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Sangetsu 02-15-2010 06:49 AM


Originally Posted by MMM (Post 800189)
Let me get this straight. A single weather system in North Carolina discounts all evidence of global climate change. Is that what you are saying?

You can add all 50 states to that list. In case you didn't hear the other day, every state in America received snow fall, which is a first.

And of course, the UK, China, Mongolia, and other countries all around the world have experienced record cold weather. China's cold weather record for the winter of 2009 was broken in 2010.

And, once again, I remind you that each of the last 3 years was predicted by the IPCC to be warmer, with 2009 and 2010 being the hottest years ever recorded. And they weren't/aren't. So, the IPCC can be wrong, can't it? And in this case they were 180 degrees wrong, they couldn't possibly have been more wrong. If they can be so wrong in this matter what else could they be wrong about?

But climate change believers continue to beat the drum, even as tropical fish freeze in the Caribbean, livestock freezes in Asia, and snow falls in places which has never seen it.

SaintKat 02-15-2010 06:50 AM

I always thought of climate change as being an El Nino thing. It's natural and our activities just makes it veer off into extremes. I wonder if we won't kill ourselves off at some point in the future too.

MMM 02-15-2010 07:30 AM


Originally Posted by Sangetsu (Post 800249)
You can add all 50 states to that list. In case you didn't hear the other day, every state in America received snow fall, which is a first.

And of course, the UK, China, Mongolia, and other countries all around the world have experienced record cold weather. China's cold weather record for the winter of 2009 was broken in 2010.

And, once again, I remind you that each of the last 3 years was predicted by the IPCC to be warmer, with 2009 and 2010 being the hottest years ever recorded. And they weren't/aren't. So, the IPCC can be wrong, can't it? And in this case they were 180 degrees wrong, they couldn't possibly have been more wrong. If they can be so wrong in this matter what else could they be wrong about?

But climate change believers continue to beat the drum, even as tropical fish freeze in the Caribbean, livestock freezes in Asia, and snow falls in places which has never seen it.

49 actually. Hawaii didn't have snow.

Extreme climate changes we have seen over the last few years and last few decades do not discount the fact that there are extreme and unusual climate changes happening.

The fact that this opinion falls upon political lines is evidence 1 that we ALL should be suspicious of what we are told.

Whenever medical, climate, etc. evidence is broken on political lines, then ask yourself "Why?!?"

There are reasons why certain corporations don't want you to believe the use of their products might contribute to climate change, etc.

Again, ask yourself why. Is helping them helping me, or helping them?

MMM 02-15-2010 07:32 AM


Originally Posted by Sangetsu (Post 800249)

But climate change believers continue to beat the drum, even as tropical fish freeze in the Caribbean, livestock freezes in Asia, and snow falls in places which has never seen it.

But climate change believers continue to beat the drum, even as tropical fish freeze in the Caribbean, livestock freezes in Asia, and snow falls in places which has never seen it.

How is this not evidence of climate change?!?

This is exactly what they are talking about!

clintjm 02-16-2010 01:42 AM


Originally Posted by MMM (Post 800257)
49 actually. Hawaii didn't have snow.

Extreme climate changes we have seen over the last few years and last few decades do not discount the fact that there are extreme and unusual climate changes happening.

The fact that this opinion falls upon political lines is evidence 1 that we ALL should be suspicious of what we are told.

Whenever medical, climate, etc. evidence is broken on political lines, then ask yourself "Why?!?"

There are reasons why certain corporations don't want you to believe the use of their products might contribute to climate change, etc.

Again, ask yourself why. Is helping them helping me, or helping them?

There isn't anything about unusual about climate change. It has happened since the birth of the earth. This recent cold weather just continues to prove that at the same time discounting the fact that global warming science is junk science. There is no proof though that there is man-made climate change.

I do agree we should be suspicious of what we are told when it falls on political lines. But even in the face of continuing mountains of evidence that proves global WARMING (aka damage control terminology "climate change") is pure falsified data and junk science, our governments tax companies and soon individuals to grow government and control.

The latest US administration lead movement for light rail and national rail is utter madness. People should really ask themselves, why doesn't light rail or Amtrak in the US work? Why does it work in parts of Europe and Japan?
Can the country afford it now? No. In the future? Maybe, but even then it isn't practical.

Sure some companies that are involved in producing products that produces pollution would not like to see their product go away, but at the same time if there is *not* a more time or cost effective alternative solution nor a proven connection between Man Made climate change.

Sure R&D should continue to more environment and cost friendly solutions, but the consumer nor should businesses or individuals be taxed to pay for this R&D. If the private sector can create a better widget, then they will do that on their own to sell a better product overall.

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