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Tenchu 12-09-2009 11:34 AM

Spot the Ladyboy!
Spot the Katoeys, The Ultimate test!

Post your scores.

I got 10/10.

ozkai 12-09-2009 11:43 AM

I dodn't believe you got 10:mtongue:

I got 7.

I guess when you live in Krung Thep long enough, you become a pro and telling the differences;)

here's the spiel!

Then there's boys who are girls...
That's the problem. As time has gone by and advancements in cosmetic surgery have improved, it's become very difficult to spot the boys from the girls and the Ladyboy - also there's the Katoey, the one who has gone the whole way and been to the surgeon It's certainly not as easy as it used to be.

Thailand has two things going for it when it comes to boys who want to be girls.
The country is home to the world's finest transgender surgeons, who mostly work out of Phuket. Not only are the best surgeons based there, but The World's most respected transgender surgeon, Dr Kunaporn, performs his magic reconstructive surgery at the Phuket Bangkok Hospital.

His expertise doesn't come cheap but there are people who will pay enormous sums to get what they want, and that is sometimes to be as the best looking female as possible.

The second strange thing about Thailand is that is has a very high percentage of females compared with males, and that leads to a high number of people who are sort of 'in between' – the third sex. Look at any cosmetics counter in a department store, and you wouldn't be absolutely sure if the person behind the counter is male or female.

Spotting the Katoey is often down to gut instinct and often it's the initial immediate response:
"She looks too good to be true"
That is often the case. A tall leggy brunette in stilettos, dressed to kill and waltzing along for all to admire is often a Ladyboy. They tend to have an exhibitionist nature so they love to have people look at them. I see three girls every day at the Lad Phrao MRT station, presumably on their way to work.

They spend most of their waiting time on the station platform pruning them selves, and making sure everything is in order. They love the attention they get.

To be absolutely certain there is only one way, but that isn't always the most attractive option. If there's some doubt and you are a fully heterosexual guy who is really only interested in the real and original thing, then there are a few pointers:

1. The shoulders: Men's shoulders are square (generally) and noticeably wider than the rest of the body

2. The feet: A Ladyboy will want to wear the sexiest shoes – what female doesn't ? But just take a look at the size!!

3. The Adam's apple: but that is now being rearranged by the surgeons

4. The straight, or angled wrist, but difficult to spot. Men's wrists are straight

5. The voice is the biggest giveaway, so listen carefully to your host. Ladyboys are very adept at disguising the voice, but it is one small giveaway – a bit gruff?

6. The way to walk. There's often an exaggerated swing of the hips to compensate for the fact that their hips aren't as wide as they should be and that skirt which finishes just below the waist - well say no more! At the end of the day it can be very difficult, and I have been told that some guys reckon the finest XXXXXXX ever performed was by a Ladyboy, not a girl.

Worth a try?
Be careful, not only from STD's, but some of the most scary stories of Bangkok and Pattaya revolve around the transgender scene. Muggings by associates, robbery and spiked drinks all seem to involve the boys who want to be girls.

I heard of one Japanese guy who lost some 150,000 Baht and everything he owned in a Bangkok hotel. I don't have a lot of sympathy because anyone who carries that amount of cash around and then invites someone to his room (and then apparently left the individual there whilst he popped out to the 7-11), deserves to get rolled.

But I will always remember one of my earliest times in Bangkok, when out on a trawl with my co workers . I was hopelessly unknowledgeable, and as I I looked over at a real stunner, I said to one the more experienced guys I was with
"Just look at her, absolutely gorgeous" I think I described as "Amazonian"
"Yes", he agreed, "and she's a bloke"

noodle 12-09-2009 11:56 AM

It's hard to tell cos they're all sooo ugly... I got 8/10

Tenchu 12-09-2009 01:00 PM


Originally Posted by JoshAussie (Post 787549)
What's the definition of Katoey?

It's supposed to mean a man who dresses as a woman, and has breast implants, and has gone the full snip snip down below. A ladyboy, however, all the same but kept the penis and balls.

But in Thailand the term is used loosely; katoey and ladyboy both just refer to excessively gay guys.

Tenchu 12-09-2009 01:04 PM


Originally Posted by ozkai (Post 787551)
I dodn't believe you got 10:mtongue:

I got 7.

I guess when you live in Krung Thep long enough, you become a pro and telling the differences;)

Yes, I really did get 10/10. Promises.

I saw a lot of the in Patong, Phuket, actually. Driving down the main road of Patong, it's fun to look for the ladyboys out working.


Originally Posted by ozkai (Post 787551)
1. The shoulders: Men's shoulders are square (generally) and noticeably wider than the rest of the body

2. The feet: A Ladyboy will want to wear the sexiest shoes – what female doesn't ? But just take a look at the size!!

3. The Adam's apple: but that is now being rearranged by the surgeons

4. The straight, or angled wrist, but difficult to spot. Men's wrists are straight

5. The voice is the biggest giveaway, so listen carefully to your host. Ladyboys are very adept at disguising the voice, but it is one small giveaway – a bit gruff?

6. The way to walk. There's often an exaggerated swing of the hips to compensate for the fact that their hips aren't as wide as they should be and that skirt which finishes just below the waist - well say no more! At the end of the day it can be very difficult, and I have been told that some guys reckon the finest XXXXXXX ever performed was by a Ladyboy, not a girl

Actually, to spot the ladyboy for me, the hips and shoulders are give aways, but I usually look at the face to see. When I recognize a guy there, I look at the boobs for confirmation. Ladyboy boobs are 100% fake, not just 50% fake like most women, and you can see them bulging out hard and firm there, like they've a round stone shoved in their chest or something.

Mortry 12-09-2009 01:55 PM

I also got 9/10 :p
lol at photo 6, it's to obvious

xyzone 12-09-2009 02:30 PM

10/10 and if I'm lying I'm dying

nevermind the wrists, adam's apple or anything like that. surgery can't change the hips. if they're showing the hips without any obstructions, they're female (assuming the hips look female).

ozkai 12-09-2009 02:33 PM


Originally Posted by noodle (Post 787557)
It's hard to tell cos they're all sooo ugly... I got 8/10

I agree with you noodle but the point is, it can be difficult to tell..

I think a few you can clearly see silicone inplaints, of course without seeing the bulge in the crutch you have to admit, it can be hard to tell, although not always;)

IamKira 12-09-2009 04:32 PM


looks like I am going to be declining to sleep with a lot of people only after I get them to my room and in the bed... yay for me.

sushidushi 12-09-2009 05:09 PM

I got 9/10.

I got number 6 wrong. I thought she was the prettiest of the lot.:) ;)

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