country I love,North America.Of course,I would always want to go back to Japan. :]

Well Welcome To JF

MaU 03-30-2009 02:53 PM


Originally Posted by SonnyBlack (Post 690205)
my name is luis gonzalez.
I am a mexican american but I love the japanese culture!

i have a question...
of this picture.

if someone could tell me what it means that would be greattt. thanks!

hello all!!

well,, it said its easy to sit down since Toro(the cat) is under her/his butt,
just it lol

Califer 03-31-2009 11:30 AM

Name: Kim
Coming to you from: The Netherlands
First Breath: Juli 1990
[/b][BIntentions and whatnot:[/b] I'm bored out of my miiiiiind and this seems like fun :0
Why do you want to go to Japan: Do I? xD Japan really interests me (culture-wise), I really like it how traditional and modern are one. And well, big V-kei fan, #1 mission is to meet Miyavi *_____* (did I say that aloud?!). Awh well, Japan is a very interesting county, I can't say it's my favorite or anything because a lot of cultures really catch my interest, but Japan just has something extra.
Favourite Manga/Anime: Errr.... I like a lot of manga, but my all time favorites are Full Metal Alchemist and One Piece.

katze91 03-31-2009 01:28 PM

Name: marcia
Nick : Jester Katze
Coming to you from: Indonesia
First Breath: 17 march 91
why do you want to go to japan: hmm~~ cuz i like Japan better than my own country i guess~~ Better style, better cosplay, better environment, better culture~~ etc~~

Hello there~ newbie here~ finally found this forum ^^ nice to meet yer all~ XD

YanBrassard 04-01-2009 12:24 AM

Name: Yan Brassard
Coming to you from: Saguenay, Quebec, Canada.
First Breath: March 20, 1992
Why do you want to go to Japan: I want to go to Japan because of many reasons. The Japanese cities really interest me, the language, the girls (I love asians), electronic, etc...
Favourite Manga/Anime: Actually I don't really like mangas. I already read Dragon Ball Z and that's it

Jcl 04-03-2009 03:07 AM

Name: Josh
Coming to you from: United States
Here for: I started getting really interested in Japanese culture, language, etc. probably back in January. So far, I've only studied the basics of the language, but I plan to study more seriously soon. I'm here to make friends and enjoy the culture.
Why do you want to go to Japan: I'd like to visit Japan to see the culture and cities.

SunItMate 04-04-2009 01:52 PM

Name: Elio
Location: Italy
Age: I'm 32
Intentions and whatnot:

I'm sure my girl is somewhere over the Japan . . . :mtongue:
Just back from Jap, a fantastic trip around with friends.

Ready to fast seat belt again !:)

lollicupcake 04-04-2009 04:18 PM

hi hi! :)
Name: Lolli
Coming to you from:USA
First Breath: February 21, 1992
intentions and whatnot: i saw this website in my Shojo Beat magazine and thought i would check it out. It looks cool so far! i also like Japanese manga and i love the country. i would really like to go there if i ever get the chance.
why do you want to go to japan: as i said before, i just love the country. it looks so neat! i love languages and i tried to learn Japanese but i guess i'm not disciplined enough to sit and learn a whole language, seeing as how i have TRIED to learn German, Chinese, Norwegian, Japanese and Spanish. lol.:D

savelyev 04-04-2009 04:40 PM

name: Nikita
from: Russia
i am a school student graduating this year and im going to study in Saint Petersburg
i am interested in almost everything, i like business, international friendship, travelling, sleeping, rollerblading (aggressive inline), music, reading and interesting people
lived in US, California for almost a year so it is probably why i know english lol

i wanna make friends with cool people from all countries because someday i will have a lot of money and will travel across the world lol

so.. wussup ppl :ywave:

and my favourite anime is bleach and death note.

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